Is Pokemon Go Evil, Dangerous Or Demonic?

Pokemon - Photo by SeskfabregaOne week ago, a game called Pokemon Go was launched, and over the last seven days it has become an international phenomenon.  It is the first mass market video game to successfully blend the real world and the digital world together in a way that the public truly embraces, and it is making headlines all over the planet.  At this point it has almost as many daily active users as Twitter does, and Nintendo’s stock price is going crazy as a result.  On Monday it shot up 25 percent, and on Tuesday it surged another 13 percent.  In other words, Nintendo is now worth billions of dollars more than it used to be.  But is there a dark side to Pokemon Go?  Is it potentially evil, dangerous or demonic? (Read More...)

End Time Persecution Is Here: Russia Just Banned Evangelism And China Has Torn Down 1000s Of Crosses

Planet Earth Globe Space - Public DomainWe always knew that this was coming.  For years, the horrifying persecution of Christians in the Middle East has made headlines all over the globe, but now we are seeing very disturbing examples of government-sanctioned persecution literally all over the planet.  As you will read about below, Russia just banned virtually all types of evangelism outside of a church or religious site.  And China has been tearing down thousands of crosses and has been demolishing dozens of churches in a renewed crackdown on the growth of Christianity in that nation.  Overall, there are 53 countries that now have laws that restrict the Christian faith according to one recent report.  When are we going to wake up and realize what is happening? (Read More...)

Do Demons Exist? Watch A Demon-Possessed Model Manifest A Spirit During A Live Television Interview

Skull Art - Public DomainDo demons really exist?  If you are not much interested in spiritual matters, this may seem like a very odd question to you.  Perhaps up to this point the only encounters you have had with “demon possession” have been in Hollywood horror movies.  The topic of “demons” just doesn’t come up a lot in our highly secularized society today, and even in most churches people don’t really want to talk about it even though the gospels are full of stories of Jesus casting out demons.  The things that you are going to read about below are quite disturbing.  Before the Internet, most people were simply not going to be exposed to these types of things because they weren’t about to pop up on the evening news or during prime time television programs.  But today, thanks to YouTube, things that happen to ordinary people on the other side of the planet can quickly go viral and be spread all over the planet. (Read More...)

Police Officer Suffers Fractured Spine After Enraged Protester Drops Concrete Block On His Head

Police Vehicle - Public DomainThe innocent police officers that are being brutally attacked during this “summer of chaos” are real people with real hopes and real dreams.  Just like you and I, they want to work hard, raise their families and make this country a better place.  But now many of them have had their dreams for the future absolutely shattered by mindless violence.  After the massacre that we just witnessed in Dallas, I can’t imagine how anyone could possibly think that it would be a good idea to drop a concrete block on the head of a police officer.  What in the world would cause someone to sink that low?  Sadly, that is precisely what happened over the weekend in St. Paul, Minnesota, and now that police officer is suffering from a fractured spine(Read More...)

The Thin Veneer Of Civilization That We All Take For Granted Is Evaporating All Over The Globe

Globe Abstract - Public DomainHave you noticed that the world seems to be going a little bit more crazy with each passing month?  Here we are halfway through 2016, and the rot and decay that are eating at the foundations of civilized society seem to be rapidly gaining momentum.  Every single day, all of us take certain things for granted as we go through our normal routines.  For example, as you walk down the street you probably take it for granted that someone is not going to pull out a gun and try to shoot you.  As members of a civilized society, we have come to expect that our fellow citizens will behave in a certain way.  Unfortunately, the thin veneer of civilization that we have all come to rely upon is steadily evaporating all over the globe, and chaos, crime and violence are all on the rise. (Read More...)

Bizarre ‘Portal-Shaped Clouds’ Form Over CERN During The ‘Awake Experiment’

CERN Cloud Formation - YouTube ScreenshotThere are some “major concerns” about what the scientists at CERN are doing these days.  The European Organization for Nuclear Research, more commonly known by the acronym “CERN”, is purposely smashing particles into one another at astonishingly high speeds.  Just last month, the researchers working at the facility began a new experiment called “Awake” that uses “plasma wakefields driven by a proton beam” to accelerate charged particles.  On June 24th, pictures of some extremely bizarre “portal-shaped cloud formations” were taken in the area just above the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.  Could it be possible that there is some sort of a connection between this new “Awake” experiment” and these strange cloud formations?  And precisely what do the researchers hope to “awaken” anyway? (Read More...)

How Can We Celebrate Our Independence When Most Americans Are Willingly Enslaved To The Matrix?

The Matrix - Public DomainDid you know that the average U.S. adult consumes 10 hours and 39 minutes of media a day?  Nielsen has just released brand new numbers on the media consumption patterns of Americans, and they are absolutely staggering.  According to Nielsen, the amount of media that we consume per day has increased by an hour just since the first quarter of 2015.  This is the time of the year when we celebrate our independence, but how in the world can we ever be truly independent when most of us are willingly plugging ourselves into “the Matrix” for more than 10 hours a day?  If you feed anything into your mind for hours every day, it is going to change the way that you think, the way that you feel about things, and the way that you view the world.  This endless barrage of “news” and “entertainment” has fundamentally altered the belief systems of tens of millions of Americans, and this has very serious implications for our society moving forward. (Read More...)

The United States Of Europe: Germany And France Hatch A Plan To Create An EU Superstate

Europe Connections - Public DomainIf you believe that the Brexit vote is going to kill the idea of a “United States of Europe”, you might want to think again.  In fact, it appears that the decision by the British people to leave the European Union is only going to accelerate the process of creating an EU superstate.  As you will see below, one of the largest newspapers in the UK is reporting that the foreign ministers of France and Germany have drafted “a blueprint to effectively do away with individual member states”.  So even though men like George Soros are warning that the eventual dissolution of the European Union is “practically irreversible” after the Brexit vote, the truth is that the globalists are not about to give up so easily. (Read More...)