How much shaking is it going to take for most people to wake up? As I write this article, New Zealand continues to be slammed by large earthquake after large earthquake. On the other side of the globe, Iceland has been hit by more than 18,000 earthquakes in the past week, and authorities are warning that two volcanoes in a “densely populated” region of the country could erupt at literally any moment. On Wednesday, I wrote that “we are moving into a time when I believe that the changes that are happening to our planet will accelerate dramatically”. That was before an area off the New Zealand coast was shaken by a magnitude 7.3 earthquake, a magnitude 7.4 earthquake and a magnitude 8.1 earthquake on Thursday. Following the magnitude 8.1 earthquake, there have been 33 aftershocks of at least magnitude 5.0. Of course by the time you read this article that number will inevitably be even higher. (Read More...)
Could Mt. Hood Be The First Volcano To Erupt On The West Coast?
It is just a matter of time before one of the big volcanoes on the west coast erupts again. For years, I have been warning about Mt. Rainier, and I will continue to sound the alarm about it. When it finally goes, the death and destruction it causes could be off the charts. Of course there are other volcanoes along the west coast that we need to be watching as well. Although it doesn’t receive as much attention as Mt. Rainier, some experts are becoming concerned that Mt. Hood could soon erupt. On Monday, dozens of earthquakes shook the volcano for 45 minutes, and the USGS is trying to calm the frayed nerves of nearby residents… (Read More...)
A Highly Resistant New COVID Variant That Originated In Brazil Is Being Compared To “An Atomic Bomb”
Global health authorities had been hoping that 2021 would be the year when the COVID pandemic was brought under control, but COVID just keeps mutating over and over again. I have written articles about other new COVID variants in the past, but now scientists are warning us that a highly resistant new variant in Brazil could be the most dangerous one of all. In fact, down in Brazil it is being compared to “an atomic bomb”. This new variant is known as “P.1”, and according to a new study that was just released it is “between 1.4 and 2.2 times more transmissible than other variants”. But that isn’t why this variant is considered to be so dangerous. What is really alarming experts is the fact that tests have shown that P.1 is “able to evade 25-61 percent of protective immunity elicited by previous infection”. If those that are supposed to have built up immunity against COVID are not protected, that could potentially render all existing vaccines useless against this new strain. (Read More...)
Are The Recent UFO Disclosures Setting Us Up For A Mass Deception Of Epic Proportions?
Have you noticed that UFO sightings have been in the news a lot lately? Even in the midst of all the other big events that are happening, evidence of mysterious objects flying through our skies continues to make headlines. In particular, what one American Airlines pilot says that he saw is really shaking a lot of people up. According to a radio transmission that was intercepted from American Airlines Flight 2292, a pilot claims that he witnessed “a long cylindrical object that almost looked like a cruise missile type of thing” fly at very high speed right over the top of his aircraft… (Read More...)
All Of A Sudden, There Is A Tremendous Amount Of Political Chatter About Creating A Palestinian State In The Middle East
For decades, U.S. presidents have dreamed of being able to bring “peace” to the Middle East by brokering a comprehensive peace deal that includes a “two-state solution”, but up to this point nobody has been able to pull off that seemingly impossible goal. Over the years, just getting the Israelis and Palestinians to sit down together at the same negotiating table has proven to be extremely challenging, and there were no direct talks of any substance at all during Trump’s four years in the White House. But now Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian leaders both seem open to negotiations, and the Biden administration has made it exceedingly clear that there will be a major push for a “two-state solution” in the near future. This is extremely troubling, because it would be a colossal error for the U.S. to broker a deal that would lead to the establishment of a Palestinian state in the Middle East. (Read More...)
American Culture Has Fundamentally Changed Over The Past Several Decades
For as long as I have been alive, there has been an epic struggle for control over America’s values. It has been referred to as “the culture war”, and it is often framed in political terms, but the truth is that it runs much deeper than that. Literally every moment of every day, forces on both sides are engaged in a relentless battle for your mind. Virtually everything you watch on television, listen to on the radio and look at on the Internet is designed to shape how you view the world. Our education system, our largest corporations and politicians in both major parties are also used as tools in the culture war. Both sides would like to achieve victory, but as you will see below, only one side has been making significant progress. (Read More...)
A New Highly Resistant COVID Variant Has Emerged In California, And It Could Make This Plague Far Worse
Just when it seemed like the COVID pandemic may be subsiding, a new COVID strain has emerged in California that has the potential to change everything. According to tests conducted by Dr. Charles Chiu and his team, this new strain appears to result in more severe illness, and it also appears to result in more people dying from the virus. Even more troubling, Chiu’s team discovered that there is “a two- to four-fold reduction in the ability of antibodies to fend off the variant virus”. In other words, those that have already been vaccinated may or may not have protection against this new variant. When Californians start to figure out that the vaccines that they have been taking may not even be effective against the strain that is rapidly becoming dominant in their state, a lot of them won’t be happy. (Read More...)
Science Proves That Time Is Running Out For Humanity…
Even if we weren’t facing an apocalyptic future of our own making, humanity would still be doomed due to the nightmarish reproductive crisis that we are now facing. Just about every measure of human fertility that you can measure is dropping precipitously, and this is particularly true in the western world. As a result, we have vast numbers of young adults that are either infertile or that deeply struggle with fertility issues, and the number of babies born with birth defects has been soaring. It gets worse with each passing year, and the future for humanity is exceedingly bleak unless we find a way to turn things around. (Read More...)