Does A Series Of “Mystery Explosions” Inside Iran Mean That The Next Big Middle East War Is About To Begin?

Over the past several weeks, a series of “mystery explosions” has happened at very strategically sensitive locations inside Iran, and it has become obvious that what we are witnessing is not just a bunch of random accidents.  For years, the Israeli government has pledged that the Iranians will never be allowed to develop nuclear weapons, and several of the sites where the mystery explosions have taken place have direct connections to Iran’s nuclear program.  For example, there was a very large explosion at Iran’s Natanz uranium enrichment facility on July 2nd, and it is being reported that some officials believe that this explosion was caused by a “powerful bomb”.  The following comes from the Jerusalem Post(Read More...)

In Addition To Everything Else, Now “Bunny Ebola” Is Spreading Rapidly In The United States

In 2020, it has just been one thing after another.  The COVID-19 pandemic has paralyzed countries all over the globe, there has been tremendous rioting, looting and civil unrest in major U.S. cities, and millions of Americans have lost their jobs as we have plunged into the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s.  It has been such a challenging year, and we certainly don’t need any more problems, but now there is one more crisis that we can add to the list.  An outbreak of a virus that is known as “bunny ebola” erupted in the southwestern United States in April, and since that time it has “moved like mad” from one location to another.  At this point, cases have been confirmed at 146 different locations in the states of Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, and Utah.  The good news is that this virus does not infect humans, but it is absolutely deadly for rabbits, hares, and pikas.  Thousands have already died, and it appears that this pandemic is just getting started. (Read More...)

A Man That Saw The Catastrophic Events Of 2020 In Advance Is Now Warning About What Will Happen In November…

A few weeks ago, hardly anyone in America had ever heard of Pastor Dana Coverstone, but now hundreds of thousands of people all over the country are buzzing about him.  He leads a very small church in Burkesville, Kentucky and on June 25th he posted a video on Facebook about some remarkable things that he had seen in some of his dreams.  He probably thought that only a handful of his friends would see the video, but it quickly went viral.  At this point it has been watched by more than a million people on Facebook, and a copy that was posted to YouTube has now been viewed more than 600,000 times.  Personally, I have had countless people share his video with me over the past week, and it still hasn’t stopped.  But even though this video is spreading like wildfire, the mainstream media has been completely silent about it.  In fact, if you do a search on Google News for “Pastor Dana Coverstone”, you won’t find a single news story about his video.  What he was shown definitely does not fit their agenda, and so I expect that they will continue to generally ignore this phenomenon. (Read More...)

Massive Protests Will Rock Our Cities On July 4th As A Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Is Visible Above America

Organizers are planning on making July 4th one of the biggest protest days so far, and law enforcement authorities all over the nation are bracing for the potential for more violence.  Usually, July 4th is a day of great celebration in this country, but this year the mood is completely different, and many on the left are hoping to use one of our most important holidays to make a very memorable statement.  It is being anticipated that some of the largest protests will be in Washington D.C., and the White House in particular has been chosen as a focus.  One protest will end with large numbers of protesters “occupying The Ellipse just south of the White House”, and another protest which is being called a “million man march” will proceed directly in front of the White House and will end at the U.S. Capitol. (Read More...)

Now They Are Trying To Tell Us That COVID-19 Is “10 Times More Infectious” Than It Was At The Beginning Of The Pandemic

If the elite really do intend to use COVID-19 to fundamentally transform our society, they are going to need to continue to find ways to make it sound a lot more scary than it really is.  Over the past couple of weeks, we have been endlessly barraged with news stories that boldly declare that “the second wave” is here, and now we are being told that this coronavirus is “10 times more infectious” than it was when it first started spreading in China.  And we are also being told that COVID-19 “causes infected human cells to sprout tentacles loaded with viral venom to help it spread around the body”.  All of that definitely sounds quite frightening, and over the past couple of weeks a lot of people have really been freaking out as the number of confirmed cases has surged. (Read More...)

Why Every Person In America Needs To Become A Prepper During The Second Half Of 2020

It has been on my heart to write this article for a few days, but I knew that it wouldn’t be easy to write.  2020 has already been one of the worst years in modern U.S. history, and it looks like the next six months are going to be extremely challenging as well.  But even though most Americans are expecting that things will return to “normal” in 2021 and beyond, the truth is that the “perfect storm” that we are witnessing is only in the very early stages.  All of the old cycles are ending, all of the bubbles are bursting, and we are starting to experience the consequences of decades of incredibly foolish decisions.  So even though the remaining months of 2020 will be chaotic, the truth is that things are going to get progressively worse as the years move along.  That means that you should use this period of time to prepare for what is ahead of us, because at some point the window of opportunity to prepare will be closed for good. (Read More...)

Really Bizarre Things Are Happening All Over The Globe

Just when you think that 2020 has been filled with enough trouble, even more stuff starts happening.  Coming into this week, we were already dealing with a new COVID-19 surge which has pushed the number of daily cases to the highest levels we have seen so far, a global economy which is in the process of imploding all around us, massive civil unrest in U.S. cities from coast to coast, and giant swarms of locusts that are wiping out farms all the way from eastern Africa to parts of India.  Unfortunately, now we have several more items to add to our growing list. (Read More...)

Right Now There Is A “Mad Rush” To Get Out Of The Cities

So many wealthy people are rushing to move away from the big cities that it is creating a bit of a “real estate boom” in many suburban areas, small towns and rural communities.  Fear of COVID-19, a collapsing economy and the tremendous urban violence that we have witnessed in recent weeks have combined to create a frenzy of activity.  Last week, my wife and I heard from a friend in New York City that is all of a sudden desperate to move to another state, and I certainly can’t blame him for wanting to relocate.  If I was in his shoes, I would be wanting to move too.  But at this point so many people are all thinking the same thing that the demand for housing in certain areas threatens to greatly exceed the supply.  In fact, one real estate agent in the San Francisco area is describing it as “a mad rush to get out of the city”(Read More...)