Have you ever wondered what our world is going to look like five or ten years down the road? Well, today our world is changing at a pace that is faster than ever before, and the decisions that we all make right now are going to have a dramatic affect on the years ahead. In many ways, 2012 represents a huge turning point for America. There will be a presidential election, 33 seats in the U.S. Senate will be contested and every single seat in the U.S. House of Representatives will be up for grabs. But the changes that are happening in America go much deeper than politics. Anger and frustration are growing to frightening levels, and we have become a deeply divided nation. Our affluence is rapidly crumbling and our national values are being transformed at a staggering pace. America is drowning in debt, addicted to entertainment and full of people that think they know it all. America is arrogant, cocky, smug, brash and full of pride. But if we continue down the road that we are currently on, we will be greatly humbled someday. It is just a matter of time.
In life, sometimes the questions are almost more important than the answers.
A good question can get you to focus on something you may not have considered before.
A good question can often get you to look at things at an entirely new angle.
Our nation is in big trouble and we desperately need to start making better decisions while there is still time.
Hopefully the questions below will cause you to do some thinking. I know that they caused me to do some thinking….
Have you ever noticed that a lot of countries are now quietly talking about paying for oil in something other than U.S. dollars?
Have you ever wondered why top officials in the government get away with so much? Right now, 36 top officials in the Obama administration owe a combined $833,000 in back taxes. How in the world can they get away with that? And why don’t they pay their “fair share” before trying to convince the rest of us that we need to pay more taxes?
Have you ever wondered how it is possible that the federal government has been operating without an approved budget for over 1000 days?
Have you ever taken the time to read some of the foreclosure horror stories that are out there on the Internet? Some of them are absolutely nightmarish. It kind of makes you wonder why anyone would ever want to buy a house.
Have you ever wondered why so many Tea Party Republicans are voting for Newt Gingrich? Considering the fact that he endorsed Obamacare a few years ago and considering the fact that he has been promoting individual health care mandates for years, it is amazing that any Republican is willing to vote for the guy.
Have you ever wondered why so many Tea Party Republicans are voting for Mitt Romney? When he was governor of Massachusetts, he created Romneycare (which is what the plan for Obamacare was based upon) and he appointed large numbers of radical leftists to the judiciary in Massachusetts.
Have you ever wondered why Wall Street is pouring such a massive amount of money into Mitt Romney’s campaign?
Have you ever noticed that the EU seems to hold a lot of “summits” but that nothing actually ever seems to get accomplished?
Have you ever noticed how almost everyone in America is scared to death of getting sued? No wonder people dislike lawyers so much.
Have you ever wondered why the Department of Homeland Security is so obsessed with monitoring Twitter?
Have you ever noticed that many major U.S. cities have become very unpleasant places in which to live?
Have you ever wondered why we didn’t build wider roads? Most of our cities are terribly congested. Each year, a total of approximately 4.8 billion hours are wasted on the roads of America due to traffic congestion.
Have you ever why so many Americans are constantly doped up on prescription drugs? The percentage of Americans that say that they have taken two or more prescription drugs within the last month has risen to 31 percent, and the percentage of Americans that say that they have taken five or more prescription drugs within the last month has risen to 11 percent.
Have you ever noticed that the term “perfect storm” is being used a lot more frequently these days?
Have you ever noticed that virtually nobody in Washington D.C. is much concerned about China’s rapidly rising military strength?
Have you ever noticed that even European newspapers admit that Barack Obama is trying to turn the United States into a European-style socialist welfare state?
Have you ever noticed that the mainstream media avoids certain stories almost completely? For example, a judge in Massachusetts recently ordered a 32-year-old pregnant woman to undergo a forced abortion and also ordered her to be sterilized. The mainstream media ignored the story almost entirely. Fortunately that decision was later reversed, but it is kind of frightening that a story like that did not make more national headlines.
Have you ever noticed that the FDA spends a massive amount of time and resources persecuting those that promote natural cures? For example, the FDA recently sent in U.S. marshals to raid one company that was selling elderberry juice concentrate.
Have you ever wondered why information about natural substances that have been shown to fight cancer is suppressed in the United States?
Have you ever wondered who makes all that cheap plastic crap from China that fills our store shelves? It turns out that working conditions are so nightmarish in many of those factories that many of the workers end up committing suicide.
Have you ever wondered why prominent news anchors such as Erin Burnett would call China “our greatest friend“?
Have you ever wondered why all of the big websites that protested SOPA so vigorously are not saying much about ACTA at all?
Have you ever wondered why U.S. state governments spend millions of dollars to train workers for big corporations?
Have you ever wondered how the area along the U.S. border with Mexico got to be one of the most dangerous places on earth?
Have you ever noticed how many of the latest Bible versions go to extreme lengths to avoid offending anyone? It is almost as if those translating these Bibles are actually embarrassed of Christianity.
Have you ever wondered why America imprisons far more people than anyone else in the world?
Have you ever wondered why Greece is in such a financial mess? Maybe it is because government officials in Greece do not seem to have any common sense. According to the New York Times, the following categories of people are now considered to be “disabled” in Greece and can receive financial benefits from the government: pedophiles, exhibitionists, kleptomaniacs, pyromaniacs, compulsive gamblers, fetishists and sadomasochists.
Have you ever wondered why gang activity is increasing so dramatically in America? It is estimated that there are 68,000 gang members living in the city of Chicago alone.
Have you ever wondered why more than 10,000,000 guns were sold in the United States during 2011?
Have you ever wondered how America would be different if we had not killed more than 50 million babies since Roe vs. Wade was decided back in 1973?
Have you ever wondered why so many young children drop dead or become severely disabled shortly after getting injected with vaccines?
Have you ever wondered why we don’t hear more about all the scientists that believe that man-made global warming is a hoax in the mainstream media?
Have you ever wondered why we can’t find a home for all Americans since there are far more vacant homes in America than there are homeless people?
Have you ever wondered what would happen if Barack Obama actually got thrown off the ballot in Georgia?
Have you ever wondered what life would be like without the Internet? Every single minute, 168 million emails are sent. What would we do without all that email?
Have you ever wondered why so many Americans are busy preparing for the collapse of civilization?
Have you ever wondered if this is the year when we will see a war with Iran erupt in the Middle East?
So do you think that you have answers to the questions above?
Please feel free to share your thoughts by leaving a comment below….