You Won’t Believe What Facebook Has Banned Now…

If this sort of extreme censorship continues, pretty soon anybody that has anything even remotely important or interesting to say will be completely banned by Facebook.  As you will see below, Facebook has just banned Zero Hedge, and they have also just announced that they will be systematically censoring any content that has “misinformation” about vaccines.  Of course this is just the latest chapter in a relentless campaign by the social media giants to censor alternative sources of information.  Since Donald Trump’s victory in November 2016, the social media crackdown has just gotten worse and worse, and it has gotten to the point where we can now safely say that free speech is dead on the major social media platforms. (Read More...)

The Big Reason Why We Need A Conservative Version Of Facebook And Other Social Media Platforms

Do you remember what television news was like before the Fox News Channel came along?  Everybody pretty much said the same thing, and dissenting opinions on many of the most critical issues were generally not given any air time.  Of course Fox News is definitely still very much tied into the establishment, but at least they started providing a “Republican” point of view which was a stark contrast to the liberal propaganda that we were constantly being force fed by the other networks.  And then the social media era arrived, and suddenly everyone had a voice.  For years, we could say pretty much whatever we wanted on the major platforms, and we were generally left alone.  But then the election of 2016 happened, and since that time the social media giants have been cracking down on conservatives with a vengeance.  Yes, once in a while a liberal voice gets “deplatformed” or “shadowbanned” as well, but the truth is that conservatives have overwhelmingly been the targets of this relentless censorship campaign.  That is why we need to create a conservative version of Facebook and other social media platforms.  But instead of censoring liberal viewpoints, we will allow everyone to exercise the right of free speech, and we will let the “marketplace of ideas” determine which viewpoints ultimately triumph. (Read More...)

30 Years Later, America Truly Is Becoming A ‘1984’ Society

Big Brother Eye - Public DomainIf only George Orwell could see us today.  When he wrote “1984” back in 1948, he probably never imagined that the “totalitarian, bureaucratic world” that he imagined would ever actually become a reality.  But that is precisely what is happening.  We live at a time when the government monitors billions of our phone calls and emails and hardly anyone gets upset about it.  We live at a time when corporations systematically collect our voiceprints and our televisions watch us.  We live at a time when reporters that try to dig into the misdeeds of the government have their computers hacked, and when nearly one out of every three Americans has a file in the FBI’s master criminal database.  The control freaks that run our society are absolutely obsessed with watching, tracking, recording and monitoring virtually everything that we do.  We truly are becoming a “1984” society, and if we continue on the path that we are currently on eventually our world will be transformed into something more hellish than anything that George Orwell ever imagined. (Read More...)