The Amazing True Story Of How Hillary Clinton Secretly Cheated Bernie Sanders Out Of A Fair Shot At The Democratic Nomination

Yes, Hillary Clinton really did steal the Democratic nomination from Bernie Sanders, but most people have absolutely no idea how she actually did it.  In the end, it was all about the money.  A secret joint fundraising agreement that was made between the Democratic National Committee, the Hillary Victory Fund, and Hillary for America gave the Clinton campaign full control of the Democratic Party nearly a year before she officially won the nomination.  Normally, a presidential candidate for a major party would only be permitted to take full control once the nomination had been secured.  But in Hillary’s case, her campaign had a stranglehold over the Democratic National Committee virtually the entire time she was engaged in a heated battle with Bernie Sanders for the Democratic nomination. (Read More...)

A New Bill In Congress Would Prevent Any Baby With A Heartbeat From Being Aborted

A new bill being considered by the U.S. House of Representatives would make it illegal for an abortion to be performed on any fetus with a detectable heartbeat.  This bill is known as “the Heartbeat Protection Act”, and it would be a massive victory for the pro-life movement in this country if it becomes law.  So far about 170 members of the House are behind this bill, but it will need more votes than that to pass.  And even if it passes the House, it would still have to get through the Senate, and if just a few RINOS in the Senate vote against the bill that would be enough to block it. (Read More...)

Islamic Terrorist Shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ Mows Down Pedestrians With His Truck Near The World Trade Center

Terror has just struck New York City once again.  On Tuesday afternoon, a “Middle Eastern man” shouting “Allahu Akbar” used his truck as a weapon in Lower Manhattan near the World Trade Center.  After careening on to a bike path and hitting numerous bikers and pedestrians at high speed, he was finally stopped after his truck rammed into a school bus.  The suspect was shot twice by the police, but according to Fox News he is expected to survive… (Read More...)

That’s It? That Is All That Mueller Can Come Up With? Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton’s Scandals Are Being Ignored…

If this is all that Robert Mueller can come up with, he has just wasted enormous amounts of time and money.  On Monday, Paul Manafort and his former business partner Richard Gates were charged with tax evasion, money laundering and being “unregistered agents of the government of Ukraine”.  These charges have nothing to do with Trump’s campaign, and the Trump campaign is not actually mentioned in the indictment at all.  Previously, I explained that once a special counsel is appointed, someone is going to end up getting indicted.  Somebody must be charged with something, because a special counsel always feels the need to justify all of the time, money and energy that has been expended.  But if this is all that Mueller can come up with, that is pretty pathetic. (Read More...)

Pro-Trump Forces Are Taking Over The Republican Party, And There Is No Going Back

A civil war for control of the future of the Republican Party is raging, and pro-Trump forces are winning.  In recent weeks, we have seen Senator Jeff Flake and Senator Bob Corker both announce that they will not seek re-election when their terms are over.  Meanwhile, a new generation of enthusiastic pro-Trump candidates has been rising all over the nation.  Back in May, I used my national platform to publicly call for “an army of pro-Trump activists” to run for office all across America, and now it is actually happening.  Of course the traditional Republican establishment still believes that they are going to someday regain control of the party, but the truth is that there is no going back at this point.  This is a point that Pat Buchanan made beautifully in his recent article about the GOP civil war… (Read More...)

Shocking New Online Poll Shows That Michael Snyder’s Campaign For Congress Has A Ton Of Momentum

It is still very, very early, but we continue to get positive signs that all of the hard work that we have put into this campaign is getting the attention of the voters. Last week, the largest and most important political talk radio station in the entire state posted an online poll for our race, and we are winning. In fact, we have more votes than all of the other guys in the race combined. But let’s not get too excited. This is an entirely unscientific poll, and a scientific poll would show a much, much closer race. The truth is that most voters in this district still don’t even know who any of the candidates are, and that means that we have a ton of work ahead of us in this wide open race. In order to win, we need to effectively get our message out to all of these voters, and if you would like to help us do that, you can do so right here… (Read More...)

21 Reasons Why You Should Support Michael Snyder’s Run For Congress

We are starting to take our country back, and good men and women are rising up to run for office all over America.  I want to be part of this movement, and so I am running for Congress in Idaho’s first congressional district.  So how are things going so far?  Well, a brand new online poll conducted by the largest political talk radio station in the state shows that there is a tremendous amount of enthusiasm for my campaign.  People are sick and tired of the status quo in Washington, and the fact that I am not a professional politician is appealing to a lot of people.  But it is still very early, and we need as many people to get involved and to contribute as possible.  It is going to take a tremendous effort to win this race, but there is definitely a very clear path to victory if we work really hard. (Read More...)

Thanks Obamacare! Health Insurance Premiums Are Projected To Spike Dramatically Once Again In 2018

Are you ready for your health insurance premiums to go up again?  Ever since Obamacare became law, health insurance premiums have been rising dramatically year after year.  In 2016, one study found that the average Obamacare premium rose by about 24 percent, and similar increases have been seen all around the nation in 2017.  As you will see below, large premium hikes are on tap for 2018 as well, and rates are going to continue to rise until lawmakers finally do something about this nightmare. (Read More...)