Ultra-Wealthy Elitists Are Having Their Brains Frozen So That They Can “Come Back To Life” 100s Of Years In The Future

If you could live forever, would you do it? Throughout history, money has allowed the elite to buy just about anything they want – except an escape from death. Many super-rich individuals are deeply haunted by the knowledge that they have spent their lives working incredibly hard to accumulate vast amounts of wealth but they only have a very limited amount of time in which to enjoy it. As a result, many of them are absolutely obsessed with finding a way to cheat death. The quest for eternal life is very much alive today – especially in tech hotbeds such as Silicon Valley. As technology continues to increase at an exponential rate, many among the elite are absolutely convinced that eternal life will be possible someday, and they are determined to stick around long enough to be a part of that revolution. (Read More...)

This Is America: 88% Of Democrats And 52% Of Republicans Want To Keep Roe v. Wade

A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News survey has found that 71 percent of all American voters are opposed to overturning Roe v. Wade. I must admit that I was rather dismayed when I saw the results of that poll. The pro-life movement in the U.S. has been fighting so hard for so long, and yet it seems like we just continue to lose ground. Yes, surveys have shown that a slight majority of Americans favor having some restrictions on abortion, but when it comes to getting rid of Roe v. Wade completely, voters are overwhelmingly against it. In fact, this brand new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll discovered that just 23 percent of voters want Roe v. Wade to be overturned… (Read More...)

Progressives Scramble To Block Potential Supreme Court Nominee Amy Coney Barrett Because She Is A Committed Christian

There is a lot of buzz that Amy Coney Barrett is going to be President Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court, and that is causing many progressives to totally freak out. The reason that they are freaking out doesn’t have anything to do with her credentials. In fact, as you will see below, Barrett is exceptionally qualified to be on the Supreme Court. She is sharp, intelligent and has a sterling reputation. But the left is already throwing a massive temper tantrum even though she isn’t the nominee yet for one very simple reason. Amy Coney Barrett is a committed Christian, and progressives are deathly afraid that her Christian values will influence her decisions on social issues. (Read More...)

1000s Of People In Sweden Are Willingly Microchipping Their Own Hands, And It Is Part Of The “Transhuman” Movement That Is Sweeping The Globe

The future is coming, and it is going to look very strange. In the past, many authors had raised the possibility of tyrannical governments forcibly microchipping their own populations someday, but what if most of humanity actually embraces this new technology enthusiastically? Today, thousands of people in Sweden are eagerly having microchips inserted into their own hands, and it is rapidly becoming a natural part of society. Even in the United States, at one time there was great resistance to the idea of microchipping our pets, but now it is almost universally accepted. Personal microchips are being promoted as a way to make routine tasks faster, easier and more convenient, and Swedish “biohackers” are quite thrilled to be on the cutting edge of this new trend(Read More...)

The Church Of England Is Encouraging Gay, Lesbian And Transgender People To Become Priests

The Church of England has launched a diversity drive that is specifically encouraging gay, lesbian and transgender people to take “roles of leadership and service in the local church”.  This move is being greatly applauded by the LGBT community and is being very strongly criticized by conservatives.  At one time such action by the Church of England would have been unthinkable, but today this news is hardly being noticed.  The Church of England has worked very hard to be welcoming to the LGBT community in recent years, and this has created some very significant rifts within the denomination.  Other major Christian denominations are going through similar struggles, and ultimately we may be seeing the largest shift in Protestant thinking since the days of the Reformation. (Read More...)

Televangelist Jesse Duplantis Wants 54 Million Dollars For A Private Jet, And He Wants His Congregation To Pay For It

Jesse Duplantis wants 54 million dollars so that he can buy a brand new Falcon X so that he can fly all over the world preaching his version of the prosperity gospel.  But of course he isn’t going to come up with that 54 million dollars himself.  Instead, he wants all of his followers to come up with the money.  I think that this is a perfect example that shows why so many people are sick and tired of the institutional church today.  No minister of the gospel should ever even think of using 54 million dollars on a private plane, and nobody should ever keep following any minister that would make such a request.  Of course multitudes will continue to tune in to his television show, and his meetings will continue to be full.  It is said that there is “a sucker born every minute”, and anyone that would follow Jesse Duplantis definitely falls into that category. (Read More...)

Did We Just Get Photographic Evidence That Angels Are Real?

Could it be possible that the figure in this photo is exactly what it appears to be?  A Michigan man named Glen Thorman is completely convinced that he captured an image of an angel with a drawn sword on a security camera outside his home in East Jordan, Michigan.  So are we looking at photographic evidence that angels really exist, or is something else going on here?  This photo has sparked a tremendous amount of debate on social media, and some naysayers have even accused Mr. Thorman of doctoring the image.  Of course that is always possible, but why would he do that?  And if the image is examined and no evidence of manipulation is found, will the skeptics be satisfied then?  Sadly, some people will never be satisfied unless they have a personal encounter with an angel themselves, and even then many skeptics would still refuse to believe. (Read More...)

LGBT Community Applauds Pope Francis For Telling A Gay Man That “God Made You Like This”

Is the Catholic Church about to fundamentally change the way that it deals with the LGBT community?  According to Spanish newspaper El Pais, Pope Francis made some incredibly revealing comments during a private conversation that he had with a victim of sexual abuse named Juan Carlos Cruz.  During that private conversation, the Pope reportedly told Cruz that he is gay because God made him that way and that he should be happy with who he is.  These comments by the Pope are making headlines all over the planet, and many are wondering if we are about to witness an enormous shift in direction by the largest religious institution on the entire planet. (Read More...)