New Bill Would Make It Legal To Target Propaganda And “Psychological Operations” Directly At U.S. Citizens

Should it be legal for the U.S. government to spend billions of dollars on propaganda designed to change public opinion in the United States?  Should it be legal for the U.S. government to use television, radio, newspapers, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, blogs and Internet forums to conduct “psychological operations” targeted at the American public?  An amendment that has been added to a new defense bill in Congress would make it legal to target propaganda and “psychological operations” directly at U.S. citizens.  The latest version of the National Defense Authorization Act would overturn the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 and the Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1987.  Those two laws essentially make it illegal for propaganda that is used to influence public opinion overseas to be targeted at U.S. citizens back here at home.  If those two laws are struck down, there will be essentially very few limits to what the U.S. government can do to shape our opinions.  The government would be able to bombard us with propaganda messages on television, on the radio, in our newspapers and on the Internet and there would not even be a requirement that those messages be true.  In fact, just as happens so often overseas, it would likely be inevitable that the government would purposely disseminate misinformation to the American public for the sake of “national security”.  That is why it is imperative that this bill not become law. (Read More...)

Aborted Babies Are Being Chopped Up And Sold To Researchers All Over America With The Full Approval Of The Obama Administration

Did you know that aborted babies are being chopped up and sold to medical researchers all over America?  There is a federal law which is supposed to ban this practice, but it contains a gigantic loophole that abortion clinics are using to sell huge amounts of aborted baby parts to the scientific community.  The loophole in the federal law allows “reasonable payments associated with the transportation, implantation, processing, preservation, quality control, or storage of human fetal tissue.”  But there are no guidelines as to what those “reasonable payments” should be and the Obama administration is not about to start prosecuting abortion clinics.  So aborted baby parts from American babies will continue to be very quietly sold for profit to medical researchers and most Americans will never hear anything about it.  But future generations will look back in horror at what we allowed to be done right under our noses. (Read More...)

Proposed UN Environmental Constitution For The World Would Establish An Incredibly Repressive System Of Global Governance

Most people have no idea that the United Nations has been drafting an environmental constitution for the world that is intended to supersede all existing national laws.  This document has a working title of “Draft International Covenant on Environment and Development” and you can read the entire thing right here.  Work on this proposed world environmental constitution has been going on since 1995, and the fourth edition was issued to UN member states on September 22nd, 2010.  This document is intended to become a permanent binding treaty and it would establish an incredibly repressive system of global governance.  This “covenant”, as it is being called, claims authority over the entire global environment and everything that affects it.  Considering the fact that everything that we do affects the environment in some way, that would mean that this document would become the highest form of law for all human activity.  This proposed UN environmental constitution for the world is incredibly detailed.  The U.S. Constitution only has 7 articles, but the UN document has 79 articles.  If the U.S. eventually ratifies this treaty, any national, state or local laws that conflict with this covenant will be null and void.  This is potentially one of the greatest threats to our national sovereignty that we have ever seen and we need to warn the American people about it. (Read More...)

19 Signs That America Has Become A Crazy Control Freak Nation Where Almost Everything Is Illegal

Do you think that you are free?  Most Americans would still probably answer “yes” to that question, but is that really the case?  In the film Edge of Darkness, Mel Gibson stated that “everything is illegal in Massachusetts”.  Well, the same could pretty much be said for the United States as a whole.  Our lives are governed by millions of laws, rules and regulations and more are being piled on all the time.  In fact, 40,000 new laws just went into effect in January.  Every single new law restricts your freedom just a little bit more.  The truth is that America has become a crazy control freak nation where virtually everything that we do is highly regulated.  You have probably broken multiple laws today that you don’t even know exist.  We have all become criminals and lawbreakers because almost everything is illegal at this point.  Our politicians are convinced that they are “making life better” by piling gigantic mountains of laws on to our backs, and law enforcement authorities are convinced that they are helping society by “cracking down on crime”, but the reality is that our liberties and our freedoms are being strangled by all of this government oppression.  This is not the way that America is supposed to work. (Read More...)

Preppers Are Now Considered To Be Potential Terrorists?

If you and your family store up lots of food, will you be identified as “potential terrorists” by law enforcement authorities?  That sounds like an insane question, but sadly it has gotten to the point where “preparing for the worst” has become a “suspicious activity”.  Today, there are millions of preppers all across the United States, and the vast majority of them just want to be left alone and do not want the government to interfere in their lives.  Storing up food is a completely peaceful activity, and preppers are generally some of the most patriotic and law-abiding people that you could ever hope to meet.  Unfortunately, prepping has become associated with “extremism” by many in the government, and lately we have seen some very disturbing signs that authorities are actively seeking to gather information on preppers.  So are preppers now considered to be potential terrorists?  Well, read the evidence posted in the rest of this article and decide for yourself. (Read More...)

15 Examples Of How “The Little Guy” Is Getting Absolutely Killed In America Today

Those without a lot of wealth or a lot of power are getting absolutely killed in America today.  The big corporations, the major financial institutions, the ultra-wealthy and those connected to the top levels of government are absolutely thriving even though the economy overall is in shambles.  Meanwhile, “the little guy” is being abused, harassed, regulated, taxed and mistreated like never before.  In general, the big corporations and the government don’t spend a lot of time tangling with each other.  Instead, mostly they seem content with attacking the weak members of the herd (the rest of us).  In the United States today, wealth and power have become more concentrated than ever, and the big corporations and the government have figured out thousands of different ways to drain even more wealth and power away from the rest of us.  Most of the time, “the little guy” is not even able to fight back.  Most Americans have very limited resources and a very limited knowledge of the law.  Meanwhile, the “big guys” have almost unlimited resources and can hire huge numbers of lawyers.  So what does that mean for the rest of us?  Well, it means that until society becomes a lot more just, you better do your best to keep from becoming a target of the “big guys”. (Read More...)