Time Magazine Promotes A Childless Lifestyle As The Path To The Good Life For U.S. Couples

Childfree LifeThere is a relentless assault on the family in America today unlike anything that we have ever seen before.  For decades, the entertainment industry and the mainstream media have been portraying marriage as the time “when your fun is over” and they have been encouraging young adults to put off marriage for as long as possible.  So now the marriage rate in the United States is at a record low and the average age for a first marriage is at a record high.  Meanwhile, the entertainment industry and the mainstream media have been heavily promoting the philosophy that having fewer children is better, and they have been teaching our young people that abortion is a really good option if an unwanted pregnancy comes along.  The whole idea is that children are going to keep you from enjoying the kind of life that you really deserve to have. (Read More...)

25 Signs American Women Are Being Destroyed By The Sexual Revolution And Our Promiscuous Culture

25 Signs American Women Are Being Destroyed By The Sexual Revolution And Our Promiscuous Culture - Lady Gaga Photo by T J SengelHas the sexual revolution been good for American women?  Not at all.  In fact, when you look at the facts it becomes clear that the sexual revolution has been an absolute disaster for American women.  In the United States today, men have been trained to primarily view women as sex objects, and our culture has become exceedingly promiscuous.  As a result, the United States leads the world in teen pregnancy, there are 19 million new STD infections every single year, more than half of all children born to women under the age of 30 are being born out of wedlock and we are witnessing the systematic breakdown of the family unit in America.  And yet anyone that tries to teach our young women that they should dress modestly and keep themselves pure for marriage is severely criticized.  Well, if all Americans actually did keep themselves pure until marriage, we wouldn’t have nearly the problems with STDs, teen pregnancy and abortion that we do today.  The consequences of teaching our young women that they should be “free” to run around and sleep with a whole bunch of different men have been dramatic.  The following are 25 signs that American women are being destroyed by the sexual revolution and our promiscuous culture… (Read More...)

Which Is Better – A Society With Loose Sexuality Or A Society With Strict Rules For Sexuality?

There are very few subjects that get people more fired up than the subject of sexuality.  In fact, almost all of the highly contentious “social issues” that have America so deeply divided today have something to do with sexuality.  Many Americans are pretty clueless when it comes to the economy, but when it comes to abortion, sex education, gay marriage, teen pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases almost everyone has a very strong opinion.  If you try to convince someone that they are wrong about any of these issues, most of the time you will be fighting a losing battle.  Most Americans simply do not want to be told what to do when it comes to sexuality.  But attitudes toward sexuality have definitely changed in America over the decades.  In the early part of the 20th century most Americans followed strict rules when it came to sexuality, but then along came the “sexual revolution” and all of that changed.  Today, most Americans consider the loose sexuality in our society to be a very good thing.  Most Americans are glad that they can have sex with any other willing adult partner (or partners) any time they want to.  But has this been good for America?  Is it better to have a society with loose sexuality or a society with strict rules for sexuality? (Read More...)