All Of The Bad News In 2020 Is Causing A Shockingly High Number Of Americans To “Seriously Consider” Suicide

This is a very difficult article for me to write, but I definitely need to write it.  All over the country, people are considering suicide because of all the bad things that have happened this year, and things are only going to get even more challenging in 2021 and beyond.  This greatly grieves me, because suicide is never the answer to anything, and I wish that I could sit down individually with every person that is considering suicide and get them to understand this.  Our lives are meant to be lived with purpose, passion and great joy, and that doesn’t change when times get very difficult.  In fact, when challenging times come that is when bright lights are needed the most. (Read More...)

Has America Entered A New Era Of Permanent Civil Unrest?

In 2020, it seems like each new day brings more headlines about chaos on the streets of America, and on Monday that included violence right outside the gates of the White House.  It is being reported that there was “an active shooter near the White House”, and we are being told that the Secret Service shot a “male suspect” and that the “male suspect” had been transported to the hospital.  I am sure that we will learn more about this incident in the days ahead, and we should be thankful that the Secret Service was able to easily handle this situation.  But there are reports that a group of protesters plans to “lay siege” to the White House in the weeks leading up to the election, and so officials will undoubtedly have their hands full as we draw closer to November. (Read More...)

Escape From New York: Wealthy Residents Flee In Droves As The City Degenerates Into A Hellhole

Hundreds of thousands of wealthy residents have already left New York City, and more are leaving every day as America’s biggest city rapidly degenerates into a hellhole.  This is incredibly sad to watch, because in many ways New York had been an incredible success story over the past several decades.  The 1970s and 1980s were nightmarish times for the city, but over the past several decades it was transformed into a virtual paradise for the wealthy and famous.  Crime rates absolutely plummeted, the city was given a dramatic facelift and a booming financial community brought an unprecedented amount of wealth into New York.  But now many of the old problems are starting to come back again, and a lot of wealthy New Yorkers have decided that it is time to look for greener pastures. (Read More...)

1.5 Billion Children Are Dead – What Is The Appropriate Sentence For Such A Crime?

One out of every six people in the world is missing.  If 1.5 billion children had not been systematically killed over the past 50 years, the total population of the planet would be 9 billion instead of the current level of 7.5 billion.  And of course I am not even counting the children and the grandchildren that the missing 1.5 billion would have had if they had been allowed to grow up.  There have been other great genocides throughout human history, but there has never been one that has literally wiped out one-sixth of humanity.  Virtually every nation in the world has eagerly participated in this horrific genocide, and that arguably makes us the most evil generation to ever walk the face of the Earth. (Read More...)

This Is Exactly What Is Going To Happen If Police Departments Are “Disbanded” Or “Defunded” All Across America…

By now, you have probably heard that the Minneapolis City Council plans to completely disband the Minneapolis Police Department, and other major cities are considering significant cuts to the funding that their police departments receive.  Needless to say, such moves will only make our streets even more unsafe, but a lot of people out there are so upset about police brutality that they are ready to support such drastic measures.  In the aftermath of 9/11, police departments all over the country were heavily militarized, and thousands of troops returning from our wars overseas were hired as officers.  This shift in policing culture caused enormous problems, and complaints about police brutality soared.  But instead of reforming law enforcement, many have now decided that the best approach would be to get rid of the police altogether. (Read More...)

Cry For This Country, Because The Streets Of America Have Become A War Zone

It has truly been disheartening to watch how rapidly our major cities have descended into complete and utter chaos.  At a moment when our nation should be coming together like never before, we have open warfare in the streets.  The violence has shocked the entire world, and even more violence is expected this weekend.  But anyone that is causing violence is actually dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I wish that many of the “leaders” that are encouraging these protests would make that point a lot more loudly.  The truth is that the vast majority of Americans are sick and tired of police brutality.  Personally, I have written countless articles about police brutality over the years, and I never want to see another police officer kneel on someone’s neck ever again.  But I also never want to see these sorts of riots ever again either.  Unfortunately, many people believe that this is just the beginning of the civil unrest in this country. (Read More...)

The High Cost Of Locking Down America: “We’ve Seen A Year’s Worth Of Suicide Attempts In The Last Four Weeks”

Locking down much of the country may have helped to “flatten the curve” a bit, but it has also had some very serious consequences that public health officials did not anticipate.  Humans were created to be social creatures, and forcing us to isolate ourselves from one another for weeks on end has turned out to be quite problematic.  This has especially been true for those that live alone.  Today, the U.S. has a higher percentage of one person households than ever before, and keeping those individuals totally isolated in their own homes is not that different from putting prison inmates in solitary confinement for an extended period of time.  In both cases, it can be just a matter of time before people mentally break. (Read More...)

America Has Become A Powder Keg That Is Ready To Explode At Any Time

Have you noticed that people are a lot more emotional these days?  People are angry about the lockdowns, people are angry because others are not “properly” observing the social distancing rules, people are angry about losing their jobs, people are angry about the shortages in the stores, and more than anything else people are angry at our politicians.  Even before COVID-19 came along, I was repeatedly warning my readers that anger was rising to a very dangerous level in this country, and now this pandemic has made things far worse.  If you doubt this, just log on to Facebook and read some of the “discussions” that people are having about this coronavirus.  Many of those “discussions” rapidly devolve into venom spewing contests, and sometimes this is still true even if people are theoretically on the same side.  There is so much anger and frustration out there right now, and it is only going to get worse the closer that we get to election day. (Read More...)