Texas Public School Curriculum Teaches Students To Design A Socialist Flag And That Christianity Is A Cult

Texas Public School Curriculum Teaches Students To Design A Socialist Flag And That Christianity Is A Cult - Photo by Moto 53Socialism is being promoted and Christianity is being demonized in the public school systems of some of the most conservative states in America.  For example, students in Texas public schools have been taught to design a socialist flag for a new nation, that those that participated in the Boston Tea Party were “terrorists”, and that Christianity is a cult.  If this kind of thing is happening in Texas, can you imagine what is happening in the rest of the nation?  Sadly, education is a big part of the “progressive” agenda.  Progressives are convinced that if they can “shape the minds” of the next generation through education that it will only be a matter of time before they achieve all of the major changes that they are seeking to implement in our society.  And you know what?  It’s working.  If you look at any public opinion poll that is broken down by age, you will find that the youngest age brackets are the most likely to agree with progressive viewpoints.  Millions of parents are sending their kids to public schools without having any idea that they are being taught that patriotism is divisive, that capitalism is evil and that Christianity is a fictitious cult.  Instead of learning traditional American values, those kids are being taught that they should identify themselves as “global citizens”, that socialism is about “sharing” and that all of the religions of the world need to come together as one.  If you are a parent, just pick up the textbooks that your kids have been assigned and actually read them.  Once you know what to look for, you will see it everywhere. (Read More...)

The Fastest Growing Religion In America Is Islam

Do you know what the fastest growing religion in America is?  It isn’t Christianity.  According to the latest U.S. Religion Census that was just released on May 1, 2012, the fastest growing religion in America is Islam.  The data for the census was compiled by the Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies, and the results were released by the Association of Religion Data Archives.  From the year 2000 to the year 2010, the census found that the number of Muslims living inside the United States increased by about 1 million to 2.6 million – a stunning increase of 66.7 percent.  That is an astounding rate of growth.  Meanwhile, most Christian denominations had rates of growth that were far below the overall rate of population growth in the United States, and some Christian denominations actually lost members.  Sadly, when Barack Obama once said that “we are no longer a Christian nation” he wasn’t too far off the mark.  Christianity is rapidly losing influence and other religions such as Islam are rapidly gaining members and building new places of worship.  As other major religions such as Islam continue to grow in the United States, it is inevitable that this will reshape America in many different ways in the years ahead. (Read More...)

How Will The Shocking Decline Of Christianity In America Affect The Future Of This Nation?

Is Christianity in decline in America?  When you examine the cold, hard numbers it is simply not possible to come to any other conclusion.  Over the past few decades, the percentage of Christians in America has been steadily declining.  This has especially been true among young people.  As you will see later in this article, there has been a mass exodus of teens and young adults out of U.S. churches.  In addition, what “Christianity” means to American Christians today is often far different from what “Christianity” meant to their parents and their grandparents.  Millions upon millions of Christians in the United States simply do not believe many of the fundamental principles of the Christian faith any longer.  Without a doubt, America is becoming a less “Christian” nation.  This has staggering implications for the future of this country.  The United States was founded primarily by Christians that were seeking to escape religious persecution.  For those early settlers, the Christian faith was the very center of their lives, and it deeply affected the laws that they made and the governmental structures that they established.  So what is the future of America going to look like if we totally reject the principles that this nation was founded on? (Read More...)

Christian Church Burnings Are Happening All Over The World And The U.S. Media Is Deadly Silent About It

Did you know that hundreds of church burnings have taken place all over the globe so far in 2011?  For a large percentage of those of you that are reading this article, this is the first that you have heard of it.  And do you want to know why?  News stories about church burnings and the persecution of Christians around the world are not “politically correct” enough to get into the mainstream media most of the time.  Have you ever noticed that an overwhelming percentage of news stories about Christianity in the mainstream media are negative?  There seems to be an unspoken rule that you should never report on anything that would portray the Christian faith in a positive light – even if it is reporting on how churches are being mercilessly burned to the ground.  Others fear that reporting on church burnings would somehow justify the endless wars in the Middle East.  But the truth is that many of the regimes that the U.S. government has put in place or is propping up are actively involved in the persecution of Christians.  Whatever religion you belong to, and whatever your political philosophy is, we should all be able to agree that church burnings are evil.  If you cannot agree that there is something wrong with burning churches to the ground then something is wrong. (Read More...)

Does America Deserve What Is Happening In The Gulf Of Mexico?

Before you read this, please be warned that the subject matter of this article is controversial.  It is going to upset a lot of people who read it.  In fact, it is likely to absolutely infuriate a large number of people.  Why?  Well, because it asks some really hard questions.  You see, most Americans prefer to see this nation as a “good” and “moral” country that God has richly blessed.  And there is no denying that God did tremendously bless the United States in the past.  But over the past several decades we have been relentlessly pushing God away as a society.  We have indulged in an orgy of endless greed, we have made lust and sexual gratification a national pastime and we have killed over 40 million babies since abortion was legalized in 1973.  Our families are fractured and our love has grown cold, and yet we continue to borrow mountains of money so that we can go buy things at the store to make ourselves feel better as we pursue “the American Dream”.  The truth is that the United States is not a “good” nation anymore.  In fact, we have become filled with evil and wickedness.  But most Americans seem to think that there will never be any consequences for all of this evil and wickedness.  In fact, most Americans seem to expect God to snap to attention whenever we decide that we need to ask Him to do something for us.  Of course the rest of the time we are more than happy to totally ignore Him.  As the Gulf of Mexico oil spill crisis continues to get worse, many Americans are beginning to wonder where God is in all of this.  Well, is it possible that God has taken His hand of protection off of us due to all of our wickedness?  Is it possible that America could actually deserve what is happening in the Gulf of Mexico right now? (Read More...)

11 Points Of Comparison Between Life In The United States And Life Under Hitler From A Woman Who Has Experienced Both

Have you ever heard of Kitty Werthmann?  She was a child when Adolf Hitler took control of her beloved country of Austria and stripped away their freedoms, and she is now speaking out about the chillingly similar loss of freedoms that we are currently experiencing in the United States.  It is often said that “those who forget history are doomed to repeat it”.  So, perhaps we should listen very carefully to what Kitty Werthmann has to say.  She has been there.  She has lived through it.  The truth is that when you do sit down and compare what happened under the Nazi regime and what is happening in the United States today, the parallels are absolutely shocking.  The American Dream is not guaranteed for us or for our children.  Freedom must be guarded.  If not, it will be taken away.  In fact, our freedoms are already being stripped away at blinding speed, and once they are gone they are incredibly difficult to get back. (Read More...)