50 Random Questions

If you are a big fan of The Office on NBC, then you probably know that Michael Scott considers autumn to be “the most contemplative of seasons”.  Well, while that may or may not be true, what I do believe is that Friday is one of “the most contemplative” days of the week.  Here in the great Pacific northwest there is still a couple of hours of daylight left before the sun goes down, and as the sun relentlessly continues its trajectory towards the horizon it makes me stop and reflect on how rapidly the world is changing.  In just about any field that you want to name – technology, politics, economics, education, entertainment and even religion – the pace of change these days is absolutely astounding.  We live at a time when we get to watch the world literally change right in front of our eyes.  In the age of the Internet our attention spans have been reduced to approximately that of a squirrel, but sometimes it is good to sit back and think about the bigger picture.  What does all of this change mean?  Is it good?  Is it bad?  What kind of a future are we headed for?  (Read More...)

11 Points Of Comparison Between Life In The United States And Life Under Hitler From A Woman Who Has Experienced Both

Have you ever heard of Kitty Werthmann?  She was a child when Adolf Hitler took control of her beloved country of Austria and stripped away their freedoms, and she is now speaking out about the chillingly similar loss of freedoms that we are currently experiencing in the United States.  It is often said that “those who forget history are doomed to repeat it”.  So, perhaps we should listen very carefully to what Kitty Werthmann has to say.  She has been there.  She has lived through it.  The truth is that when you do sit down and compare what happened under the Nazi regime and what is happening in the United States today, the parallels are absolutely shocking.  The American Dream is not guaranteed for us or for our children.  Freedom must be guarded.  If not, it will be taken away.  In fact, our freedoms are already being stripped away at blinding speed, and once they are gone they are incredibly difficult to get back. (Read More...)

The Dangerous Myth Of Overpopulation

Today, there is a growing belief that many of the world’s problems are directly related to overpopulation.  Whether it is world hunger, the lack of fresh water, the damage we are causing to our environment, or “climate change”, those who believe in the myth of overpopulation have no hesitation blaming all of those problems on the “fact” that there are way too many people in the world.  What is even more frightening are the solutions that many of those people who believe that the world is overpopulated are proposing.  The solutions they propose include more abortion and “family planning” services, “one child” policies and mass sterilizations.  In fact, there are even some in the radical environmental movement that insist that we need to get rid of 80 to 90 percent of humanity in order to “save” the environment.  (Read More...)