Why Is Obama So Silent About The Vicious Persecution Of Christians All Over The Globe?

Barack Obama - Public DomainAs you read this article, Christians are being openly persecuted in more than 60 nations.  Churches are being burned, believers are being hunted down and imprisoned, and violent mobs are beating and killing those that dare to say that Jesus is Lord.  And thanks to ISIS, the persecution of Christians has risen to frightening new levels in 2015.  In recent months, our news sources have been filled with headlines about Christians that are being beheaded, crucified and buried alive by ISIS.  According to U.S. Representative Frank Wolf, what is happening to Christians in the Middle East actually meets the United Nations definition of “genocide”.  So what is Barack Obama doing about all of this?  Sadly, he is essentially doing next to nothing.  He has been nearly silent as the acts of mass violence just keep piling up.  This silence has outraged many on both the left and the right, and yet Obama just continues to keep quiet.  What are we supposed to make of that? (Read More...)