A mysterious disease that produces “flu-like” symptoms and that is killing a very high percentage of those that it infects has suddenly appeared in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and scientists have no idea what it is. So far, this mystery disease does not appear to be related to H5N1, monkeypox, Ebola, the Marburg virus or any of the other deadly bugs that are currently spreading around the globe. Perhaps after more testing is done, scientists will discover that there is a very simple explanation after all. And let us hope that this new outbreak turns out to be fairly insignificant in the grand scheme of things. But in Matthew 24, Jesus did warn us that there would be multiple “pestilences” in the days just before His return. So when a new disease suddenly appears and starts killing lots of people, it is worth keeping an eye on. (Read More...)
Mysterious “Skyquakes” Are Causing Strange “Booms” In The Sky, And Scientists Have No Explanation
What is causing the extremely loud “booms” that people are hearing in the sky all over the world? We are being told that “skyquakes” are responsible, but scientists have no idea why these “skyquakes” are occurring. In some cases, the “skyquakes” cause such powerful shaking that people actually think that something has hit their homes. But when scientists check, there has often been no detectable seismic activity in the area. This is a huge mystery, and hopefully the experts can get us some answers because this phenomenon appears to be intensifying. (Read More...)
World War III Is Heating Up On Several Fronts, But Most Americans Have No Idea…
In recent months, quite a few pundits have been openly warning us that World War III has begun. Sadly, those pundits are quite correct. Right now, a historic global struggle is being waged by two very powerful alliances. The “western alliance” made up of the United States, Europe, Israel and their allies is engaged in a battle for supremacy with the “eastern alliance” made up of Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Syria and their allies. Over the past week, this battle for supremacy has erupted on a couple of new fronts, but most Americans have no idea what is really going on. (Read More...)
This Crime Wave Is Really Starting To Get Out Of Hand
This didn’t happen by accident. The horrifying crime wave that we are experiencing right now is the result of the deliberate policies of our leaders. Over the past four years, millions of people have been allowed to come pouring into this country through our wide open borders. Unfortunately, even gang members and individuals that had previously been convicted of committing very serious crimes were allowed to come in without being properly screened. Now crime is completely and utterly out of control in many areas of the country, and it certainly isn’t going to be easy to clean this mess up. (Read More...)
Russian Forces Are Gobbling Up Territory In Ukraine At A Rapid Pace, And So The Western Elite Have Decided To Gamble With All Of Our Lives…
If the trajectory of the war in Ukraine remains the same, Russia will win. The only way that Ukraine could win would be for NATO to get directly involved in the conflict, and we are dangerously close to seeing that happen. If Ukraine keeps firing long-range missiles provided by NATO into Russian territory, the Russian responses to those missile strikes will keep getting more intense. Eventually, the Russians may do something so dramatic that it would give NATO justification to enter the war, and that is precisely what many among the western elite want. But of course a direct conflict with Russia could spark a nuclear war that would kill hundreds of millions of people. So by choosing to greatly escalate the war in Ukraine, the western elite are literally gambling with all of our lives. (Read More...)
Western Powers Are Talking About Sending Troops And Nukes To Ukraine
Anyone that thinks that it is going to be easy to end the war in Ukraine is just being delusional. The Russians do not want to end the war right now because they are winning and they don’t want to stop until they have achieved their goals. The Ukrainian leadership in Kyiv does not want to end the war right now because it is their golden goose. Giant mountains of money have been flowing into the country, but once the war ends the endless flow of cash will stop. Politicians all over western Europe don’t want the war to end either, because they have become absolutely obsessed with defeating Russia. In fact, the UK and France are so determined to keep the war going that they are actually talking about sending troops to Ukraine… (Read More...)
The Truth About Apophis
On April 13th, 2029 an absolutely gigantic asteroid known as “Apophis” will come very close to our planet. In fact, we are being told that Apophis will actually be ten times closer than the Moon as it zips past the Earth. The good news is that scientists are assuring us that there is zero chance that this enormous space rock will hit us. The bad news is that we cannot see Apophis right now, and if there is even the slightest change in the projected trajectory it could end up slamming into our planet. Needless to say, if Apophis actually hits us it would be an absolutely cataclysmic disaster. (Read More...)
We Are The Book Of Revelation Generation
What is it going to take for people to finally start waking up? Warheads are literally raining out of the sky. The Russians essentially simulated what a nuclear attack on Ukraine’s fourth largest city would look like, and yet most people don’t seem too alarmed. The Russians only used conventional warheads, but they are clearly warning us that next time things could be very different. Meanwhile, we could see a massive escalation in the Middle East at any moment. Jesus specifically warned us that the days just before His return would be a time of “wars and rumors of wars”, and if you haven’t figured out that we are living in a time of “wars and rumors of wars” by now, I don’t know what to say. (Read More...)