Cyberattacks, Solar Storms And EMP Weapons: The U.S. Power Grid Is Extremely Vulnerable And An Extended Blackout Is Inevitable

A lot of Americans are mocking Venezuela right now, but the truth is that what has happened to them could also happen to us very easily.  As you will see below, DARPA is so concerned about the possibility of a cyberattack taking down our power grid that they held an extended exercise recreating such a scenario late last year.  And even though scientists tell us that it is inevitable that a “solar tsunami” will absolutely devastate our power grid at some point, our leaders on the federal level refuse to spend the money that it would take to protect our basic electrical infrastructure.  In addition, Russia, China, North Korea and others have developed extremely advanced EMP weapons, and we have absolutely no protection against them.  One way or another, an extended blackout will eventually happen in the United States, and so we should try to learn some lessons from what is going on in Venezuela right now. (Read More...)

19 Signs That You Live In A Country That Has Gone Completely Insane

Sheep In A Crowd - Public DomainDo you ever feel like you are living in a “Bizarro World”?  That is how I feel much of the time.  I look around and it seems as though some form of mass psychosis has descended on most of the population.  Things that would have had Americans angrily marching in the streets a generation or two ago are now just accepted as “normal” by the “sheeple” that populate this nation.  If the talking heads that endlessly spew nonsense at us through our televisions tell us to believe something, no matter how absurd it is, most people just go along with it.  Before we had televisions and radios and computers and movies and the Internet, people actually had to do the hard work of thinking for themselves.  But now we are all plugged into this giant “matrix” that tells us what to think, what to believe and how to feel about things.  And unfortunately, the people that are telling us what to think and believe are delusional themselves.  The blind are leading the blind, and as a result our nation is coming apart at the seams all around us.  The following are 19 signs that you live in a country that has gone completely insane… (Read More...)

16 Signs That People Are Becoming Stupider

Does it ever seem to you like people are becoming stupider than ever?  There have always been people out there that have been a few cards short of a full deck, but these days it seems like more people than ever are a few fries short of a Happy Meal.  Certainly our education system plays a major role in this.  Our children are being systematically “dumbed-down” by our public schools and millions of them are graduating from high school as dumb as a rock.  And the endless hours of mindless entertainment that most of us are addicted to certainly is not helping matters either.  Will we eventually become a society where only a small minority possess critical thinking skills?  In our world today, logic and reason seem to be in very short supply and the sheeple seem to have taken over.  As I wrote about recently, in this day and age it is more imperative than ever that we all learn to think for ourselves.  Unfortunately, most people do not seem to be doing that.  Most people seem content to let their televisions do their thinking for them.  Way too many people have a blank look in their eyes as if they aren’t even fully there.  But when people are not thinking clearly, they tend to act very foolishly.  From the very top of our society to the very bottom, people are doing some really stupid things. (Read More...)

19 Things That The Talking Heads On Television Are Being Strangely Silent About

If the talking heads on television don’t tell us about something that happens, does it make that event any less real?  Of course the answer to that question is quite obvious, but unfortunately way too many Americans allow their realities to be defined by what they hear from the mainstream media.  Way too many people use phrases such as “if that was true I would have heard about it on television” to deflect conversations that are starting to become uncomfortable.  Critical thinking is a skill that is in short supply in America today, and most Americans seem content to let their televisions do their thinking for them.  Sadly, the pretty people on television do not spend a lot of time talking about the things that are truly important.  Instead, they love to talk about the latest celebrity scandal and they love to divide people into groups and get them fighting with one another.  In this day and age, it is absolutely critical that we all learn to think for ourselves.  The talking heads on television are concerned with keeping their bosses happy and with keeping the ratings up.  Most of them are not really concerned about what happens to you.  They just want you to keep watching them so that they can continue to earn their inflated salaries. (Read More...)