15 Signs That The Ring Of Fire Is Waking Up As We Head Into 2013

Ring Of FireWhile most of the world has been focused on other things, the Ring of Fire has been quietly waking up.  Over the past couple of months, there has been a steady string of noteworthy volcanic eruptions and earthquakes that have occurred along the perimeter of the Pacific Ocean.  But because none of them have happened near a highly populated area, we really haven’t heard much about them in the news.  But if activity along the Ring of Fire continues to increase, it is inevitable that a major event will happen near a major city at some point.  When that happens, the entire world will be focused on the Ring of Fire once again.  Most people don’t realize that approximately 90 percent of all earthquakes and approximately 75 percent of all volcanic eruptions occur along the Ring of Fire.  The entire west coast of the United States sits along the Ring of Fire and a massive network of faults runs underneath California, Oregon and Washington.  Fortunately, the west coast has not experienced any devastating seismic events in recent years, but scientists assure us that will change at some point.  So it is important to sit up and take notice when there are reports of increasing activity along the Ring of Fire. (Read More...)