What Would Happen If Martial Law Was Declared In America?

Martial Law - Public DomainIn recent weeks, there has been a lot of concern that an upcoming eight week military exercise on U.S. soil known as “Jade Helm” is actually a dress rehearsal for the imposition of martial law in this country.  One of the reasons for the high level of concern is that we have seen a dramatic increase in the number of “urban warfare exercises” conducted by the U.S. military in major U.S. cities over the past decade – including exercises where “dissidents” are hunted down, arrested and hauled away.  As our world becomes increasingly unstable, and as our society rapidly decays from within, many believe that it is only a matter of time before the executive branch will have sufficient excuse to use the extensive martial law powers that it has been accumulating since 9/11.  When that day arrives, what will our nation look like?  What would actually happen if martial law was declared in America? (Read More...)

America’s Colleges Have Become Political Correctness Indoctrination Centers

Colleges - Political Correctness Indoctrination CentersMost parents assume that when they send their kids to college that they will receive training which will prepare them for a lifetime of employment.  Sadly, the truth is that very little time is actually spent imparting practical skills to students at most of America’s colleges.  Instead, an extraordinary amount of classroom time is spent telling students what they should think and what they should believe.  At this point, most institutions of “higher learning” in this country have been transformed into political correctness indoctrination centers.  There is a reason why college towns have a reputation for being extremely liberal.  The truth is that they are bastions for “progressive” thought.  Each and every day, millions of young adults all across America are literally being systematically brainwashed.  In case you are wondering, I know what I am talking about.  I spent eight years getting three degrees at public universities.  And it doesn’t even really matter what area of the country you attend school.  The “education” that students are receiving at schools in very liberal states is virtually the same as the “education” that students are receiving at schools in very conservative states.  Our young adults represent the future of this nation, and they are receiving a level of indoctrination that is so comprehensive that it would make Joseph Goebbels proud. (Read More...)

Guess What Percentage Of American Children Live In A Home With A Traditional Family Structure?…

Family - Photo by Eric WardIt is hard to believe, but in America today only 46 percent of children live in a home that has both a mother and a father that are in their first marriage.  An additional 15 percent live in a home that has two parents where at least one of them has been remarried.  But that means that an all-time record high 39 percent of all U.S. kids are living in a home with either just a single parent or no parents at all.  These numbers were just released by Pew Research, and they are rather startling.  The “traditional family” that most of us took for granted growing up is dying.  More Americans than ever are delaying marriage, having children out of wedlock and rejecting the traditional family structure.  But is this good for our kids?  Is this good for the future of America? (Read More...)

Metaphor For America: Starving 4 Pound Baby Dies In Car While Parents Eat At Golden Corral

Golden Corral - Photo by Park92What should be done to parents that stuffed themselves full of food at a Golden Corral while their starving four pound baby girl died in their car outside?  This actually just happened down in Florida, and it is a crime that is shocking the entire nation.  Sadly, it is also a perfect metaphor for what is happening to the country as a whole.  We have become an exceedingly selfish and self-centered society that seems to care very little that we are literally destroying the future of America.  We are stealing trillions of dollars from future generations and destroying what was once the greatest economy in the history of the world just to make ourselves a little bit more comfortable in the present.  We stand by and do nothing while our politicians flush the U.S. Constitution down the toilet and construct a Big Brother police state all around us.  We have become a nation of “sheeple” and “zombies” that are so addicted to entertainment that we can’t even see how our society is rotting and decaying in thousands of different ways all around us.  So yes, the parents that starved their precious little baby girl to death are guilty and should be punished.  But what about the millions of Americans that are doing nothing while America slowly circles the toilet on the way to oblivion? (Read More...)

Not Just The Largest Economy – Here Are 26 Other Ways China Has Surpassed America

China - Public DomainIn terms of purchasing power, China now has the largest economy on the entire planet, but that is not the only area where China has surpassed the United States.  China also accounts for more total global trade than the U.S. does, China consumes more energy than the U.S. does, and China now manufactures more goods than the U.S. does.  In other words, the era of American economic dominance is rapidly ending.  Global economic power is making a dramatic shift to the east, and that is going to have huge implications for our future.  We already owe the Chinese well over a trillion dollars, and as our economic infrastructure crumbles we are feverishly borrowing even more money in a desperate attempt to prop up our falling standard of living.  We can’t seem to match the work ethic, inventiveness and determination of China and other Asian nations and it is showing.  If we continue down this path, what will the future look like for future generations of Americans? (Read More...)

15 Quotes About The Duck Dynasty Controversy That Every American Should See

Phil RobertsonWhat is being done to Phil Robertson shows just how far America has fallen.  The thought police are waging an all-out campaign to take down one of the biggest names in the United States, and if they are successful none of us will ever be safe again.  We are becoming a nation that is governed by bullying, intimidation and unwritten speech codes, and if you happen to say the “wrong thing” you could lose everything.  Liberal pundits are gleefully declaring that making statements such as Robertson made “should get you fired from most jobs“.  That means that they believe that unless you conform to their version of morality (or keep your mouth shut forever) you should lose your job.  So are you ready to lose your job for what you believe?  Because that is where we are heading.  In the future, if you do not conform to their politically correct Big Brother speech code, you will be unemployable and you and your entire family will be outcasts from society.  That is why the Duck Dynasty controversy is so important.  This is a “line in the sand” moment, and if the thought police are successful than those that refuse to abandon Biblical morality will soon be forced underground.  Do you really want to live in a country where a large percentage of the population can no longer express what they believe to be right and wrong? (Read More...)

Why Are So Many Wealthy People Building Futuristic High Tech Security Bunkers?

Home Security - Photo by Intel Free PressThe wealthy are spending more to protect themselves from all the rest of us than ever before.  So why are they so concerned about the future?  Do they know something that the rest of us don’t?  Or do they just have the money to buy the type of security that the rest of us would if we could?  Over the past few years, wealthy people all over America have been equipping their homes with futuristic high tech security systems that go far beyond the kinds of things portrayed in recent Hollywood films such as “The Purge“.  We are talking about security bunkers with their own sustainable sources of food and water, hidden passageways that lead to ballistics-proof panic suites, and thermal heat detectors that can detect someone hiding up to 15 kilometers away.  Most of these security measures will probably never even be needed if things stay pretty much as they are today.  But if the thin veneer of civilization that we all take for granted on a daily basis continues to disintegrate and we see massive civil unrest in the years ahead, then those security measures are going to come in very handy indeed. (Read More...)

33 Stats That Prove That SOMETHING Desperately Needs To Be Done About The National Debt

Tea Party SignThe U.S. national debt is 36 times larger than it was just 40 years ago.  That is not a misprint.  That is actually the truth.  We are literally destroying the future of America, but most Americans don’t really seem to care.  In fact, the most hated politicians in America are the Tea Party politicians that recently tried to take a stand against the out of control borrowing that the federal government has been doing.  Pew Research has just released a new survey that shows that the popularity of the Tea Party is at an all-time low.  So while many Americans may say that they theoretically want something to be done about the national debt, when push comes to shove they don’t actually mean that.  You see, the reality of the matter is that about 128 million Americans get money from the federal government every month.  That accounts for the majority of all government spending.  Anyone who tries to take those goodies away is going to be hated.  So we are going to continue down this crazy path until the system completely crashes someday. (Read More...)