Millions Of Illegal Immigrants Are Using A Massive Scam To Get Much Bigger Tax Refunds Than You Are

Did you know that illegal immigrants all over the United States are using a massive scam to receive tax refunds from the federal government that are often in excess of $10,000?  It is estimated that 2 million illegal immigrants are filing fraudulent tax returns each year and that they are pulling in more than 4 billion dollars in tax refunds every year that they are not entitled to.  They are doing this by abusing the additional child tax credit and the IRS knows all about it and yet they refuse to do anything to stop it.  Illegal immigrants are filing tax returns that sometimes claim 10 or 12 nieces and nephews as dependents, and most of the time those nieces and nephews do not even live in the United States.  So while you and I are being taxed into oblivion, many illegal immigrants are often pulling in tax refunds that are well into five figures.  At a time when the federal government is absolutely drowning in debt, this is the type of fraud that desperately needs to be cracked down on, and yet the IRS refuses to take action. (Read More...)