10 Signs That Russia Is Preparing To Fight (And Win) A Nuclear War With The United States

Russian Submarine Launching A Nuclear Missile - Public DomainIf the United States and Russia fought a nuclear war, who would win?  You might be surprised by the answer.  Under the Obama administration, the rapidly aging U.S. strategic nuclear arsenal has been shrinking.  Meanwhile, the Russians have been developing an entirely new generation of bombers, submarines and missiles that have the capability of delivering an absolutely crippling first strike.  At this point, most Americans consider a full-scale nuclear war to be inconceivable.  But in Russia attitudes are completely different.  To the Russians, the United States is enemy number one these days and the Russians are feverishly preparing for a potential military showdown.  Of course the Russians don’t actually want to have to resort to nuclear war.  Such an event would be an unspeakable horror for the entire globe.  But if one does happen, the Russians want to make sure that they are the ones that come out on top. (Read More...)

The Ten Plagues That Are Hitting America Right Now

10 PlaguesWhy are so many plagues hitting the United States all of a sudden?  Yes, one can always point out bad stuff that is happening somewhere in the country, but right now we are facing a nightmarish combination of crippling drought, devastating wildfires, disastrous viruses, dying crops and superbugs that scientists don’t know how to kill.  And as you will see, we even have a plague of flies down in Mississippi.  So what in the world is going on?  Is this just a case of bad luck, or is something else happening?  At the conclusion of this article, please feel free to tell me what you think.  The following are ten plagues that are hitting America right now… (Read More...)

The Worst Trolls On The Internet Are The Government Trolls

Troll Warning - Photo by GilWe have all run into them.  All over the Internet, there are horrible trolls that seem to delight in making life miserable for other people.  But the worst trolls of all are the government trolls.  And thanks to Edward Snowden, we now have some startling new evidence of what really goes on behind the scenes.  According to newly revealed documents, British spy agency GCHQ is manipulating online discussions, infiltrating the computers of specific targets, purposely destroying reputations, altering the results of online polls, and using Twitter, Facebook and YouTube for propaganda and espionage purposes.  If people don’t start getting outraged about this now, the governments of the western world are going to see it as a green light to do even more.  Eventually, it might get so bad that we won’t be able to trust much of anything that we see on the Internet. (Read More...)

The Name Of Jesus Has Become A Dirty Word In Politically Correct America

CensoredIn the United States today, there are very few words that provoke as much outrage as the name of Jesus.  It is being banned from graduation ceremonies, chaplains all over America are being forbidden from using His name in their prayers, and many school officials all over the nation have become absolutely fanatical about eliminating every trace of Christian expression from their schools.  One elementary school in North Carolina even ordered a little six-year-old girl to remove the word “God” from a poem that she had written to honor her grandfathers.  Political correctness is spreading like a cancer in this country, and our “freedom of religion” is rapidly being transformed into a guarantee of “freedom from religion” for those that hate the Christian faith. (Read More...)

U.S. Super Soldiers Of The Future Will Be Genetically Modified Transhumans Capable Of Superhuman Feats

The future of war is going to look really, really weird.  The “super soldier” research that DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is working on right now is unlike anything we have ever seen before.  If DARPA is successful, and if the American people don’t object, the soldiers of the future will be genetically modified transhumans capable of superhuman feats.  Do you want a soldier that can run faster than Usain Bolt?  DARPA is working on that.  Do you want a soldier that won’t need food or sleep for days?  DARPA is working on that?  Do you want a soldier that can regrow lost limbs?  DARPA is working on that.  Do you want a soldier that can outlift Olympic weightlifters and that can communicate telepathically?  DARPA is working on that.  Americans flock to movies about superheroes and mutants, and soon they may actually have real life “superheroes” and “mutants” fighting their wars for them.  But at what cost? (Read More...)

21 Signs That The UK Is Being Transformed Into A Hellish Big Brother Surveillance Society

Why would anyone want to live in the UK at this point?  Well, if you enjoy having every little detail of your life dictated to you by elitist control freaks then you might like living there.  But most of the rest of the world is absolutely horrified that the UK is being transformed into a hellish Big Brother surveillance society.  The UK truly is on the “cutting edge” when it comes to implementing liberty-killing rules and regulations. Many have pointed out that the United States is becoming a Big Brother police state, but the truth is that the UK is even worse.  The madness going on in the UK is where the rest of the world is headed.  Right now, there are more surveillance cameras per capita in the UK than anywhere else in the world.  If you accidentally drop a couple of potato chips in public or if you whisper a phrase that is not politically correct in a restaurant there is a good chance that you will be hauled into court.  In the UK, the public has been sold the lie that society will be better off if everything and everyone is constantly monitored.  But instead of improving society, what all of this surveillance is really doing is turning the entire nation into a very frightening version of George Orwell’s 1984. (Read More...)

Are You Addicted To Bad News?

Are you addicted to bad news?  Do you have an addiction to “gloom and doom”?  Well, if so, then 2011 has been a banner year for you so far.  There are plenty of websites out there that do nothing but track the latest doom.  Some people actually seem to enjoy it when a new disaster strikes.  But we shouldn’t rejoice over bad news.  Millions of people are deeply hurting around the world because of all of the horrible things that have happened so far this year.  Tens of millions more are going to be deeply suffering soon as our world becomes increasingly unstable.  It is important to tell the truth about what is going on in our world because we sure aren’t getting it from the mainstream media, but we should never get to the point where we are totally addicted to the news cycle and are “hungry” for another piece of bad news to report.  Our world is falling apart and that is a very sad thing.  There are going to be come incredibly sad times to come.  But that doesn’t mean we have to be depressed.  It is when things are the darkest that the greatest heroes are needed.  Instead of cursing the darkness, let us all decide to be lights in the darkness. (Read More...)

Isn’t It About Time That The United States Got The Heck Out Of The Middle East?

In Afghanistan right now, a one-legged Afghan Red Cross worker named Said Musa is sitting in a prison cell awaiting his sentence.  Musa, a father of six children, was arrested by the Afghan government as he attempted to seek asylum at the German embassy last year.  He was sentenced to death by an Afghan court that was established by the new Afghan government that the United States worked so hard to set up.  He has been horribly mistreated for months.  An Afghan judge has told him that he will be killed within a matter of days.  So what was his crime?  He was a Muslim that has become a Christian.  Under Sharia law, that is punishable by death.  Is this is the “freedom” that we have sacrificed so many American lives to bring to Afghanistan?  This Christian father of six will be hung by the Afghan “democracy” that the United States has been “nurturing” and that U.S. soldiers have been working so hard to defend. (Read More...)