Did you hear about the outbreak of the new “mystery disease” in Tanzania? What about the alarming new outbreak in Congo? New developments in South Africa are making headlines all over the globe as well. Despite all of our advanced technology, humanity remains extremely vulnerable to outbreaks of disease, and many believe that the COVID pandemic is just the beginning. Fearsome new bugs are constantly being cooked up in labs all over the planet, and it is inevitable that there will be more “accidents” that result in more of these bugs getting released in the future. As we have seen, a single virus can rapidly spread throughout the entire world, and it is just a matter of time before a pandemic comes along that will wipe out tens of millions of people. (Read More...)
Big Brother Is Spying On You In Thousands Of Ways, And All Of That Info Now Goes Into Centralized “Fusion Systems”
Big Brother is watching you. Sadly, most people don’t realize how extensive the surveillance grid has now become. As you drive to work or to school, license plate readers are systematically tracking where you travel. In major cities, thousands of highly advanced security cameras (many equipped with facial recognition technology) are monitoring your every move. If authorities detect that you are doing something suspicious, they can quickly pull up your criminal, financial and medical records. Of course if they want to dig deeper, your phone and your computer are constantly producing a treasure trove of surveillance data. Nothing that you do on either one of them is ever private. (Read More...)
Important Life Lessons That We Can Learn From Tom Brady’s Legendary Career
On Sunday, we are going to watch the greatest quarterback in NFL history play in a Super Bowl one more time. I don’t write a lot about football, and so many of my readers don’t realize that I have been passionately following the NFL ever since I was a little kid. One of my earliest memories is of sitting in front of the television watching the Pittsburgh Steelers play on Sunday afternoon. In those days, it was unthinkable that another football dynasty could possibly surpass what the Steelers of that era had accomplished, but then along came Tom Brady. (Read More...)
The Federal Mask Police Are Coming For You
Even though the number of new COVID cases in the United States has been dropping precipitously, a strict new federal mask mandate is being implemented from coast to coast, and it will be enforced by the TSA and other law enforcement authorities. If you use public transportation without wearing a mask, the “mask police” will find you, and there is a very good chance that you could end up behind bars. If you find this to be offensive, that is too bad, because in “Amerika” you are not permitted to have dissenting views. You will either obey or the cold, hard boot of the government will come down on your neck. (Read More...)
In Order To Have A “Tolerant Society”, The Elite Believe They Must Be Intolerant Of All Dissenting Views
When information becomes a “threat”, even thinking the wrong thing can be dangerous. Over the past several weeks, I have heard the word “misinformation” uttered in the same sentence as “terror” or “terrorists” countless times. In the old days, the “extremists” and the “terrorists” were on the other side of the globe, but now we are being told that they live among us. So how can we identify them? Well, we are being told that “the bad guys” can be identified by what they believe. Those that do not embrace the propaganda that big tech and the corporate media are relentlessly pushing are being systematically “deplatformed”, “canceled” and pushed to the fringes of society. But apparently that is not nearly enough, because the New York Times is now asking for the Biden administration to appoint a “reality czar” that will be given authority to deal with “misinformation” and “extremism”. (Read More...)
H.R. 127: A New Bill In Congress Would Literally End Your 2nd Amendment Rights Permanently
If a new bill that has been introduced in Congress eventually becomes law, the 2nd Amendment will still be in the U.S. Constitution, but for all practical purposes the rights that it is supposed to guarantee will be dead and gone. H.R. 127 was submitted on January 4th, and if you have not read it yet you can find the full text right here. It contains a lot of technical language, and so in this article I am going to try to break down what it means very simply. Now that the Democrats control the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives, there is going to be a major push to ram through some form of gun control legislation. If it is not this bill, it will be another one, so we need to be diligent. (Read More...)
These Are The Shadowy New York Financial Institutions That Forced Robinhood To Restrict Trading In Certain Stocks
Have you ever heard of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation? What about Cede and Company? If those names are foreign to you, then you don’t really understand how the core of our financial system really works. A lot of people are blaming Robinhood CEO Vlad Tenev and the heads of other major trading platforms for the stock trading restrictions that we witnessed last week, but it was actually the DTCC that suddenly jacked up deposit requirements ten-fold. Robinhood and other trading platforms were put in a vise-like grip, and they had no choice but to act. Someone needs to investigate how these decisions were made at the DTCC, and if laws were broken those that were responsible for the decisions need to go to prison. (Read More...)
“If You Are Not Wearing At Least Five Masks, You Are A Killing Machine”
Why only wear one mask when you could be wearing four or five? For months, Americans have passionately debated the merits of wearing a mask in public to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Well, now the focus of the debate has shifted, because some health authorities are telling us that people should be seriously considering wearing more than one mask in public. It turns out that wearing just one mask only provides a limited amount of protection, and we are being told that if you want maximum protection you should be donning multiple masks. (Read More...)