I seriously should have thought of this when I was a kid. If I could have answered every question a teacher asked by meowing like a cat or roaring like a dinosaur, there is no way they could have ever accused me of getting an answer wrong. And when it was time for a quiz or a test, I could have just responded to every question with a paw print. Of course nobody would have actually been able to get away with such a thing decades ago. When I was a kid, anyone that tried to pull this kind of a stunt would have been immediately marched down to the principal’s office. But now we live at a time when we are supposed to allow people to identify as anything that they want. (Read More...)
The UN’s New Fact-Checking System Called “iVerify” Will Be Used To Crack Down On “Misinformation” All Over The World
Our world is becoming a creepier place with each passing day. Most of us just want to live our lives in peace without excessive governmental interference, but unfortunately the control freaks that are running things just can’t help themselves. Ultimately, they aren’t going to be happy until they are able to watch, track, monitor and control virtually everything that we write, say and do. This is one of the big reasons why they are gearing up to introduce “central bank digital currencies” all over the western world. Such digital currencies will make it much easier for them to control us financially. And a new tool that was just introduced by the UN will make it much easier for them to control what we write on the Internet… (Read More...)
As Russia Prepares To Use Tactical Nukes, Millions Of You Don’t Even Realize You Are Going To Die In A Third World War
What is it going to take to wake people up? Russia is deploying tactical nuclear weapons to Belarus, and there is lots of talk in the Russian media about using such weapons to bring a quick end to the war in Ukraine. The theory is that once the Russians show that they are willing to use tactical nukes, the U.S. and the other western powers will back off. But that won’t be what happens. Instead of backing off, the Biden administration will respond by using U.S. tactical nuclear weapons against Russian targets in Ukraine. And once both sides have used tactical nukes, it is just a matter of time before the big nukes get used. (Read More...)
Drug And Food Shortages Are Here, And They Will Get A Lot Worse…
A lot of the experts didn’t think that this would happen. Once the pandemic subsided, global supply chains were supposed to return to normal. But now “hundreds of drugs” are in short supply in the United States, and even CNN is admitting that we are in the midst of “the worst food crisis in modern history”. As I did research for this article, I was stunned by what I discovered. Things are worse than I realized. I knew that a lot of drugs were in short supply, but it turns out that there have been shortages of many of our most basic antibiotics since last October, and now Pfizer is telling us that several types of penicillin will completely run out later this year… (Read More...)
What In The World Is Happening To California?
It has often been said that “as California goes, so goes the nation”. If that is actually true, we are all in very big trouble. Once upon a time, California was a spectacularly beautiful state with a booming economy. In fact, decades ago I very seriously considered moving there. But now “the California dream” has become “the California nightmare”, and there is no turning back. The state is relentlessly plagued by crime, homelessness, drugs and other extremely severe social problems. In recent years, the number of people moving out of the state has greatly exceeded the number of people moving into the state, and many of those that are leaving are relocating to red states such as Florida… (Read More...)
Xi Jinping Is Preparing China For A War With The United States
Chinese President Xi Jinping has made reunification with Taiwan one of his most important foreign policy goals. If he was actually able to pull it off, he would be a national hero in China. But there is a huge problem standing in his way. The moment that China invades Taiwan, a war with the United States will begin. Xi Jinping understands this very well, and so if an invasion of Taiwan is going to happen it must take place at a moment that is favorable to the Chinese. Many would argue that we will be in such a window of opportunity for about the next year and a half. Right now, the U.S. and other western nations are pouring vast amounts of military resources into the conflict in Ukraine. As a result, they are ill-prepared to militarily confront a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. In addition, Xi Jinping knows that Joe Biden would not use nuclear weapons if the Chinese move against Taiwan. It would be a conventional war, and such a scenario would greatly favor China. But if the Chinese wait until after the next presidential election in the United States, Donald Trump or another Republican could be in the White House, and the risk of sparking a nuclear conflict would go up substantially. (Read More...)
A New “AI Religion” And A New “AI Bible”?
Will millions of people soon be looking to artificial intelligence for spiritual guidance? Such a notion may sound crazy to you, but we should not underestimate how rapidly AI is changing our world. Earlier today, my wife showed me some of the things that ChatGPT is capable of doing. In just a matter of moments, it can produce extremely sophisticated answers to very complex questions. Honestly, I was extremely impressed. Other AI programs are capable of producing very realistic photos, artwork and videos. Of course what we are seeing right now is just the beginning. AI technology is advancing at an exponential rate, and given enough time it would be millions of times more powerful than it is right now. (Read More...)
Politicians In Our Major Cities Have Decided The Solution To The Crime Wave Is To Help Criminals Commit More Crimes
Should we just go ahead and give free needles and free crack pipes to everyone in America? After all, if New York City and Los Angeles plan to solve their raging drug problems by handing out free drug paraphernalia to addicts, perhaps we can solve our nationwide drug crisis the same way. Let’s make the entire country one big “harm reduction zone” and then everything will return to normal, right? Unfortunately, that is not the way that the real world works. If you give addicts what they need, they will thank you. And then they will go ahead and do drugs right in front of you. (Read More...)