“It’s A Trap” – They Are Making Frances Haugen Into A Superstar For A Reason

All of a sudden, Frances Haugen is one of the most famous people in America.  But does she deserve to be?  Of course not.  As you will see below, Haugen is a far left activist that has donated money to Democrats dozens of times.  She is being advised by Obama’s former deputy press secretary, and her political views would place here squarely within the radical fringes of the progressive movement.  But now people all over America are talking about her, and many are regarding her as some sort of a hero. (Read More...)

You Won’t Believe What Facebook Has Banned Now…

If this sort of extreme censorship continues, pretty soon anybody that has anything even remotely important or interesting to say will be completely banned by Facebook.  As you will see below, Facebook has just banned Zero Hedge, and they have also just announced that they will be systematically censoring any content that has “misinformation” about vaccines.  Of course this is just the latest chapter in a relentless campaign by the social media giants to censor alternative sources of information.  Since Donald Trump’s victory in November 2016, the social media crackdown has just gotten worse and worse, and it has gotten to the point where we can now safely say that free speech is dead on the major social media platforms. (Read More...)

The Big Reason Why We Need A Conservative Version Of Facebook And Other Social Media Platforms

Do you remember what television news was like before the Fox News Channel came along?  Everybody pretty much said the same thing, and dissenting opinions on many of the most critical issues were generally not given any air time.  Of course Fox News is definitely still very much tied into the establishment, but at least they started providing a “Republican” point of view which was a stark contrast to the liberal propaganda that we were constantly being force fed by the other networks.  And then the social media era arrived, and suddenly everyone had a voice.  For years, we could say pretty much whatever we wanted on the major platforms, and we were generally left alone.  But then the election of 2016 happened, and since that time the social media giants have been cracking down on conservatives with a vengeance.  Yes, once in a while a liberal voice gets “deplatformed” or “shadowbanned” as well, but the truth is that conservatives have overwhelmingly been the targets of this relentless censorship campaign.  That is why we need to create a conservative version of Facebook and other social media platforms.  But instead of censoring liberal viewpoints, we will allow everyone to exercise the right of free speech, and we will let the “marketplace of ideas” determine which viewpoints ultimately triumph. (Read More...)

15 Quotes About The Duck Dynasty Controversy That Every American Should See

Phil RobertsonWhat is being done to Phil Robertson shows just how far America has fallen.  The thought police are waging an all-out campaign to take down one of the biggest names in the United States, and if they are successful none of us will ever be safe again.  We are becoming a nation that is governed by bullying, intimidation and unwritten speech codes, and if you happen to say the “wrong thing” you could lose everything.  Liberal pundits are gleefully declaring that making statements such as Robertson made “should get you fired from most jobs“.  That means that they believe that unless you conform to their version of morality (or keep your mouth shut forever) you should lose your job.  So are you ready to lose your job for what you believe?  Because that is where we are heading.  In the future, if you do not conform to their politically correct Big Brother speech code, you will be unemployable and you and your entire family will be outcasts from society.  That is why the Duck Dynasty controversy is so important.  This is a “line in the sand” moment, and if the thought police are successful than those that refuse to abandon Biblical morality will soon be forced underground.  Do you really want to live in a country where a large percentage of the population can no longer express what they believe to be right and wrong? (Read More...)

The UN Wants Complete Control Over The Internet And That Would Mean Unprecedented Censorship, Taxes And Surveillance

One of the fastest ways to ruin the Internet would be to put the United Nations in charge of it.  Unfortunately, that is exactly what the United Nations wants.  The United Nations is now pushing very hard for complete control over the Internet. A proposal that has the support of China, Russia, India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia and Iran would give control of the Internet to the UN’s International Telecommunication Union.  This is perhaps the greatest threat to the free and open Internet that we have seen yet.  At a UN conference in Dubai this upcoming December, representatives from 193 nations will debate this proposal.  The United States and many European nations are firmly against this proposal, but it is unclear whether they have the votes to stop it.  Unlike the Security Council, there are no vetoes when it comes to ITU proceedings.  So the United States may not be able to stop governance of the Internet from being handed over to the United Nations.  The United States could opt out of any new treaty, but that would result in a “balkanized” Internet.  If the UN gains control over the Internet, you can expect a whole new era of censorship, taxes, and surveillance.  It would be absolutely catastrophic for the free flow of commerce and information around the globe.  Unfortunately, many repressive regimes are very dissatisfied with how the Internet is currently working and they desperately want to be able to use the power of the UN to tax, regulate and censor the Internet.  Needless to say, that would be a disaster.  International control over the Internet would be a complete and total nightmare and it must be resisted. (Read More...)

ACTA = Global Internet Censorship – Now Even Foreign Governments Will Be Able To Have Your Website Shut Down

Global Internet censorship is here.  SOPA and PIPA have been stopped (at least for now) in the United States, but a treaty known as ACTA (the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) is far worse than either of them.  ACTA was quietly signed by Barack Obama back on October 1st, 2011 and most Americans have never even heard of it.  But it could mean the end of the Internet as we know it.  This new treaty gives foreign governments and copyright owners incredibly broad powers.  If you are alleged to have violated a copyright, your website can be shut down without a trial and police may even show up at your door to take you to prison.  It doesn’t even have to be someone in the United States that is accusing you.  It could just be a foreign government or a copyright owner halfway across the world that alleges that you have violated a copyright.  It doesn’t matter.  So far, the U.S., the EU and seven other nations have signed on to ACTA, and the number of participants is expected to continue to grow.  The “powers that be” are obsessed with getting Internet censorship one way or another.  The open and free Internet that you and I have been enjoying for all these years is about to change, and not for the better. (Read More...)