Why Is The Obama Administration Allowing The Chinese Government To Buy Up U.S. Oil And Gas Deposits Worth Billions Of Dollars?

If we are trying to become independent of foreign oil, then why is the Obama administration allowing the Chinese government to buy up U.S. oil and gas deposits worth billions of dollars?  This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.  The United States desperately needs to maintain control over its own domestic energy resources so that we can end our addiction to foreign oil.  As I have written about previously, the United States actually has plenty of oil.  If we would simply use the resources that we already have, we would never have to import a single drop of foreign oil.  But instead, we continue to be the largest importer of oil on the planet and we are allowing China to rapidly buy up oil and gas deposits inside the United States.  This is fundamentally wrong and it is a serious threat to our national security.  But apparently everything is for sale in the United States today, and that includes our precious energy resources. (Read More...)

The United States Has Plenty Of Oil: 10 Facts About America’s Energy Resources That Will Blow Your Mind

The United States is not running out of oil.  In fact, nobody on the entire globe has more energy resources than the United States does.  The truth is that we are absolutely swimming in oil and natural gas and we have so much coal that we have no idea what to do with it all.  At current consumption rates, America has enough energy resources to completely satisfy all of its needs well into the 22nd century.  If we would just access those resources, we would not have to import a single drop of foreign oil.  But most Americans don’t realize that we have plenty of oil.  In fact, our education system has brainwashed most Americans into believing that our energy resources are rapidly being depleted and that we will soon enter a great energy crisis.  We are all constantly told that we must transition to “green energy” before it is too late.  But the reality is that America is an energy rich nation and new discoveries of oil and natural gas deposits are being made all the time.  Shouldn’t someone tell the American people the truth about these things? (Read More...)