Has ANYONE Actually Been Able To Successfully Sign Up For Obamacare Yet?

Obamacare Website DownDo you know anyone that has been able to get past all of the glitches and sign up for health insurance using one of the Obamacare websites?  Thousands of applications have been “started”, but the mainstream media has been desperately searching for someone that has actually been able to successfully get enrolled and so far they haven’t been able to find a single example.  The Obama administration had been promoting the story of one 21-year-old student from Georgia, but it turns out that his “success story” was a fraud and he was not actually successful in signing up for health insurance yet.  So exactly what in the world is going on here?  Certainly a few of the millions of visitors to these websites must have successfully signed up for health insurance, right?  In the end, whether a handful of Americans have been able to sign up for health insurance or not is not the real issue.  The real issue is that the launch of the most highly touted health law in U.S. history has been an epic fail. (Read More...)

They Want To Sterilize American Women: Sterilization Won’t Cost Women A Penny Under Obamacare

Did you know that sterilization will not cost women a penny under Obamacare?  A new regulation that goes into effect on August 1st requires that health plans cover sterilization for all women with “reproductive capacity”.  That includes teenage girls.  According to the new regulation, women must have access to sterilization “without having to pay a co-payment, co-insurance or a deductible.”  So women will not have to pay a single penny out of pocket if they want to get sterilized.  Of course this sterilization mandate will make health insurance more expensive for all of us, but the social engineers in Washington D.C. feel that increasing access to sterilization is a very important public policy goal.  So why are they doing this?  They are doing this because they love death.  They truly believe that they are saving the planet by reducing human numbers.  That is why “family planning” is always at the very heart of the “green agenda”.  They want to sterilize women because that will help keep the population down.  And if there are less people running around, there will be less of us to ruin “their planet” with all of our pollution. (Read More...)

Chief Justice John Roberts Bowed To Political Pressure And Changed His Vote On Obamacare

It is being reported that after oral arguments were finished back in March, Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts was planning to join with the other conservative justices in ruling that the individual mandate in Obamacare was unconstitutional.  But something changed.  According to Jan Crawford of CBS News, two sources with “specific knowledge” of the deliberations at the Supreme Court told her that at some point Roberts switched his position and decided to uphold Obamacare.  Roberts decided to characterize the penalty for not complying with the individual mandate as a tax.  This argument had been rejected by the lower courts and supporters of Obamacare had considered that argument to be essentially a legal “Hail Mary” with almost no chance of success.  But this is how the legal system in America works.  Judges decide what they want the result of a case to be, and then they try to figure out a way to justify it under the Constitution and under existing law.  Often, judges will go through all sorts of mental gymnastics to get to the results that they want.  Most Americans would be absolutely shocked if they truly realized what goes on behind closed doors in our legal system. (Read More...)

12 Incredible Obamacare Quotes That Show That Our Wretched Healthcare System Is Headed Directly Into The Toilet

You might as well stick a fork in the U.S. healthcare system because it is finished.  Even before Obamacare, Americans paid far more for healthcare than anyone else in the world.  Now thanks to Obamacare we will be faced with much higher health insurance premiums, much higher taxes, much longer waits to see doctors and more government bureaucrats involved in our lives than ever before.  As I have written about previously, the U.S. healthcare industry is a horrible mess, and now Obamacare is going to take the entire system directly into the toilet.  All over America today, families are going broke because of outrageous health insurance costs and suffocating medical debt, doctors are going broke and leaving the profession because they can’t make a living, and sick people are dying because they cannot get the care that they need.  So what solution does Obama give us?  A nearly 3,000 page monstrosity that will destroy what is left of our crumbling healthcare system and that will unleash 16,000 new IRS agents to hunt down the millions of Americans that do not currently have health insurance.  For those that love Big Brother socialist totalitarianism, Obamacare is a dream come true.  For the rest of us it is a total nightmare. (Read More...)

15 Reasons Why The Obamacare Decision Is A Mind Blowing Disaster For America

You can almost always count on the Supreme Court to do the wrong thing.  In fact, just about every major decision by the U.S. Supreme Court over the last 40 years has been bad for America.  Many were hoping that the Supreme Court would strike down Obamacare, but the truth is that we all should have known better than to expect them to get something right.  So now America is headed for a complete and total disaster as Obamacare is fully implemented over the next several years.  Obamacare is going to absolutely shred the infrastructure of our medical system, it is going to send health insurance premiums soaring, it is going to dramatically expand the size and the scope of government, it is going to fundamentally alter the relationships between doctors and their patients and it is one of the largest tax increases in U.S. history.  Not only that, it is also going to add about a trillion dollars to our national debt over the next decade.  So no, the Obamacare decision is not good news.  Obamacare was one of the worst pieces of legislation in American history, and now we are stuck with it. (Read More...)

Unfortunately, Obamacare Is Not Going To Be Repealed In 2010, It Is Not Going To Be Repealed In 2011 And There Is A Good Chance That It May Never Be Repealed

Right now the mainstream media is paying a lot of attention to the effort by Republicans in the House of Representatives to repeal the health care reform law that Barack Obama and the Democrats crammed down the throats of the American people during the last session of Congress.  House Republicans are calling their legislation the “Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act”, and the House of Representatives is expected to pass the legislation on January 12th.  However, there are two huge problems.  One is that Democrats control the U.S. Senate and they have declared that there is not a chance in the world that a repeal of the health care reform law will get through them.  Secondly, even if a repeal of the health care law did somehow magically get to Barack Obama’s desk, he has sworn that he would veto it.  So unfortunately, Obamacare is not going to be repealed any time soon. (Read More...)

45 Population Control Quotes That Show The Elite Are Quite Eager To Reduce The Number Of People On The Planet

At one time, the elite at least attempted to conceal their boundless enthusiasm for population control from the general public, but now they aren’t even trying to hide it anymore.  On Tuesday, an alarming new study that advocates global population control as one of the solutions to the “climate emergency” that we are facing was published in the journal BioScience.  This document has already been signed by 11,258 scientists from 153 different countries, and it openly calls for a reduction in the human population of our planet.  This has always been the endgame for the climate change cult, but now a big push is being made to make the public believe that there is a “scientific consensus” that this is necessary. (Read More...)

They Said What? Here Are The 13 Nuttiest Quotes From Wednesday’s Democratic Presidential Debate

Are these really the best and brightest that the Democratic Party has to offer?  It was going to take a monumental effort to top Marianne Williamson’s level of craziness on Tuesday night, but on Wednesday there were several Democratic contenders that gave it their best shot.  Kirsten Gillibrand and Jay Inslee were particularly unhinged, and Joe Biden “repeatedly stumbled over numbers and phrases” during an incoherent performance that will be remembered for a long time to come.  The Democrats may have more than 20 candidates running, but none of them looks like a president at this point.  Perhaps that will change, or perhaps a stronger candidate will enter the race eventually, but right now Democratic strategists cannot be feeling too good about their chances of winning the 2020 election.  Of course Republicans are facing some very serious challenges of their own, but at least they don’t have to worry about a powerhouse candidate on the other side. (Read More...)