12 Statistics That Prove That The U.S. Is Facing A Consumer Debt Apocalypse

In the entire history of the United States, consumers have never been in so much debt.  And that would not be a crisis as long as the vast majority of us were regularly making our debt payments, but as you will see below delinquency levels are starting to rise to extremely alarming levels.  In fact, some of the numbers that are coming in are even worse than we witnessed at any point during the last recession.  If things are this bad already, what are they going to look like once the economy really gets bad?  Because even though it appears that we are heading into a new recession, according to the Federal Reserve it has not officially begun yet.  That means that much worse is yet to come.  Just like last time, millions of Americans will likely lose their jobs, and without an income most of those that suddenly find themselves unemployed will not be able to pay their bills.  The stage is set for the largest tsunami of consumer debt defaults that this country has ever seen, and that will absolutely devastate major financial institutions all across America. (Read More...)

50 Actual College Course Titles That Prove That America’s Universities Are Training Our College Students To Be Socialists

What in the world are they teaching to our young people?  As you go through the list of college course titles below, I am sure that many of you will be completely shocked.  Most parents assume that they are sending their children to college to get prepared for their future careers, but the truth is that a lot of our major colleges and universities have become little more than indoctrination centers for progressive thought.  Our college students are literally being systematically trained to be socialists, and it is working.  According to a brand new Harris Poll that was just released, 37.2 percent of all Americans “prefer living in a socialist country”.  But for Millennials and Generation Z combined, that figure is 49.6 percent.  That means that essentially half of our young adults want to be socialists, and that has enormous implications for the future of our society. (Read More...)

Debt Slaves: 7 Out Of 10 Americans Believe That Debt ‘Is A Necessity In Their Lives’

Debt Slave Debt Slavery Debt Bondage Debt Chains - Public DomainCould you live without debt?  Most Americans say that they cannot.  According to a brand new Pew survey, approximately 7 out of every 10 Americans believe that “debt is a necessity in their lives”, and approximately 8 out of every 10 Americans actually have debt right now.  Most of us like to think that “someday” we will get out of the hole and quit being debt slaves, but very few of us ever actually accomplish this.  That is because the entire system is designed to trap us in debt before we even get out into the “real world” and keep us in debt until we die.  Sadly, most Americans don’t even realize what is being done to them. (Read More...)

29 Shocking Facts That Prove That College Education In America Is A Giant Money Making Scam

College Graduates By Kit from Pittsburgh, USACollege education in the United States has become a cruel joke.  We endlessly push our high school kids to invest tens of thousands of dollars and at least four years of their lives to get a college education because they won’t have any sort of a “future” without it.  So they sign up for decades of debt slavery and spend years listening to pompous windbags fill their heads with utter nonsense.  The sad truth is that most college courses are a total joke and they do very little to actually prepare those students for the real world.  I know – I attended public universities in the United States for eight years.  Most college courses are so easy that the family dog could pass them.  When they finally graduate, our young people discover that they were lied to all along.  The promised “good jobs” are not there for most of them, but the huge debts that they committed themselves to will follow them around permanently.  When you are just starting out and you are not making a lot of money, having to make payments on tens of thousands of dollars of student loan debt can be absolutely crippling.  This is why I say that college education in America is a giant money making scam.  Our young people are seduced by the idea of college being a five year party that will provide an automatic ticket into the middle class, but the reality is that the only guarantee is that it is a ticket to serfdom unless you have wealthy parents that are willing to foot the bill for you.  And bankruptcy laws have been changed to make it incredibly difficult to get rid of student loan debt, so once you have signed up for student loan debt slavery you are basically faced with two choices: either you are going to pay it or you are going to die with it. (Read More...)

One Nation Under Debt With Endless Debt Slavery For All

Debt is a “soft” form of slavery.  In America today, it is not legal to bind people up with chains and force them to work for you, but that doesn’t mean that there are not millions upon millions of slaves in this country.  When you borrow money, you willingly become a servant to the lender.  Sadly, there are millions of Americans that will spend the rest of their lives working to pay off their debts but they will never escape the endless debt slavery that they have gotten themselves into.  When you add up all forms of debt in the United States at this point, it comes to more than 54 trillion dollars.  That is more than $178,000 for every man, woman and child in America.  We truly are one nation under debt, and we have created the biggest debt bubble in the history of the planet.  Unfortunately, all debt bubbles eventually burst, and when this one bursts the consequences are going to be unlike anything ever seen before. (Read More...)

35 Shocking Facts That Prove That College Education Has Become A Giant Money Making Scam

College education in America is a bad joke.  Instead of preparing the next generation of leaders for the jobs of tomorrow, the college education “industry” has become a giant money making scam.  We constantly preach to our high school students that they “need” to go to college and we tell them to not even worry about how much it is going to cost because a college education is “always” worth the money.  Then we lend them outrageous amounts of money so that they can pay the gigantic bills for the “education” that they are receiving.  But the truth is that the quality of education at America’s colleges and universities is absolutely abysmal these days.  I spent 8 years at U.S. universities, and most of the courses that I took could have been passed by the family dog.  Sadly, once our young people graduate they quickly discover that there are way too many college graduates and not nearly enough good jobs.  Today, we have millions upon millions of young Americans that are enslaved to student loan debt for the rest of their lives.  They were promised a bright future, but instead most of them are discovering that they are going to be working really hard to pay off financial predators for decades to come.  Unfortunately, for most college graduates a diploma is simply a ticket to a crappy job and a lifetime of debt slavery. (Read More...)

Debt, Debt, Debt – 15 Facts About U.S. Government Finances That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe

If your family started spending nearly twice as much as it brought in every single year, how long do you think it would be before your family was completely and totally broke?  Well, that is essentially what the federal government is doing.  The U.S. government is so deep in debt at this point that it is hard to even try to describe it.  Where do you even begin?  Trying to put the vastness of U.S. government debt into words is kind of like trying to describe a great work of art by Michelangelo to a blind person.  This year the U.S. government is going to go 1.645 trillion more dollars into debt.  How can one possibly accurately convey just how large that amount of money really is?  If you went out today and started spending one dollar every single second, it would take you over 31,000 years to spend one trillion dollars.  Who can even comprehend such an amount?  The U.S. government has mismanaged our finances so badly that it is hard to believe.  We have sold our children and our grandchildren into perpetual debt slavery and not that many people really seem very upset about it.  It is as if most of the nation is in a massive state of denial. (Read More...)