Did you hear about the outbreak of the new “mystery disease” in Tanzania? What about the alarming new outbreak in Congo? New developments in South Africa are making headlines all over the globe as well. Despite all of our advanced technology, humanity remains extremely vulnerable to outbreaks of disease, and many believe that the COVID pandemic is just the beginning. Fearsome new bugs are constantly being cooked up in labs all over the planet, and it is inevitable that there will be more “accidents” that result in more of these bugs getting released in the future. As we have seen, a single virus can rapidly spread throughout the entire world, and it is just a matter of time before a pandemic comes along that will wipe out tens of millions of people. (Read More...)
10 Plagues That Are Hitting Our Planet Simultaneously
All of a sudden, really crazy things are starting to happen all over the world. Giant swarms of locusts are absolutely devastating entire regions, extremely unusual storms are confounding meteorologists, earthquake and volcanic activity are both on the rise, and five very dangerous diseases are sweeping across the globe. So far in 2020, it has just been one thing after another, and many are speculating about what could be ahead if events continue to escalate. The other day my wife mentioned that one of her friends suggested that I should put together a list of all the weird stuff that has been taking place, and so that is what I have decided to do. The following is a list of 10 plagues that are hitting our planet simultaneously… (Read More...)
Health Freedom Is Being Destroyed All Over The Western World
They tell us that we are “free”, but it is just a lie. In every country in the western world, there is layer after layer of rules and regulations that strictly govern just about every area of our lives. But until just recently, there were certain lines that still had not been crossed. One of those lines has to do with bodily integrity. We have a fundamental right to say what goes into our bodies and what doesn’t go into our bodies. When any government violates that fundamental right, no matter how good the intentions are, they have entered the realm of tyranny. (Read More...)
A County In New York Has Completely BANNED All Unvaccinated Children From ALL Public Places
One county in New York is taking extremely drastic measures in an attempt to force all children to get vaccinated for measles. Starting on Wednesday, any child that has not received the measles vaccine will be banned from all public places. That means that they will not be able to go to school, to church or to any store. In fact, just walking down the sidewalk will be a violation of this countywide “state of emergency”. Rockland County has essentially declared a state of medical martial law, and it is scheduled to last for the next 30 days… (Read More...)
Where Will You Go When North Korean Agents Release Biological Weapons In Major U.S. Cities?
Most Americans have no idea that biological weapons could potentially bring our nation to a complete and utter standstill within a matter of days. In recent articles I have been trying to get people to understand why it would be so exceedingly dangerous for the United States to attack North Korea. If the North Koreans used weapons of mass destruction, we could easily be facing a situation in which millions of North Korean and Japanese citizens end up dead. But since it would happen on the other side of the planet, such a scenario doesn’t seem to emotionally move a lot of people. So today, I want to try to get people to understand the immense devastation that just a handful of North Korean agents could cause inside our own country. (Read More...)
Elitists Hope That Injecting The Blood Of Younger People Into Their Bodies Will Radically Extend Their Lifespans
Is the blood of young people a “fountain of youth” that will enable those that can afford the treatments to be able to live much longer lives? No matter how much money someone has, life inevitably ends at some point, but there are some extremely wealthy individuals that want to change all that. Billionaire technology investor Peter Thiel, among others, is very excited about advances that have been made in the field of parabiosis. According to Google, parabiosis is “the anatomical joining of two individuals, especially artificially in physiological research.” Based on research that has been done on mice, it is believed that blood transfusions could potentially slow or even reverse aging in humans. The Bible tells us that “the life of the flesh is in the blood”, but now these elitists want to greedily use the blood of younger people to greatly extend their own lifespans. If it turns out that this method is highly successful, will the blood of young people become a greatly valued commodity? (Read More...)
A New Way To Be Human: The Plan Is To Replace Existing Humans With ‘Transhuman’ Hybrids
Transhumanists believe that the time has come for humans to take control of their own evolution. Many of them are fully convinced that we can use emerging technologies to “fix” the flaws in the human race and ultimately eradicate sickness, disease, poverty and war. So would you like to have the eyesight of an eagle? Would you like to download an entire library of information directly into your brain in just minutes? Would you like to rid your family line of all genetic diseases? Would you like to extend your lifespan to 500 years or even longer? Transhumanists promise that all of these things will soon be possible, if we are willing to embrace a new way of doing things. They foresee a future in which we will all have lots of little nanobots running around inside of us, in which we are all connected directly to the Internet, and in which we have all been genetically modified to at least some degree. In fact, one prominent transhumanist recently stated that he believes that “eventually every human will be designed on a computer“. In the end, the goal is to produce a vastly improved version of the human race which will usher in a golden new age for the planet. But as we merge ourselves with animals, machines and weird new technologies that scientists cook up, at what point do we cease to be human? (Read More...)
Thanks To Obama’s Incompetence, Ebola Is Now Out Of Control In America
Much of the responsibility for the Ebola crisis that the United States is now facing can be laid squarely at the feet of Barack Obama. If Obama had banned all non-essential air travel between the U.S. and West Africa, Thomas Eric Duncan would have never gotten on to a plane to this country in the first place. And if Obama had directed the CDC to get all hospital staff in America some basic training about Ebola, we might not have two infected nurses at this point. But instead, this Ebola outbreak in America is now officially out of control. The fact that one of the sick nurses got on to an airplane while she was feeling feverish boggles the mind, and it is creating a tremendous amount of fear all over the nation. Already, one traveler showed up at Dulles airport in a full hazmat suit. The White House has announced that Obama has canceled a fundraising trip and will be holding an “emergency meeting” on Ebola. Hopefully he can start to get a handle on what is going on before it is too late. (Read More...)