This Is Why The New Mutant COVID Strain That Is Ravaging South Africa Has Scientists Extremely Worried…

Over the past couple of weeks, the new coronavirus strain known as “Super COVID” has been racing through the UK and making headlines all over the globe, but scientists insist that the new mutant COVID strain in South Africa is potentially much more dangerous.  Just like “Super COVID” in the UK, there is evidence that the South African strain spreads faster, and South Africa’s health minister has warned that there is “anecdotal evidence” of a “larger proportion of younger patients with no co-morbidities presenting with critical illness”.  But the biggest reason why health authorities are so concerned about this particular strain is because it has mutated so dramatically that the current vaccines that have been developed may not work against it.  The following comes from a Reuters article entitled “UK scientists worry vaccines may not protect against S.African coronavirus variant”(Read More...)

Over The Past Week, 5 Republican Lawmakers Have Suddenly Died

Have you noticed that quite a few prominent Republicans have been dropping dead lately?  At a time of the year when most people are at home celebrating the holidays with their families, Republican lawmakers have been dying one after another.  Of course important people die all the time, but to have this many Republican politicians die so closely to one another is definitely unusual.  I believe that 2021 is going to be a very strange year, and it has definitely gotten off to a very strange start. (Read More...)

When We Teach Our Kids That Life Has No Value, This Is How They Act…

The endless chaos in our streets is directly related to how we have been raising our children for the past couple of decades.  Bad beliefs lead to bad actions, and we have been teaching our kids values that are fundamentally flawed.  In particular, our children are endlessly taught that life has no value in a multitude of ways.  They view thousands of murders on television and in the movies as they grow up, the news glorifies politicians that tell them that it is a good thing to slaughter the unborn, and western nations are increasingly embracing the idea that older people should be willing to ask for the “plug to be pulled” once their “usefulness” is over.  Throughout their lives, our kids are trained to believe that they evolved from animals and that there is nothingness after they die, and the logical conclusion of such a worldview is that the period of time between birth and death is rather meaningless. (Read More...)

“Super COVID” Is Spreading In The United States – Should We Be Scared?

This pandemic just entered an alarming new phase.  The new mutant strain of the virus commonly known as “Super COVID” has been creating a tremendous amount of panic in the UK, and cases have also been confirmed in Canada, Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark, the Netherlands, Australia, Japan, Singapore, India, Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates.  But until Tuesday there were no known cases in the United States, and many were urging for travel restrictions to be instituted in order to keep it from gaining a foothold here.  Unfortunately, it appears that it is now too late for that, because a case of “Super COVID” has now been identified in Colorado(Read More...)

The Best Of Humanity, And The Worst Of Humanity…

There are moments that restore our faith in humanity, and there are also moments that destroy it.  We were created to love and to be loved, and in this article I will share a couple examples of incredible acts of love.  But there are many others that have become so twisted that they will engage in unspeakable acts of evil without even thinking twice about it.  Of course on Christmas Day we witnessed an unspeakable act of evil when Anthony Quinn Warner blew himself up in front of the AT&T building in downtown Nashville.  But even in the midst of such a great tragedy, incredible things happened that are making headlines all over the globe.  Light and darkness often coexist side by side, but sometimes things get so dark that we forget that the light is still there. (Read More...)

Nashville Suicide Bomber Anthony Quinn Warner Is A Perfect Example Of The Hopelessness That Pervades Our Society

What a sad, sad man Anthony Quinn Warner was.  He was unmarried, he didn’t appear to have any close friends, he had been involved in a legal conflict with own mother over real estate, and his death was completely and utterly meaningless.  I think that he was trying to draw attention to himself by blowing up his RV in front of the AT&T building in downtown Nashville, and millions of Americans now know who he is, but nobody will remember him fondly.  Instead, they will remember him as the man that blew out the windows in at least 41 buildings and devastated a significant portion of the downtown area of one of America’s most iconic cities. (Read More...)

Santa Claus Does Not Exist – And Children Deserve To Know The Truth

Once a child figures out that you have been lying about Santa Claus for years, how can you expect that child to believe you about anything else?  Many regard the tradition of pretending that Santa Claus is real to be relatively harmless, but the reality of the matter is that millions upon millions of Americans have deep psychological scars from being deceived throughout childhood only to find out later in life that everything that they believed about Santa was completely fake.  Perhaps it is fun for many parents to play with the minds of their children, but those children do not benefit from investing a tremendous amount of emotional energy into a completely fraudulent narrative that will be cruelly ripped away from them at some point in the future.  Our children deserve to know the truth, and the truth is that Santa Claus does not exist. (Read More...)

For 55 Percent Of Americans, 2020 Has Been “A Personal Financial Disaster”

One of the big reasons why so many Americans are angry about the size of the “stimulus payments” in the COVID relief bill that Congress just passed is because this year has truly been a “financial disaster” for millions upon millions of people.  More Americans than ever before are just barely scraping by from month to month, and $600 is just not going to go very far.  In 2020, small businesses have been getting slaughtered by the thousands, millions of Americans are in imminent danger of being evicted from their homes, and more than 70 million new claims for unemployment benefits have been filed since the COVID pandemic first started.  The U.S. has plunged into a brutal economic depression, and most of the country is desperately hoping that the federal government will do more to bail them out. (Read More...)