Mainstream Media Lies: 23 Things That Are Not What They Seem To Be On Television

Most Americans believe the lie that the mainstream media is “fair and balanced” and is looking out for the interests of average Americans.  Well, that simply is not true.  Those in the mainstream media serve those that are providing them with paychecks.  The reality is that just 6 gigantic corporations collectively own most of the major mainstream media outlets in this country.  Reporters are simply not going to be allowed to report stories that are severely damaging to those corporations or to the owners of those corporations.  In addition, reporters are simply not going to be allowed to report stories that are severely damaging to those that spend millions of dollars on advertising (such as pharmaceutical companies) on those mainstream media outlets.  At this point, our “news” is absolutely packed with propaganda.  Way too often, things are not what they seem to be on television.  The mainstream media lies, lies and then lies some more.  They give us the version of “reality” that their owners want us to have. (Read More...)

18 Crazy Facts Which Show That No Nation On Earth Is More Doped Up On Prescription Drugs Than America Is

Anyone that comes to visit America may notice that most of us walk around like a bunch of zombies.  Well, the truth is that this is because about half of us are completely doped up on prescription drugs.  In America, we don’t just take pills if we are sick.  In this day and age, the pharmaceutical companies have come up with a pill for just about everything.  If we are feeling a little sad, we are told to just pop a pill.  If we are feeling a little bit of pain, we are told to just pop a pill.  If our children like to run around and play, we are told that giving them the right pills will settle them down.  Every single year, prescription drug use in America increases, and there are dozens of different pharmaceutical companies that are making billions of dollars off of our “legal” addiction to drugs.  The funny thing is that many of these “legal” drugs are only just the slightest bit different from many of the “illegal” drugs that are being sold out on the streets.  But because they have “government approval”, the big pharmaceutical companies can relentlessly peddle them to the American public.  Many of these drugs are very damaging to our health, many of them are very damaging to our ability to think and many of them are extremely addictive. (Read More...)

25 Shocking Facts That Prove That The Entire U.S. Health Care Industry Has Become One Giant Money Making Scam

What is the appropriate word to use when you find out that the top executive at the third largest health insurance company in America raked in 68.7 million dollars in 2010?  How is one supposed to respond when one learns that more than two dozen pharmaceutical companies make over a billion dollars in profits each year?  Is it okay to get angry when you discover that over 90 percent of all hospital bills contain “gross overcharges”?  Once upon a time, going into the medical profession was seen as a “noble” thing to do.  But now the health care industry in the United States has become one giant money making scam and it is completely dominated by health insurance companies, pharmaceutical corporations, lawyers and corporate fatcats.  In America today, just one trip to the hospital can cost you tens of thousands of dollars even if you do not stay for a single night.  The sad thing is that the vast majority of the money that you pay out for medical care does not even go to your doctor.  In fact, large numbers of doctors across the United States are going broke.  Rather, it is the “system” that is soaking up almost all of the profits.  We have a health care industry in the United States that is fundamentally broken and it needs to be rebuilt from the ground up. (Read More...)