What gives you a sense of meaning and purpose in life? That may seem like a very unusual question, but I believe that it is a very important one considering how deeply unhappy our society currently is. Everyone needs a reason to get out of bed in the morning, because there wouldn’t seem to be much point to living a life that was completely void of meaning and purpose. So what motivates most Americans to do what they do? Well, a new survey that was just released by the Pew Research Center has some rather startling results. When people were asked an open-ended question about what gives them a sense of purpose and meaning in life, 69 percent mentioned family, 34 percent mentioned career, 23 percent mentioned “money” and only 20 percent mentioned faith. (Read More...)
U.S. Job Losses Accelerate: Here Are 10 Big Companies That Are Cutting Jobs Or Laying Off Workers
Job cuts and layoffs are coming fast and furious now as the U.S. economy really starts to slow down. We haven’t seen anything like this since 2008, when millions of Americans lost their jobs in just a matter of months. Things are certainly not that bad yet, but there has been a very noticeable shift over the last couple of months. Back during the summer, everyone was talking about how well the U.S. economy was doing, but now things have dramatically changed. At this point, economic activity has slowed down so much that even Jim Cramer of CNBC is admitting that the U.S. economy has “cooled”. If current trends continue, things will certainly get even worse, and the job losses in this article will be just the tip of the iceberg. (Read More...)
Why Does America Have 13 Million Households That Don’t Have Enough Food To Eat?
Have you ever had a day when your children were crying due to hunger but the cupboards were completely bare and your bank account was empty? If you haven’t, you should consider yourself to be extremely blessed, because this is what real life feels like for millions upon millions of Americans in 2018. As you will see below, a third of all Americans cannot even afford “the basics” each month, and 13 million households are officially considered to be “food insecure”. In other words, they don’t have enough to eat. Many parents out there choose to skip a meal (or two) each day just so that their kids can have full stomachs. But sometimes the money runs out completely, and that is when it gets really tough. (Read More...)
A Million Americans Are Living In Their RVs As The American Dream Continues To Be “Redefined”
Could you imagine living in an RV on a permanent basis? On the one hand, such a lifestyle can offer a sense of freedom that is absolutely exhilarating. Instead of being tied down to just one place, you can freely travel the country and live anywhere that you want. Such a lifestyle makes it easy to escape the cold in the winter and the heat in the summer, and if you don’t like your neighbors you can literally leave the next day. But of course there are a lot of negatives too. Life in an RV can be extremely cramped, there is very little privacy, and most people have to cut their possessions way, way down in order to fit all their things into an RV. Living on the road constantly can get really old, because you have to sacrifice many of the comforts of a traditional home in order to live such a lifestyle on a full-time basis. But without a doubt, more Americans are choosing to go this route than ever before. In fact, the RV Industry Association says that a million Americans now live in their RVs full-time… (Read More...)
Post-Election Blue Wave: Democrats Have Flipped 2 Senate Seats And A Large Number Of House Seats Since Election Night
Initially it did not appear that the much-hyped “blue wave” would be that impressive, but since election night we have seen race after race flip in favor of the Democrats. In fact, vote totals have moved in favor of the Democratic candidate in almost every race that was not officially settled on November 6th. As a result, it has now become clear that a “blue wave” has materialized, and Republicans are scrambling to try to save some of the seats that are still being contested. The biggest prize is the Senate seat in Florida where a recount is currently being conducted. But there are also a number of House seats that are still up for grabs, and as you will see below, vote totals are rapidly moving in favor of the Democratic candidates in several of those races. (Read More...)
Brink Of War: Troops And Tanks Head To The Gaza Border After Hundreds Of Missiles Rain Down On Israel
Missiles continue to rain down on Israel at this hour, and even the New York Times is admitting that the region is on the “brink of war”. On Monday, more than 300 rockets and mortar shells were fired from Gaza into Israel, and the Israeli military struck back extremely hard in response. Many observers had been hoping that the barrage coming out of Gaza would slow down on Tuesday, but so far that has not happened. The Times of Israel is reporting that missile alarms were shrieking all over southern Israel as dawn broke on Tuesday, and at least 70 rockets and mortar shells have been fired at Jewish cities since midnight. If the barrage does not stop, there will be war. As you will see below, large numbers of IDF troops and tanks have been spotted heading to the Gaza border. (Read More...)