Has America Become One Of The Most Evil Nations On The Entire Planet?

How will history remember us?  As Americans, we like to think that we are a light to the world and that other countries should be using us as a model for how to properly do things.  But the truth is that we have become unspeakably evil, and after reading this entire article I doubt that there will be anyone that will disagree with me.  And while it is certainly true that there are quite a few other nations that are also tremendously evil, none have fallen harder or faster then we have.  At one time America truly was “the hope of the world”, but now just about every form of wickedness that you can possibly imagine is exploding all around us, and very few of our national leaders seem to care. (Read More...)

A Watershed Moment For American Evangelical Christianity – Benny Hinn Has Just Renounced The Prosperity Gospel

When you have done things a certain way for almost your entire career, it can be exceedingly difficult to admit that you were wrong.  This is true in any field, but it is especially true for those in the ministry.  So Benny Hinn showed an enormous amount of courage when he completely repudiated the “prosperity gospel” on Monday night during a Facebook Live broadcast.  This represents a 180 degree turn for his ministry, and it could be a watershed moment for American evangelical Christianity as a whole.  For decades, an extreme emphasis on wealth and prosperity has virtually drowned out the message of the cross on Christian television, and this has greatly damaged the evangelical movement.  Having high profile leaders such as Benny Hinn renounce the “prosperity gospel” would do much to heal the damage that has been done, and he should be greatly applauded for his public repentance. (Read More...)

Americans Under The Age Of 39 Have Completely Different Values Than The Generations That Came Before Them

America’s values are shifting at a pace that is unlike anything that we have ever seen before.  During the 2020 election season, we are going to hear a lot about “the generation gap”, and the numbers clearly tell us that this gap is very, very real.  And as older generations of Americans slowly die off, it appears inevitable that the values that are dominant among younger generations of Americans are going to become the values of the country as a whole.  Essentially, “American values” are going to mean something completely different from what they meant to previous generations, and that should absolutely terrify all of us. (Read More...)

A Sign Of The Times? Las Vegas Is Being Hit By A Grasshopper Plague Of “Biblical Proportions”

It is being called “the Great Grasshopper Invasion of 2019”, and it is really freaking out a lot of people in Las Vegas, because most of them don’t understand why this is suddenly happening.  Unusually wet weather earlier this year created ideal breeding conditions, and now massive swarms of grasshoppers have descended upon Sin City.  According to AccuWeather, there are “millions” of them, and it is being projected that they will be sticking around “for weeks”.  The experts are assuring us that there is nothing to be concerned about, and that is probably true, but I have never heard of such a thing happening before in modern American history.  According to one report, there are so many grasshoppers that “you can see them from space”, and the swarms are so thick that they “even appeared on weather radar”(Read More...)

Alabama Passes A Bill Making Abortion A Felony, Potentially Setting Up A Historic Showdown In The Supreme Court

They actually did it.  On Tuesday night, the Alabama Senate passed a bill that would actually make abortion a felony in the state of Alabama.  Needless to say, pro-abortion forces all over the nation are officially freaking out about this new law.  They know that it is intended as “a direct challenge” to Roe v. Wade, and they know that this bill could potentially set up a historic showdown in the U.S. Supreme Court.  As this bill was being debated, actress Alyssa Milano called for women all across America to conduct a national “sex strike” because she believes that “whoever controls reproduction has power”.  Of course she has been greatly mocked for calling for such a strike, but the truth is that the left is going to do all that they can to derail this effort. (Read More...)

Anti-Semitism Is Rapidly Rising All Over The World, And We Must Fight It Wherever It Is Found

There is no place for anti-Semitism in our society, and all of us should be deeply alarmed by how rapidly anti-Semitism is rising across North America, Europe and the Middle East.  The numbers that I am going to share with you in this article are incredibly disturbing, and many believe that anti-Semitism is now the worst that it has been since the end of World War II.  After what we witnessed during the 1930s and 1940s, you would think that the world would never want to go down that path ever again, and yet it is happening.  Millions upon millions of people deeply hate the Jewish people just because they are Jewish, and it is getting worse with each passing day. (Read More...)

The Satanic Temple Has Evolved Into An Anti-Trump Movement, And Leftists Are Flocking To It

The Satanic Temple is the perfect religion for progressives.  You can believe anything you want, as long as you hate what Donald Trump, Christians and conservatives believe.  Unlike the Church of Satan, the Satanic Temple doesn’t even believe in a supernatural entity called Satan.  Instead, they celebrate Satan as “the ultimate rebel”, and they relish in using the symbol of Satan to greatly upset Christians.  The Satanic Temple was founded in 2013, and from the very beginning it was clear that they were primarily a political movement.  In fact, they openly tell prospective members that the only real requirement for joining is to believe “in the political and secular actions” of the group(Read More...)

Churches Have Become The #1 Target For Hate Attacks – An Average Of 105 Every Single Month

The bombings in Sri Lanka have once again put a spotlight on the rising tide of violence against Christians all over the world.  According to Open Doors USA, an average of 105 churches and/or Christian buildings are burned or attacked every month.  That is more than three per day, and almost all of those attacks get ignored by the mainstream media in the western world.  In addition, an average of 345 Christians are killed for faith-related reasons every single month.  Of course these numbers will soon be out of date, because violence against Christians continues to escalate all over the globe, and the horrifying attacks that we just witnessed in Sri Lanka are a perfect example.  The following comes from CBS News(Read More...)