Why are so many plagues hitting the United States all of a sudden? Yes, one can always point out bad stuff that is happening somewhere in the country, but right now we are facing a nightmarish combination of crippling drought, devastating wildfires, disastrous viruses, dying crops and superbugs that scientists don’t know how to kill. And as you will see, we even have a plague of flies down in Mississippi. So what in the world is going on? Is this just a case of bad luck, or is something else happening? At the conclusion of this article, please feel free to tell me what you think. The following are ten plagues that are hitting America right now… (Read More...)
There Is A Staggering Amount Of Feces In Our Food
Most Americans are eating significant amounts of feces on a regular basis without even realizing it. You might not mind this, but most people out there would not willingly eat feces if they could avoid it. Not only is it disgusting, but feces is also a breeding ground for all kinds of dangerous diseases. Unfortunately, as a result of the never ending quest to cut prices even lower more of our food is being imported from overseas than ever before. Many of those countries do not have the same health standards that we do in the United States. In fact, many farmers in those countries actually feed feces to their fish and to their animals since it is so inexpensive. If you are eating seafood that was imported from Asia, there is a very good chance that it was raised on pig feces. Not only that, the truth is that a lot of the poultry that comes from Southeast Asia is also raised on pig feces. The FDA has rejected thousands of food shipments from Asia in recent years due to fecal contamination, but the FDA inspects less than 3 percent of all imported food. So what are we to conclude about the other 97 percent of all food imports that the FDA did not inspect? (Read More...)
They Really Do Want To Implant Microchips Into Your Brain
Are you ready to have a microchip implanted into your brain? That might not sound very appealing to you at this point, but this is exactly what the big pharmaceutical companies and the big technology companies have planned for our future. They are pumping millions of dollars into researching “cutting edge” technologies that will enable implantable microchips to greatly “enhance” our health and our lives. Of course nobody is going to force you to have a microchip implanted into your brain when they are first introduced. Initially, brain implants will be marketed as “revolutionary breakthroughs” that can cure chronic diseases and that can enable the disabled to live normal lives. When the “benefits” of such technology are demonstrated to the general public, soon most people will want to become “super-abled”. Just imagine the hype that will surround these implants when people discover that you can get rid of your extra weight in a matter of days or that you can download an entire college course into your memory in just a matter of hours. The possibilities for this kind of technology are endless, and it is just a matter of time before having microchips implanted into your brain is considered to be quite common. What was once science fiction is rapidly becoming reality, and it is going to change the world forever. (Read More...)
Which Is Better – A Society With Loose Sexuality Or A Society With Strict Rules For Sexuality?
There are very few subjects that get people more fired up than the subject of sexuality. In fact, almost all of the highly contentious “social issues” that have America so deeply divided today have something to do with sexuality. Many Americans are pretty clueless when it comes to the economy, but when it comes to abortion, sex education, gay marriage, teen pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases almost everyone has a very strong opinion. If you try to convince someone that they are wrong about any of these issues, most of the time you will be fighting a losing battle. Most Americans simply do not want to be told what to do when it comes to sexuality. But attitudes toward sexuality have definitely changed in America over the decades. In the early part of the 20th century most Americans followed strict rules when it came to sexuality, but then along came the “sexual revolution” and all of that changed. Today, most Americans consider the loose sexuality in our society to be a very good thing. Most Americans are glad that they can have sex with any other willing adult partner (or partners) any time they want to. But has this been good for America? Is it better to have a society with loose sexuality or a society with strict rules for sexuality? (Read More...)
Genetic Modification Gone Wild: 10 Signs That Our World May Be Destined To Resemble A Really Bad Science Fiction Movie
Did you know that today scientists are actually producing mice that tweet like birds, cats that glow in the dark, “monster salmon”, “spider goats”, cow/human hybrids, pig/human hybrids and even mouse/human hybrids? The very definition of life on earth is changing right before our eyes. Many scientists believe that genetic modification holds the key to feeding the entire planet and healing all of our diseases, but others are warning that genetic modification could literally transform our environment into a desolate wasteland and cause our world to resemble a really bad science fiction movie. For decades, scientists around the globe have been fooling around with DNA and have been transplanting genes from one species to another. But now technology has advanced so dramatically that just about the only thing limiting scientists are their imaginations. (Read More...)