64 Percent Of News Reporters Believe That Obama Is Spying On Them

Spying - Photo by Pascal KirchmairIs it okay for Barack Obama to spy on reporters?  Is it okay for government spooks to record their calls, monitor their online activity and collect their emails whenever they want?  Well, according to a shocking new poll conducted by Pew Research, 64 percent of investigative journalists believe that the government is already collecting data from them right now.  Sadly, very few of them are publicly voicing objections.  We are rapidly becoming the type of “Big Brother” society that George Orwell once wrote about, and most Americans are just going along for the ride.  One journalist that is making waves is former CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson.  In her new book entitled Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama’s Washington, she claims that she has evidence that the government remotely activated her computer numerous times, monitored her keystrokes and even buried incriminating documents very deeply on her hard drive.  She has filed a lawsuit, and hopefully this will result in the public shaming of those involved in this spying.  With each passing day, we are becoming a little bit more like Nazi Germany, and if we continue down this road America will eventually be completely transformed into a totalitarian hellhole. (Read More...)