Why Have UFO Sightings More Than Doubled Over The Last Two Years?

Did you know that the number of reported UFO sightings has increased dramatically over the past two years?  I didn’t realize this either until I looked up the numbers.  Of course the skeptics will always find a way to explain away any facts that they do not like, but to me it appears that something very unusual is happening.  According to the New York Times, more than 7,200 sightings were reported to the National UFO Reporting Center in 2020, and that represented an increase of “about 1,000” from the year before… (Read More...)

Government Agencies Are About To Disclose What They Know About UFOs, And That Will Be A Dramatic Paradigm Shift

Do you believe in UFOs?  Decades ago, if you answered yes to such a question many would have considered you to be a nutjob.  But at this point UFOs are not a “conspiracy theory” any longer.  In fact, even the U.S. government is admitting that they exist, and in just a few weeks we may learn a whole lot more about what the U.S. government really knows about this phenomenon.  When President Trump signed a 2.3 trillion dollar COVID relief bill last December, it contained a provision which requires all U.S. intelligence agencies to submit an unclassified report to Congress that reveals all that they know about UFOs(Read More...)