25 Shocking Facts That Prove That The Entire U.S. Health Care Industry Has Become One Giant Money Making Scam

What is the appropriate word to use when you find out that the top executive at the third largest health insurance company in America raked in 68.7 million dollars in 2010?  How is one supposed to respond when one learns that more than two dozen pharmaceutical companies make over a billion dollars in profits each year?  Is it okay to get angry when you discover that over 90 percent of all hospital bills contain “gross overcharges”?  Once upon a time, going into the medical profession was seen as a “noble” thing to do.  But now the health care industry in the United States has become one giant money making scam and it is completely dominated by health insurance companies, pharmaceutical corporations, lawyers and corporate fatcats.  In America today, just one trip to the hospital can cost you tens of thousands of dollars even if you do not stay for a single night.  The sad thing is that the vast majority of the money that you pay out for medical care does not even go to your doctor.  In fact, large numbers of doctors across the United States are going broke.  Rather, it is the “system” that is soaking up almost all of the profits.  We have a health care industry in the United States that is fundamentally broken and it needs to be rebuilt from the ground up. (Read More...)

18 Ridiculous Statistics About Medical Bills, Medical Debt And The Health Care Industry That Will Make You So Mad You Will Want To Tear Your Hair Out

Do not read this article if you do not want to get angry.  The health care industry in the United States has become one gigantic money making scam, and tens of millions of American families now live in great fear of illness and disease.  Why are they so afraid?  It is not because they fear the illnesses and diseases.  Rather, the prospect of racking up tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of dollars in medical debt is enough to deeply frighten just about anyone.  Today, virtually every single American is one really bad day from financial ruin.  Did you know that medical bills are the number one reason for bankruptcy in the United States?  Did you know that the vast majority of people that go bankrupt due to medical bills actually have health insurance?  Meanwhile, there are a significant number of people that are becoming fabulously wealthy off of this system.  Our “health care industry” has turned large numbers of doctors, lawyers, health insurance company executives and pharmaceutical company executives into multi-millionaires.  The health care industry in the United States has been so corrupt and so greedy for so long that we don’t even remember what a legitimate medical system even looks like anymore. (Read More...)

25 Hard Questions That You Will Not See Asked On CNN, MSNBC Or Fox News

There is a reason why so many millions of people are turning to the alternative media for their news today.  The truth is that there are a whole lot of important things that the mainstream media will simply not talk about.  There are a whole lot of other important issues that the mainstream media will tease their viewers with but then subsequently “whitewash” with the “official story” that none of us is supposed to question.  Have you ever noticed how CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, ABC, NBC and CBS all seem to come up with the exact same version of “the truth”?  But over the past several years we have seen a great awakening take place.  Millions of Americans are sick and tired of being spoon-fed establishment propaganda like a bunch of small children and they are searching on the Internet for alternative media outlets that are asking the hard questions and that are willing to at least explore answers that are not part of “the officially sanctioned” version of the truth. (Read More...)

8 Conspiracy Theories About Health That The Mainstream Media Has Been Forced To Admit Are Actually True

Who knows more about health – the mainstream media or those that believe in “conspiracy theories”? Well, the truth is that time after time after time those in the “alternative media” and those who believe in “conspiracy theories” have been proven to be far ahead of those in the mainstream media when it comes to matters of health.  Sadly, the mainstream media receives so much funding and so many advertising dollars from the pharmaceutical industry, the medical industry, the big chemical companies and the health insurance industry that they are extremely cautious to report any information that would be harmful to any of them.  So for years, the mainstream media generally refused to talk about the dangers posed by things such as fluoride, aspartame, prescription drugs, genetically modified crops and cell phones.  But now the alternative media has been making so much noise about many of these health issues for so long that the mainstream media has been forced to acknowledge that some of these “conspiracy theories” about health are actually true. (Read More...)

For Millions Of Senior Citizens The Only Future They Have To Look Forward To Is One Filled With Debt And Poverty

In America today, millions upon millions of senior citizens are very deep in debt.  In fact, more elderly Americans than ever before are going bankrupt.  Millions of others are living in extreme poverty or are just barely getting by on meager fixed incomes.    Meanwhile, the price of food is going up, the price of gasoline is going up, the cost of heating homes is going up and health insurance premiums are absolutely soaring.  Millions of our senior citizens suddenly find themselves financially squeezed more than they ever have been in their entire lives.  Unfortunately, at the same time all of this is happening, our government officials are realizing that they simply don’t have the money to keep the financial promises that they have been making to our retirees.  Sadly, what this all means is that for millions of our senior citizens, the only future they have to look forward to is one filled with debt, poverty and financial pain. (Read More...)

Unfortunately, Obamacare Is Not Going To Be Repealed In 2010, It Is Not Going To Be Repealed In 2011 And There Is A Good Chance That It May Never Be Repealed

Right now the mainstream media is paying a lot of attention to the effort by Republicans in the House of Representatives to repeal the health care reform law that Barack Obama and the Democrats crammed down the throats of the American people during the last session of Congress.  House Republicans are calling their legislation the “Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act”, and the House of Representatives is expected to pass the legislation on January 12th.  However, there are two huge problems.  One is that Democrats control the U.S. Senate and they have declared that there is not a chance in the world that a repeal of the health care reform law will get through them.  Secondly, even if a repeal of the health care law did somehow magically get to Barack Obama’s desk, he has sworn that he would veto it.  So unfortunately, Obamacare is not going to be repealed any time soon. (Read More...)

Obama’s Mistakes: 12 Examples That Show That Just About Everything That Barack Obama Tries To Do Turns Out Badly

Why does it seem like virtually everything that Barack Obama tries to do turns out badly?  There is a reason why his approval rating has fallen so precipitously.  Whether you agree with his policies or not, it is getting hard to deny that he is having a really hard time getting anything done right.  Health care reform was a total disaster, the economy continues to get worse, foreign policy is an unmitigated mess and faith in the federal government is at an all-time low.  Some Democrat insiders are now wondering if Barack Obama is actually losing it.  There are even whispers that Barack Obama may be challenged for the Democratic nomination in 2012.  That still seems far-fetched at this point, but without a doubt it is not just Republicans that are wondering about Barack Obama’s competence at this point. (Read More...)

Median Household Income Is Falling In Almost Every Single Major American City

Median household income is falling in the vast majority of U.S. states and in virtually every single major U.S. city.  According to the Census Bureau’s annual survey of income and poverty in the United States, of the 52 largest metro areas in the nation, only the city of San Antonio did not see a decline in median household income in 2009.  Needless to say, that is not good news.  If incomes are falling from coast to coast, then how in the world can anyone claim that we are experiencing a “recovery”?  The truth is that we are not in the middle of an economic recovery.  What we are in the middle of is a long-term economic decline.  Incomes are going down and middle class American families find themselves squeezed like never before.  Meanwhile, unemployment has skyrocketed in recent years and it has become much harder to get a good job.  Less Americans than ever are able to achieve anything even close to resembling the American Dream.  Things are getting really tough out there, and as more jobs and factories leave the United States, as the U.S. government goes into even more debt and as the economy continues to implode things are going to get even worse. (Read More...)