Since 1997, 264 Cases Of Sexual Harassment In Congress Have Been Settled For A Total Of $17,250,854

We finally have the official numbers, and they aren’t pretty. Reid Wilson, a correspondent for the Hill, has posted to Twitter a year by year breakdown of sexual harassment settlements and awards that he received from the Congressional Office of Compliance.  I went ahead and added up each column, and what I discovered is that 264 cases of sexual harassment in Congress have been settled since 1997, and the total amount awarded in those settlements comes to a grand total of $17,250,854. (Read More...)

Please Contribute To The 2017 Michael Snyder For Congress Money Bomb

Wouldn’t it be great if Congress was absolutely packed with strong constitutional conservatives that consistently fought for true conservative values? It has been said that our government is a reflection of who we are as a people, and the only way that we are going to take our government back is if we fight for it. I have talked to so many conservatives that are sick and tired of being betrayed by “Republicans in name only” over and over again, but the only way that we are going to break this cycle is if good people start running and if we get behind them. Personally, I am in a very tight race in Idaho’s first congressional district, and the only way that I can win is if it is a total team effort. There is no way that I can do this alone, and fortunately we have had some absolutely extraordinary people get involved in the campaign as volunteers. But if you don’t have the time to serve as a volunteer, you can still contribute to the campaign in other ways. Today we are launching our “2016 Money Bomb”, and the deadline for participating is November 30th. If you would like to donate, you can do so here(Read More...)

The Curtain Is Being Pulled Back In Washington D.C., And Al Franken Is Just The Beginning

For decades, Americans have known that very sick things happen behind the scenes in Washington D.C., but the mainstream media nearly really talks about any of it.  But now the curtain is starting to be pulled back, and the revelations about Al Franken are just the beginning.  Earlier this week, I wrote an article about how “sexual harassment is rampant in the halls of Congress”, and that was before a female radio anchor named LeeAnn Tweeden revealed that Al Franken had “forcibly kissed” and groped her during a USO tour in 2006.  The following comes from an article in which Tweeden shared her story(Read More...)

Another Reason To Drain The Swamp: Sexual Harassment Is Rampant In The Halls Of Congress

Did you know that the House of Representatives has paid out $15,000,000 to victims of sexual harassment in recent years?  I am going to share some things with you in this article that are deeply disturbing, but it is for a purpose.  The status quo is not acceptable in Washington, and once people truly understand how deep the corruption runs I believe that they will get motivated to finally drain the swamp once and for all.  So yes, I am going to share some things in this article that are truly disgusting, but the goal is to show you that it is time to take our government back from the corrupt career politicians that are completely and utterly out of control. (Read More...)

The Feds Are Investigating Allegations That Planned Parenthood Has Been Selling Baby Body Parts For Profit

Is Planned Parenthood finally going to be held accountable for their crimes against humanity?  Pro-life activists all over the nation are absolutely thrilled by reports about a potential FBI investigation of Planned Parenthood.  For the past several years, undercover video after undercover video has exposed what is going on deep inside Planned Parenthood clinics, but federal law enforcement authorities never took any action.  Of course we probably should not have expected any justice during the Obama years, but many were hoping that things would change under Trump, and that now appears to be happening. (Read More...)

Michael Savage Wants To Turn America Back To God

Michael Savage is one of the most popular conservative radio hosts in America, but these days his focus in on talking about God.  His new book is getting a lot of criticism, because many Americans don’t like when people mix faith and politics.  But the truth is that if you are a person of faith it is going to make you want to change society, and for most of us, our political views come from a worldview that is rooted in faith.  In the end, faith and politics are always going to overlap, and I greatly applaud Savage for addressing spiritual issues more directly.  In this brand new book, Savage boldly declares that “God is not dead”(Read More...)

Is America Becoming A Police State Where Churches Can’t Feed The Homeless And Kids Can’t Set Up Lemonade Stands?

What would you do if authorities ordered your church to stop feeding the homeless?  And what would you do if your 5-year-old daughter was ordered to get government permission before setting up a lemonade stand?  Well, these things are actually happening in America today.  With each passing day, America goes further down the road toward becoming a police state.  Just yesterday, I wrote about a young mother that was threatened with arrest in California for not properly vaccinating her children.  We have entered a time when government bureaucrats are micromanaging all of our lives, and it is time for us to say that enough is enough. (Read More...)

Young Mother In California Threatened With Arrest At A Bus Stop For Not Vaccinating Her Children

Could you imagine being threatened by law enforcement authorities over vaccine records as you are waiting with your children for the school bus?  This is something that literally just happened to one young mother down in California.  One morning she walked her kids to the bus stop and she was approached by an official from the Claremont school district and a police officer.  In very intimidating fashion, they began questioning her about whether or not her children had been vaccinated.  When she refused to answer and started recording the interaction they walked away, but that wasn’t the end of it.  Later she called the police department and explained what was going on, and she was told that she could be arrested for refusing to vaccinate her children. (Read More...)