Sorry AOC, A Stunning New Poll Has Found That Public Support For Capitalism Is Growing In America

The meteoric rise of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other young progressive politicians has led many to believe that the American public must be warming up to socialism.  But what if that isn’t true at all?  Certainly there is a certain segment of the population that absolutely embraces the message that AOC, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and other socialists are preaching, but could it be possible that the American people as a whole are actually moving in the opposite direction?  According to a shocking Fox News poll that just came out, the percentage of Americans that want the government to leave them alone is going up, and the percentage of Americans that want the government to lend them a hand is going down… (Read More...)

Millions Of Illegal Immigrants Are Using A Massive Scam To Get Much Bigger Tax Refunds Than You Are

Did you know that illegal immigrants all over the United States are using a massive scam to receive tax refunds from the federal government that are often in excess of $10,000?  It is estimated that 2 million illegal immigrants are filing fraudulent tax returns each year and that they are pulling in more than 4 billion dollars in tax refunds every year that they are not entitled to.  They are doing this by abusing the additional child tax credit and the IRS knows all about it and yet they refuse to do anything to stop it.  Illegal immigrants are filing tax returns that sometimes claim 10 or 12 nieces and nephews as dependents, and most of the time those nieces and nephews do not even live in the United States.  So while you and I are being taxed into oblivion, many illegal immigrants are often pulling in tax refunds that are well into five figures.  At a time when the federal government is absolutely drowning in debt, this is the type of fraud that desperately needs to be cracked down on, and yet the IRS refuses to take action. (Read More...)

10 Facts About Corporate Taxes That Will Make Your Blood Boil

As the rest of us fill out our federal tax returns this year, we can all take great comfort in the fact that many of the largest corporations in the United States are not paying any federal taxes at all.  Over the past couple of decades, multinational corporations have become incredibly skilled at avoiding taxes.  It has become routine for big companies to shift profitable operations to divisions in other countries where tax rates are lower.  It has also become routine for big companies to set up “sham headquarters” in tax havens around the world.  Many U.S. corporations have even renounced their status as American companies in order to avoid paying taxes.  All of this has had a dramatic impact on the income of the federal government.  Corporate taxes now account for less than 7 percent of all federal revenue.  Back in the 1950s they accounted for about 30 percent of all federal revenue.  Meanwhile, the 35 percent corporate tax rate in the United States is chasing companies (and the accompanying good jobs) out of the United States at a blinding pace.  In a world where big corporations will go to any lengths to “game the system”, this is absolutely devastating our economy. (Read More...)