Where In The Constitution Does It Say Obama Can Rule By Decree And “Do Whatever He Wants”?

Obama - I Have A PenBy making “at least a dozen major adjustments” to Obamacare without congressional approval, Barack Obama is making a mockery of the U.S. Constitution.  Throughout human history, political power has always tended to become concentrated in the hands of one man.  The Founding Fathers knew this, and they tried very hard to keep that from happening in the United States.  A system in which the people rule themselves is a very precious and fragile thing.  As humans, we all have the tendency to want more power.  That is why a “separation of powers” was such a radical concept.  As Bill Federer is constantly pointing out, the Founding Fathers made our federal government inefficient on purpose.  They wanted a system of checks and balances that would make it difficult to push through major changes very rapidly.  Unfortunately, Barack Obama has become extremely frustrated by this and has expressed his intention to rule by decree as much as he can during the remainder of his second term. (Read More...)

19 Surveys Which Prove That A Large Chunk Of The Population Is Made Up Of Totally Clueless Sheeple

Sheep Sculpture Photo By Wouter HagensAre we too stupid to continue as a nation?  That may seem like a harsh question, but I think that it is one that we need to ask.  Even though we have more access to information today than ever before, it seems like the U.S. population just keeps becoming more ignorant.  So at what point does a society become so “dumbed-down” that it can no longer function effectively?  We like to complain about our leaders, but the truth is that we are the ones that elected them.  They are a reflection of who we are as a society.  And when you compare Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and John Boehner to men like George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson, they don’t fare too well.  Sadly, the truth is that most of our founding fathers would not have a prayer of being elected today.  Instead, they would be labeled as crazy “extremists” for insisting that we follow the U.S. Constitution.  In our entertainment-addicted society, Lady Gaga would have a much greater chance of being elected president today than George Washington would.  That is how far we have fallen. (Read More...)

19 Examples Of How Control Freaks Are Killing America With Their Completely Ridiculous Regulations

The control freaks are winning, and they are absolutely killing America.  Our founding fathers intended to establish a nation where Americans would be free to pursue “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” in an environment where freedom was maximized and government interference was minimized.  Unfortunately, our nation has turned away from those principles and is now running 180 degrees in the other direction.  For some reason, our political system tends to attract psychotic control freaks that want to micromanage our lives and make most of our decisions for us.  These control freaks are actually convinced that freedom and liberty are “dangerous” and that there should be a rule or a regulation for just about everything.  This is not just happening on the federal level either.  The truth is that the control freaks are often the worst on the local level.  When you add up the red tape on all levels of government, we literally have millions of laws, rules and regulations in America today.  All of this red tape is suffocating our businesses, destroying our liberties and our freedoms, and slowly sucking the life out of all of us.  If we ever want to have any hope of restoring America to what it once was, then we have to start doing something about this horrific mountain of red tape. (Read More...)