Media Attacks Republican Candidate For Congress For Asking Hard Questions About The Las Vegas Shooting

I didn’t expect that I would be getting “the Trump treatment” this early in the campaign.  Last week, I wrote an article about the Las Vegas shooting that posed 16 questions that I did not feel were being addressed by the mainstream media adequately enough.  That article was picked up by Zero Hedge, and it has now been read more than 1.6 million times.  All along, I have never claimed to know exactly what happened in Las Vegas.  But I feel very strongly that there is nothing wrong with asking questions.  In the old days, that is what real journalists would actually do.  Unfortunately, the art of critical thinking has almost entirely disappeared from the field of journalism, and so it is up to us in the alternative media to ask the hard questions that “professional journalists” used to pursue. (Read More...)

You Have Got To Watch This Video – The Corruption In Washington D.C. Is Off The Charts!

The video that you are about to watch shows exactly why we need to “drain the swamp”.  In Washington D.C. it is all about the money, and those that don’t play by the rules get punished severely.  But if we don’t start to fight back against this corruption, we will never have a chance to turn our nation in a positive direction.  I want to go to Washington and start “flushing the toilet”, and I am asking for your help.  I can’t do this alone, but if you help me get there, I promise to be your voice against the insidious corruption that has taken over our federal government. (Read More...)

A Michigan Woman Is Sent To Prison For Refusing To Vaccinate Her Son

Should parents that don’t vaccinate their children be locked away in prison?  That is a very chilling question, because there are literally millions of parents all across the country that don’t vaccinate their children for various reasons.  Personally, I have been writing about vaccine safety concerns for the last seven years, and as a member of Congress I will fight extremely hard to make sure that parents always have the right to make health decisions for their own children.  Over the years I have read so many vaccine horror stories from distraught parents, and nobody should ever be forced to vaccinate their children against their will.  Unfortunately, that is something that just happened in Michigan(Read More...)

5 Examples Of Heroes That Risked Everything To Save Lives During The Las Vegas Shooting

The Las Vegas shooting was evil on a level that is difficult to comprehend, but when things are the darkest that is also when the light shines the brightest.  Even in the midst of all of the chaos and all of the bloodshed, there were acts of great heroism that need to be applauded.  It takes great courage to run toward gunfire when it seems like everybody else is running away from it, but that is precisely what many brave individuals decided to do.  And some of those that risked everything to save lives ended up paying a great price for doing so. (Read More...)

Was The Las Vegas Shooting A Preview Of The Violent Chaos That Antifa Plans To Unleash Starting On November 4th?

On November 4th, Antifa is pledging to “gather in the streets and public squares of cities and towns across this country”, and they are promising not to end their protests until “the Trump/Pence Regime” is “removed from power”.  But of course these won’t be entirely peaceful protests.  In fact, Antifa activists are very open about the fact that “violence is necessary” in order to achieve their goals.  This open embrace of violence has gotten the attention of federal law enforcement authorities, and the DHS and the FBI have both warned that Antifa is engaging in “domestic terrorist violence”.  Starting with the protests around the nation on November 4th, Antifa is pledging to do whatever is necessary to end the presidency of Donald Trump.  How far is Antifa ultimately willing to go in order to achieve that goal? (Read More...)

A 45-Foot-Tall Statue Of A Naked Woman Is About To Be Put Up In Washington D.C. Directly Facing The White House

Let me get this straight – you can’t pray in school, but it is perfectly acceptable to put a 45-foot-tall statue of a naked woman directly across from the White House?  In ancient times, enormous statues of naked females were intended to represent the goddesses that various pagan cultures worshipped, and this is still true in some parts of the world today.  Most often, those goddesses were related to sexuality and fertility, and this ultimately goes all the way back to practices that began in ancient Babylon.  Nobody is claiming that this new statue represents an ancient goddess, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t highly symbolic.  According to USA Today, this “Amazonian figure” will be “directly facing the White House until March 7 to promote women’s equality”… (Read More...)

NFL Favorability Drops To The Lowest Level Ever As Backlash Against Anthem Protests Explodes

The NFL is in the process of committing suicide. To me, football is the greatest sport ever invented in the history of the world, and as a lifelong NFL fan it greatly saddens me to watch a game that I love being dragged through the mud. No matter how powerful the NFL may think that it is, there is no possible way that it can go to war with the national anthem and the American flag and come out as a winner. All over the country Americans are turning off their televisions and burning their jerseys, and the longer these kinds of “protests” continue, the worse it is going to get for the league. (Read More...)

3 Large Earthquakes And A Major Volcanic Eruption In Mexico Spark Fears That The Big One Could Hit California Soon

The portion of “the Ring of Fire” that runs along the west coast of North America is starting to shake like a leaf. As most of you already know, the outer perimeter of the Pacific Ocean is known for high levels of seismic activity, and the experts tell us that more than 80 percent of all earthquakes and more than 70 percent of all volcanic eruptions take place within the Ring of Fire. The North American section of the Ring of Fire has been relatively quiet for an extended period of time, but now all of the shaking down in Mexico is causing a tremendous amount of concern. In fact, some now fear that all of the shaking down there may be a harbinger of things to come for California. (Read More...)