Democrats Were Asked Who They Would Vote For If Hillary Clinton Entered The Race…

If Hillary Clinton entered the race for the Democratic nomination right now, how would she do?  Up until just recently, we haven’t known how voters would react if she joined the crowded field.  She certainly has better name recognition than anyone that is currently running, but a lot of Democrats seem to believe that her time has passed.  But has it?  There has been a lot of speculation in recent weeks that Clinton may decide to shock the world by running for president a third time, and this has prompted a couple of major polling organizations to ask voters about this.  I am going to share those results with you in this article, and I think that you might be very surprised by the numbers. (Read More...)

Joe Biden’s Campaign Is Imploding

Ever since he announced that he was running for president, Joe Biden has been the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination. And the good news for the Biden campaign is that he is still leading in most major national polls. But the bad news is that his numbers have been steadily falling. At one point, his average level of support in national polls was over 40 percent, but now it is down to just 26.7 percent. And the really bad news is that Biden is falling behind other candidates in Iowa and New Hampshire. In fact, according to the latest poll Biden is now in fourth place in Iowa(Read More...)

This Is “The First Presidential Impeachment Inquiry In Modern History Authorized By Members Of Only One Party”

The Democrats have really messed up this time.  On Thursday, we witnessed the first major congressional test for this impeachment inquiry, and the House of Representatives did approve the formal rules that were being pushed by Nancy Pelosi and her cronies.  But it was a major victory for President Trump, because not a single Republican voted for those rules.  Not only that, a couple of Democrats actually voted with the Republicans.  This was a significant embarrassment for Democratic leadership, and it likely foreshadows how the rest of this process is going to play out.  Yes, the Democrats have the numbers to impeach Trump in the House, but without any Republican defections the effort to remove Trump from office will be completely dead once it gets to the Senate. (Read More...)

Record Low Temps Up To 50 Degrees Below Normal Threaten To Absolutely Wreck The Rest Of The Harvest Season

It isn’t supposed to be this cold in October.  The official start of winter is still almost two months away, and yet the weather in much of the western half of the country right now resembles what we might expect in mid-January.  All-time record lows for the month of October are being set in city after city, and this extremely cold air is going to push into the Midwest by the end of the week.  Temperatures in the heartland will be up to 50 degrees below normal, and unfortunately about half of all corn still has not been harvested.  Due to unprecedented rainfall and extreme flooding early in the year, many farmers faced extraordinary delays in getting their crops planted, and so they were hoping that good weather at the end of the season would provide time for the crops to fully mature and be harvested.  Unfortunately, a nightmare scenario has materialized instead.  A couple of monster snow storms have already roared through the Midwest, and now record low temperatures threaten to absolutely wreck the rest of the harvest season. (Read More...)

California Faces 72 Hours Of Hell As “Devil Winds” Turn The Current Wildfires Into Unstoppable Infernos

An “extreme wind event” will relentlessly pummel the state of California on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and it will be a challenge unlike anything firefighters in the state have ever faced before.  Right now there are 17 wildfires currently burning in the state, but that number is expected to rise significantly over the next 72 hours.  High winds can carry embers a great distance from the existing fires, and it only takes a single ember to start a new blaze.  Over the next three days, “devil winds” of up to 80 mph will create conditions that are absolutely ideal for the spread of wildfires, and this has caused authorities to issue “red flag warnings” for 43 different California counties.  To have this many counties under a “red flag warning” is extremely unusual, and Californians are bracing for 72 hours of hell as raging infernos burn all around them. (Read More...)

China Is “Turning To Dog Meat” As The Massive Global Pork Shortage Rapidly Intensifies

If other forms of meat suddenly became too expensive, would you feed dog meat to your family instead?  Sadly, this is a dilemma that many families in China are facing right now.  As I reported a few days ago, one-fourth of all the pigs in the entire world have already been wiped out by African Swine Fever.  The epicenter of this crisis is in China, and as you will see below, their hog population has fallen by more than 40 percent so far.  This has caused a dramatic spike in the price of pork, and as a result many Chinese citizens are now seeking out less expensive alternatives. (Read More...)

When Did Halloween Become So Sick, Twisted And Gory?

Have you noticed that each year the overall tone of Halloween just continues to get darker and darker?  The movies keep getting more graphic, the decorations keep getting more gory and even the costumes keep getting more twisted.  When I was growing up, I remember watching relatively benign cartoons such as “It’s A Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”, and on Halloween night we would put on our silly store-bought costumes and go trick-or-treating.  It was always a little bit difficult breathing through the stupid plastic masks, but my siblings and I were eager to gather lots of candy from the neighbors.  Of course as a child I had no idea what the real meaning of Halloween was, and so I eagerly participated in the festivities.  During those years, I just thought it was a time to dress up as my favorite cartoon character and eat candy until I felt ill. (Read More...)

The Social Decay That We See All Around Us Is Absolutely Breathtaking

Throughout human history we have seen great nations rise and fall, and for many of them it was not actually an external threat that took them down.  When the social decay inside a society gets bad enough, it is just a matter of time before that society falls apart.  That is why what is happening to the United States is so deeply troubling.  Everywhere around us there is evidence that the social order in this country is rotting.  At one time we were the most respected nation on the entire planet, but now we have become the laughingstock of the world.  And instead of setting a good example for the rest of us, our leaders are some of the greatest examples of corruption and filth. (Read More...)