What in the world is happening to America? It seems like all we get out of politicians at the federal, state and local levels is a steady stream of really bad ideas. Even when our government officials appear to have the best of intentions things still turn out badly. “What were they thinking” is a phrase that is being uttered by millions of Americans on a daily basis. Sadly, instead of focusing on real problems and real solutions, the mainstream media loves to focus on the latest scandal. Last month everyone wanted to talk about Anthony Weiner. This month everyone wants to talk about Casey Anthony. Next month it will be somebody else. There is a never ending stream of scandals for the mainstream media to latch on to, but what is America going to look like if we do not start addressing our real problems? The United States has become a cesspool of corruption, greed, debt and depravity. Everywhere you look there are signs of decline, and yet all our leaders come up with are more really bad ideas. Time is running out on this nation, and with each passing day there seems to be fewer reasons to be optimistic about the future. (Read More...)
No More Privacy: Smart Meters Are Surveillance Devices That Monitor The Behavior In Your Home Every Single Minute Of Every Single Day
Have you heard about the new “smart meters” that are being installed in homes all across America? Under the guise of “reducing greenhouse gas emissions” and “reducing energy bills”, utility companies all over the United States are forcing tens of millions of American families to accept sophisticated surveillance devices in their homes. Currently, approximately 9 percent of all electric meters in the U.S. have been converted over to smart meters. It is being projected that by 2012, the number of smart meters in use will rise to 52 million, and the federal government is spending a lot of money to help get these installed everywhere. But the federal government refuses to explain why they are spending so much money on this effort. Eventually the goal is to have these smart meters in all of our homes and if that ever happened there would essentially be no more privacy. Once installed, a smart meter monitors your home every single minute of every single day and it transmits very sophisticated data about your personal behavior back to the utility company. (Read More...)
16 Reasons To Feel Really Depressed About The Direction That The Economy Is Headed
If you do not want to feel really depressed, you might not want to read this article. The U.S. economy is coming apart at the seams, and there are a whole lot of indications that things are about to get even worse. After a time of relative stability, the pace of job cuts is starting to pick up again, inflation is rising but paychecks are not, the U.S. housing crisis shows no signs of ending, millions of American families are drowning in debt and all of the recent polls show that the faith of the American people in our economy is eroding. As you read the statistics in this article, try to keep in mind that there are scores of families from coast to coast that are barely surviving from month to month. It can be a soul-crushing experience to work as hard as you can and yet just barely be able to pay the mortgage and put food into the mouths of your kids. The reason why so many Americans believe that we are in a “recession” or a “depression” is because that is what they feel like they are living through every single day. (Read More...)
Our Politicians Are Selling Off Pieces Of America To Foreign Investors – And Goldman Sachs Is Helping Them Do It
All over the United States, politicians are selling off key pieces of infrastructure to foreign investors and big Wall Street banks like Goldman Sachs are helping them do it. State and local governments across the country that are drowning in debt and that are desperate for cash are increasingly turning to the “privatization” of public assets as the solution to their problems. Pieces of infrastructure that taxpayers have already paid for such as highways, water treatment plants, libraries, parking meters, airports and power plants are being auctioned off to the highest bidder. Most of the time what happens is that the state or local government receives a huge lump sum of cash up front for a long-term lease (usually 75 years or longer) and the foreign investors come in and soak as much revenue out of the piece of infrastructure that they possibly can. The losers in these deals are almost always the taxpayers. Pieces of America are literally being auctioned off just to help state and local governments minimize their debt problems for a year or two, but the consequences of these deals will be felt for decades. (Read More...)
The Elite Are Not Even Trying To Hide How Much They Hate The U.S. Constitution Anymore
In the United States today, it is becoming increasingly fashionable to openly trash the U.S. Constitution. Many among the elite are not even trying to hide how much they hate the U.S. Constitution anymore. As the Patriot movement and the Tea Party movement call for a return to the principles that this nation was founded upon, many among the elite and in the mainstream media are responding by publicly dumping on the U.S. Constitution. The level of vitriol that we are seeing for our founding fathers and for our Constitution is unprecedented. It turns out that the U.S. Constitution does not fit very well with the benevolent futuristic “Big Brother” totalitarianism that they want to impose on all of us. All of that talk about “freedom” and “liberty” in the Constitution does not exactly square with the centralized global planning that the elite have in mind. The ruling elite believe that the “rights of the individual” must be greatly restricted for the “good of society” and for the “good of the environment”. Right now the “constitutional revival” that is happening in the United States is a direct threat to what the elite are trying to accomplish, so they are responding by openly attacking the Constitution. (Read More...)
16 Reasons Why The United States Can No Longer Afford To Be The Police Of The World
Did you know that the United States military is now bombing 6 different countries? U.S. aircraft are conducting air strikes in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, Yemen and now Somalia. There is a U.S. military base in over half of the countries on the planet and U.S. military spending is over 7 times larger than the military spending of any other nation on earth. Yes, the United States will always need a strong military. But with our national debt exploding at an exponential rate, can the United States really afford to continue to be the police of the world? (Read More...)
10 Reasons Why Lindsay Lohan Is Right About The Federal Reserve And The Price Of Food
Does Lindsay Lohan understand monetary policy better than Ben Bernanke does? The other day, her Twitter account sent out the following message: “Have you guys seen food and gas prices lately? U.S. $ will soon be worthless if the Fed keeps printing money!” Well, it turns out that it was a “sponsored tweet” that Lohan was paid to send out, but in a subsequent tweet Lohan explained that “i actually do care about gas and food prices, so whether it’s an #ad or no, it’s important for people to be aware of it.” Okay, so we probably will not see Lohan at any “End the Fed” rallies, but it turns out that in her own bizarre way she has brought a little bit of attention to some very important issues. Food and gas prices are skyrocketing, and a lot of the blame for that can be placed on the shoulders of the Federal Reserve. (Read More...)
Is The Mainstream Media Covering Up The Truth At Los Alamos, Ft. Calhoun And Fukushima?
What in the world is really going on at Los Alamos, Ft. Calhoun and Fukushima? There are millions of Americans that would like the truth about what is happening at these nuclear facilities, but the mainstream media has been strangely quiet. Instead, the mainstream media is running headlines such as “10 Dirtiest U.S. Beaches Named” and “Pole Dance Stops Times Square Cold”. Yes, those are actually headlines that appeared on the front pages of major mainstream news websites in the United States today. Sadly, you really have to dig to find anything about the problems that are currently happening at nuclear facilities in the United States, and the mainstream media seems to have gotten really tired of talking about Fukushima. It is almost as if the mainstream media actually prefers to talk about mindless things rather than focus on the truly important events that are happening all around us. (Read More...)