Amazing Miracle: Christian Actor Kevin Sorbo Says That A Giant California Wildfire Stopped 3 Feet From His Home

This story is absolutely amazing.  Like so many others, actor Kevin Sorbo and his wife were forced to evacuate from their home during the recent California wildfires, and once they left they were not sure if they would ever see it again.  And sure enough, firefighters were not able to hold back the blaze and flames came racing through their neighborhood.  Homes all along the street were burned to the ground, including the house immediately next door, but Kevin Sorbo’s house was not touched.  In fact, they could see where the flames had literally come within three feet of the house, but then they mysteriously stopped(Read More...)

“Between 6,000 and 10,000 churches in the U.S. are dying each year” – and that means that over 100 will die this week

America is littered with thousands upon thousands of church buildings that aren’t being used anymore.  As you will see below, between 6,000 and 10,000 churches are dying in the United States every single year, and that means that more than 100 will die this week alone.  And of course thousands of others are on life support.  All over the country this weekend, small handfuls of people will gather in huge buildings which once boasted very large congregations.  At one time, America was widely considered to be “a Christian nation”, but that really isn’t true anymore.  As an excellent article in The Atlantic has noted, even though most Americans still consider themselves to be “Christian”, the numbers are telling us a very different story… (Read More...)

Gunned Down For Believing In Christ: The Mainstream Media Is Silent As The Persecution Of Christians Escalates

The global persecution of Christians continues to escalate dramatically, and yet the mainstream media in the United States is virtually silent about it.  In this article, I am going to quote a lot of sources, but they are all either overseas news outlets or Christian websites in the United States.  To a certain extent, I think that the mainstream media is extremely hesitant to report about the global persecution of Christians because it may cause the general public to feel sympathetic, and that would definitely be counterproductive to what they are trying to accomplish.  Ultimately, the elite are trying to demonize Christians, conservatives, patriots and anyone else that would attempt to oppose their radical agenda for America.  So they are banning us from their Internet platforms, they are mocking us on their news and entertainment programs, and they certainly don’t want to highlight the fact that the persecution of Christians is escalating rapidly around the globe. (Read More...)

End Times Persecution Is Here: The Largest Country In The World Is Destroying 1000s Of Crosses And Bibles

Many Christians in the western world don’t even realize that the persecution of the end times has already started.  All over the world, Christians are being attacked, Bibles are being burned and churches are being shut down.  This persecution has been escalating for quite some time, but what prompted me to write this article today was the dramatic change that we have witnessed in China this year.  Up to this point, the Chinese government has largely tolerated the booming house church movement, but now that era of toleration is officially over.  New religious regulations that went into effect in February are being brutally enforced, and this is causing some to point out the frightening parallels between Communist China and Nazi Germany. (Read More...)

From The Heart Of The Bible Belt To The California Coast, Satanism Is Experiencing Explosive Growth In America

As attendance declines at Christian churches all over America, many Satanic groups are experiencing tremendous growth.  For some, embracing Satanism is the ultimate form of rebellion, for others it is about making an anti-Trump political statement, and yet others claim that they are attracted by the very real power that they discover in Satanism.  Every week, bizarre rituals are conducted in basements, meeting halls and public facilities all over the country, and most Americans have absolutely no idea what is going on.  Of course most mainstream news articles about Satanists attempt to portray them as ordinary people that have simply been “misunderstood”.  And ultimately that is what the Satanists are trying to do for Satan – they are trying to get all the rest of us to view Satan or Lucifer as a “misunderstood” being that only has humanity’s best interests at heart.  And since the values of Satanism line up more accurately with the values of modern society than Christian values do, Satanists are finding increasing success in bringing in new recruits. (Read More...)

Jedi Religion: Thousands Of People All Over The World Are Converting To ‘Jediism’

Yes, there are actually people out there that want to be a Jedi so badly that they have made “Jediism” their official religion.  As you will see below, a new documentary entitled “American Jedi” has just been released that examines this phenomenon, and when I first heard about this I decided that I wanted to learn more.  So I did some research, and I discovered that there is actually an official website for “the Temple of the Jedi Order” that bills itself as the “international church of Jediism”.  And even though this “faith” is entirely based on fictitious characters, the IRS actually granted tax exempt status to the Temple of the Jedi Order in 2015. (Read More...)

Michael Savage Wants To Turn America Back To God

Michael Savage is one of the most popular conservative radio hosts in America, but these days his focus in on talking about God.  His new book is getting a lot of criticism, because many Americans don’t like when people mix faith and politics.  But the truth is that if you are a person of faith it is going to make you want to change society, and for most of us, our political views come from a worldview that is rooted in faith.  In the end, faith and politics are always going to overlap, and I greatly applaud Savage for addressing spiritual issues more directly.  In this brand new book, Savage boldly declares that “God is not dead”(Read More...)

WHAT? Now Hillary Clinton Wants To Be A Pastor?

How would you feel if you went to church next Sunday and “Pastor Hillary Clinton” got up to deliver the message? According to Clinton’s longtime pastor, Hillary says that she wants wants to start preaching. Considering the fact that she stands in direct opposition to just about everything that the Bible says, it is hard to imagine her doing this with a straight face. Bill and Hillary Clinton have been fueling anger and hatred toward conservative Christians for decades, but now she is suddenly going to turn over a new leaf? If Clinton announced that she had decided to denounce abortion then she would definitely get my attention, but at this point this just seems like another Clinton political stunt. (Read More...)