Obama’s ‘Deal’ Would Allow Iran To Start Building Nuclear Bombs In About 10 Years

Nuclear War - Public DomainShould Iran be permitted to build as many nuclear bombs as it wants just a decade from now?  Shockingly, this is precisely what the “deal” that the Obama administration is currently negotiating would allow Iran to do.  Even the Washington Post, an enthusiastic cheerleader for Obama all these years, says that this deal is the equivalent of “giving Iran everything it wants“.  Sadly, ever since negotiations with Iran began several years ago, the stance of the Obama administration has been to retreat, retreat and then retreat some more.  Back in 2005, the western world was insisting that Iran was not going to be allowed to have any centrifuges at all.  But now we are going to allow Iran to keep all of the nuclear infrastructure that it has built up, and a decade from now it will be allowed to start building nuclear weapons.  This is a country that is run by genocidal Islamic fanatics that consider the United States to be “the Great Satan” and that wants to wipe the nation of Israel off the face of the planet.  Under no circumstances should Iran ever be allowed to build even a single nuclear weapon.  If Obama goes through with this deal, he is betraying the United States, Israel and the entire western world. (Read More...)