When We Teach Our Kids That Life Has No Value, This Is How They Act…

The endless chaos in our streets is directly related to how we have been raising our children for the past couple of decades.  Bad beliefs lead to bad actions, and we have been teaching our kids values that are fundamentally flawed.  In particular, our children are endlessly taught that life has no value in a multitude of ways.  They view thousands of murders on television and in the movies as they grow up, the news glorifies politicians that tell them that it is a good thing to slaughter the unborn, and western nations are increasingly embracing the idea that older people should be willing to ask for the “plug to be pulled” once their “usefulness” is over.  Throughout their lives, our kids are trained to believe that they evolved from animals and that there is nothingness after they die, and the logical conclusion of such a worldview is that the period of time between birth and death is rather meaningless. (Read More...)