If Everything Is Going To Be Okay, Why Are The U.S. And The EU Feverishly Preparing For World War III?

If there is going to be peace in the Middle East, why has the Pentagon sent 25 percent of our entire fleet of B-2 stealth bombers to the region? And if there is going to be peace in Europe, why is the European Union telling all of their citizens to store up food and water for a war with Russia?  We keep being told that everything is going to be okay, but meanwhile western officials continue to make moves that indicate that more war is coming. (Read More...)

8 Things That The Mainstream Media Is Being Strangely Quiet About Right Now

The news cycle has become so predictable lately.  Corporate media outlets find something that they think the Trump administration has done wrong, and then they pound on it until they find something else that they think the Trump administration has done wrong.  In response, conservative media outlets jump on the stories that the corporate media is reporting and vigorously defend the Trump administration.  Meanwhile, there are lots of very important stories that are not getting the attention that they truly deserve. (Read More...)

If The U.S. Joins The British Commonwealth, We Will Become The 57th Nation In A Global Alliance Under The Authority Of King Charles

Apparently King Charles plans to formally invite the United States to join the British Commonwealth, and President Trump seems very enthusiastic about it.  I don’t know why more people are not talking about this, because joining the British Commonwealth would be an extremely dramatic move.  We are being told that if the U.S. were to become a “member state” it would be “largely symbolic”, but is that really true?  As you will see below, King Charles is the head of the British Commonwealth, the organization that runs the British Commonwealth is based in London, and the British Commonwealth is committed to a globalist political agenda which includes taking global action to fight climate change.  Does the U.S. really want to come under the authority of a worldwide organization that is pushing such an agenda? (Read More...)

25 Facts About Abortion In America That Should Make You Very Sick

What does a nation that has killed more than 60 million of their own children deserve?  Every single day, the number of American children that are killed exceeds the number of Americans that were killed on 9/11.  Every single year, the number of American children that are killed is nearly equal to the number of Americans that have been killed in all of the wars that the U.S. has ever been involved in combined.  More than 60 million babies have been slaughtered since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973.  At this point, we have become a society that has very little regard for human life.  Most Americans don’t know what is going on behind closed doors at our abortion clinics, and most Americans simply don’t care.  But the truth is that abortion is at the very core of what is wrong with America.  We have killed tens of millions of our own children, and we continue to kill even more with each passing day.  No nation that does such a thing could ever be considered a “good” nation. (Read More...)

A New Vent Has Opened At The Yellowstone Supervolcano, And The Campi Flegrei Supervolcano Could Erupt “At Any Moment”

Are two of the most dangerous volcanoes in the entire world starting to wake up?  We live at a time when seismic activity is on the rise all over the planet.  More than three dozen volcanoes have recently erupted, and there have been more than 850 earthquakes in California and Nevada within the past seven days. Unfortunately, most people are not taking the threat that we are facing seriously. (Read More...)

10 Signs That A Significant Portion Of Our Population Has Gone Nuts

Have you noticed that people around you are behaving more erratically?  These days, you just never know what is going to set someone off.  A person may seem relatively normal, but then the moment you express an opinion that they don’t like they totally lose it.  It is almost as if the majority of the population is constantly “on edge” emotionally.  If you are one of those people, you need to understand that nobody is going to agree with you 100 percent of the time.  If I write something that you don’t agree with, that is okay.  And if you say something to me that I don’t agree with, that is okay too.  A free exchange of ideas is so important in our society, but a lot of people don’t seem to understand this. (Read More...)

China Is Quietly Constructing Hundreds Of Very Large Self-Sustaining “Special Economic Zones” All Over The Globe

The Chinese have made enormous mountains of money by exporting cheap goods to the rest of the world, and this has given them a tremendous amount of economic power.  Now they are attempting to extend their economic domination by constructing hundreds of very large self-sustaining “special economic zones” in other countries.  These “special economic zones” are established in key strategic locations, and they are often exempt from many of the laws and regulations of the host nation. (Read More...)

20 Facts That Will Make You Really Mad If You Stop And Think About Them For A While

Why is it that almost every statistic indicates that things have been getting worse in recent years?  Our society has been deteriorating physically, mentally, emotionally, financially and spiritually.  It is time to admit how far we have fallen.  If we continue to insist that we are doing the right things, we will continue to get the same results. And right now the results that we are getting are not good at all.  The following are 20 facts that will make you really mad if you stop and think about them for a while… (Read More...)