What Does Planned Parenthood Do With Babies That Survive Abortions?

What I am about to share with you is absolutely sickening.  But if we do not shine a light on these practices, they will never stop.  And once you learn what is really going on behind the scenes, you have a responsibility to help do something about it.  Since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973, more than 60 million children have been murdered by abortionists in America.  Future generations will not look back on this time in history with fond memories.  Instead, they will look back with horror at a generation that committed evil on an unprecedented scale. (Read More...)

World War Erupting? India Just Bombed Pakistan, And Russia Is Accusing The U.S. Of Preparing To Invade Venezuela

One country with a large nuclear arsenal just bombed another country with a large nuclear arsenal, and the mainstream media in the United States barely reported on it.  And the mainstream media also almost entirely ignored the fact that Russia just publicly accused the United States of preparing to invade Venezuela.  Could it be possible that the relative peace and stability that the globe has been experiencing is about to be greatly shaken?  Even though I warned about a potential conflict between India and Pakistan just a few days ago, I was stunned when I found out that India had just bombed Pakistan for the first time in more than 40 years(Read More...)

The Russian Public Does Not View Trump Favorably At All, And Russian State Television Is Talking About Nuking The Pentagon

U.S. relations with Russia are the worst that they have been since the Cuban missile crisis, and major Russian media outlets are constantly chattering about the possibility of a nuclear war with the United States.  Meanwhile, the left in this country has relentlessly pushed an extremely bizarre fictional narrative in which Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin are best buddies.  In fact, just the other day former FBI acting director Andrew McCabe said that it was possible that President Trump is a Russian asset.  You would have to be either a lunatic or a total idiot to believe such a conspiracy theory, because there is absolutely no evidence to back it up.  McCabe does not appear to be insane, and so that means that he is probably just completely and utterly incompetent, and it is absolutely frightening that such a man was allowed to run one of our most important law enforcement agencies. (Read More...)

The Mueller Report Is About To Be Released, And It Could Unleash Hell All Across America

After two very long years, the Mueller report is finally going to be released, and it could potentially be the spark that unleashes chaos all over the country.  Initially, some in the mainstream media had speculated that the Mueller report could be released this week, but now it is being reported that this probably will not happen.  However, it is expected that the report will almost certainly be handed over at some point in March.  Robert Mueller will submit a private copy of his report to Attorney General William Barr, and then Barr will make a determination about how much of it should be made public.  On Friday, six committee chairs from the House of Representatives sent a stern letter to Barr informing him that they expect as much of the report to be released to the public as possible(Read More...)

“Wars And Rumors Of Wars”: The U.S., Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, India And Pakistan All Move Closer To Military Conflict

Humanity never seems to learn.  During the 20th century, at least 108 million people were killed during all wars combined, and you would think that after so much bloodshed humanity would never want to go down that road again.  And in this century, an enormous amount of American blood has already been shed in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere.  Unfortunately, the drumbeats of war are starting to get louder once again.  Very angry talk often precedes military conflict, and right now there sure is a lot of angry talk going on. (Read More...)

The Big Reason Why We Need A Conservative Version Of Facebook And Other Social Media Platforms

Do you remember what television news was like before the Fox News Channel came along?  Everybody pretty much said the same thing, and dissenting opinions on many of the most critical issues were generally not given any air time.  Of course Fox News is definitely still very much tied into the establishment, but at least they started providing a “Republican” point of view which was a stark contrast to the liberal propaganda that we were constantly being force fed by the other networks.  And then the social media era arrived, and suddenly everyone had a voice.  For years, we could say pretty much whatever we wanted on the major platforms, and we were generally left alone.  But then the election of 2016 happened, and since that time the social media giants have been cracking down on conservatives with a vengeance.  Yes, once in a while a liberal voice gets “deplatformed” or “shadowbanned” as well, but the truth is that conservatives have overwhelmingly been the targets of this relentless censorship campaign.  That is why we need to create a conservative version of Facebook and other social media platforms.  But instead of censoring liberal viewpoints, we will allow everyone to exercise the right of free speech, and we will let the “marketplace of ideas” determine which viewpoints ultimately triumph. (Read More...)