After Reading This Article About The Danger Of GMOs, You Will Probably Never Want To Eat Genetically-Modified Food Again

Every single day, most Americans eagerly gobble down foods that contain ingredients that have been genetically-modified without ever considering the consequences.  Most of us simply assume that the federal government would never allow us to eat GMOs if they were not safe.  Unfortunately, it appears that the federal government has completely failed us.  The material that I am about to share with you is deeply disturbing, and after reading this article there is a very good chance that you will never want to eat genetically-modified food ever again.  But at this point it is almost impossible to completely avoid GMOs, because they are in almost everything.  Unless they are specifically designated “organic”, most corn, soy, canola and sugar beets grown in America today have been genetically modified, and almost all packaged foods contain ingredients derived from at least one of those sources. (Read More...)

Soft Killing The American People Using Toxic Food, Toxic Water And Toxic Vaccines

Skull_and_crossbonesHave you noticed that there has been an absolute explosion in the number of people developing chronic illnesses, heart disease, diabetes and cancer?  If you are like most Americans, you probably have quite a few family members and friends that are seriously ill right now.  Sadly, most Americans have absolutely no idea why this is happening.  Most of them just assume that all of this sickness is just “normal”.  But that is not the case at all.  The truth is that we are slowly killing ourselves by what we eat, by what we drink and by what we allow to be injected into our bodies.  The vast majority of people out there have never even heard about the dangers posed by aspartame, fluoride, genetically-modified food, pesticides, high fructose corn syrup, pharmaceutical drugs, cell phones and toxic vaccines.  Most of them have no idea that our food is toxic, our water is toxic and our vaccines are toxic.  Right now, it is estimated that approximately 70,000 chemicals are being used for commercial purposes, and as a result of our “modern lifestyles” we are literally being endlessly bombarded with toxins.  This has resulted in a massive tsunami of death, disease and chronic illness in America.  But very few people actually understand what is being done to all of us.  The following are just a few of the ways that the “soft killing” of the American people is taking place… (Read More...)