Now That The Super Bowl Is Over, Here Are 17 Facts Which Prove America Is A Debt Pig That Is Deeply Addicted To Debt-Fueled Prosperity

Wasn’t the Super Bowl wonderful this year?  Congratulations to the Green Bay Packers!  It is amazing how much money people will spend to attend this game each year.  Just a few hours before kickoff, some tickets were selling for over $4000 a seat.  Not that it wasn’t a great show.  It turned out to be a really great game and it was held in perhaps the most extravagant sports facility ever constructed in the history of mankind.  Even the halftime show, featuring the Black Eyed Peas, was a spectacle of historic proportions.  This year the Super Bowl truly was quite a grand party.  In America, everything always has to be bigger and better.  We take pride in constantly outdoing ourselves.  Other nations of the world look at our great prosperity in envy.  But do we ever stop to ask ourselves where all of this great prosperity has come from and if we can continue to afford it all? (Read More...)