There Is A Tremendous Amount Of Confusion About What Just Happened

Did we just get closer to peace, or did we just get closer to war?  On Thursday, some media outlets in the U.S. were boldly proclaiming that Vladimir Putin had “agreed in principle” to Donald Trump’s proposal for a 30 day ceasefire in Ukraine, while other media outlets in the U.S. were flatly telling us that Vladimir Putin had rejected Donald Trump’s proposal.  So what is the truth? (Read More...)

Russia’s ‘Nightmare’ Ultra-Quiet Stealth Submarines Can Unleash A Nuclear Holocaust Upon America In Just Minutes

Russian submarines are known from their advanced stealth capabilities.  The Russians currently have 64 subs that are operational, and many of them have been equipped with “ultra-quiet” features that make them incredibly difficult to detect.  When we think of nuclear war, we tend to think of missiles that are fired from thousands of miles away.  But the Russians could simply move a couple dozen “ultra-quiet” subs right along our coastlines and conduct a sneak attack from point blank range.  Major cities on both coasts, including Washington D.C., would be destroyed almost instantly.  Other major targets deep inside the continental United States would be wiped out within just a few minutes. (Read More...)

The Days Of Noah Are Back – With A Twist

Mad scientists are creating all sorts of bizarre hybrid creatures in secret labs all over the planet, and most people in the general population have no idea what is really going on behind closed doors.  I am about to share some things with you that are deeply disturbing.  I fully understand that.  But the only chance we have of ending this evil is to expose it. (Read More...)

If You Live Near The New Madrid Seismic Zone, You Really Need To Read This

Are you ready for the day when the largest earthquake in U.S. history rips through the center of the country like a lightning bolt?  Last year, hundreds of little earthquakes rattled the New Madrid Seismic Zone, and it is just a matter of time before catastrophe strikes.  In 1811 and 1812, the three largest earthquakes in the entire history of the continental United States opened up gigantic fissures in the ground and they were keenly felt as far away as Washington D.C., New York City and Boston.  The next time such an earthquake occurs, it will cause incalculable damage. Unfortunately, such a quake could be coming a whole lot sooner than most people think. (Read More...)

Is The Most Dangerous Volcano Is America Roaring To Life? An Eruption Of The Yellowstone Supervolcano Could Potentially Destroy The United States

Is it possible that the Yellowstone supervolcano is gearing up for a major eruption?  When most people think of Yellowstone, they tend to conjure up images of “Old Faithful”, Yogi Bear and a television show starring Kevin Costner.  But the reality of the matter is that Yellowstone poses a very serious threat to all of us.  Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming is actually sitting directly above a massive supervolcano.  The magma “hotspot” underneath it is about 300 miles wide.  This supervolcano has erupted before, and scientists tell us that when it fully erupts again it could potentially destroy the United States.  So could such an eruption happen any time soon?  Well, we know that Yellowstone is overdue for a major eruption, and we also know that there are hundreds of earthquakes in the Yellowstone area every single year.  Scientists that monitor Yellowstone have been quite alarmed that some areas of Yellowstone have been slowly but steadily rising, and here in 2025 there have been some very unusual earthquake swarms.  So yes, there are good reasons to be really concerned about what has been going on at Yellowstone. (Read More...)

As The World Prepares For World War 3, The Second Blood Moon Purim Eclipse Will Appear In The Sky Next Week

There sure have been a lot of signs in the heavens lately.  For example, less than a week ago there was a very rare alignment of the 7 other planets in our solar system on the exact day of the argument in the Oval Office between President Trump and Volodymyr Zelenskyy.  That should have gotten a lot more attention than it did.  Next week, we will witness a sign in the sky that I believe is even more important.  Could it be possible that God is trying to get our attention?  If so, the vast majority of the population does not seem to be listening. (Read More...)