Have We Now Become A Completely Lawless Nation?

This is what can happen when you allow the inmates to run the asylum.  The “crazies” are in charge now, and this has resulted in utter chaos all over the country.  From the very top to the very bottom, we are rapidly becoming a completely lawless nation.  Just look at Joe Biden.  He was just caught on video blatantly breaking D.C.’s very strict mask mandate.  When White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked about this, she told the press to “not overly focus on moments in time”.  What does that even mean?  Apparently we aren’t supposed to care when Biden breaks the law, and for the record that has happened on numerous occasions in recent months.  But I suppose that it is appropriate that we have a lawless president, because our entire nation is now descending into lawlessness. (Read More...)

They Insist Everything Will Be Fine As We Face Shortages Of Chicken, Coffee, Diapers, Fish Sticks, Frozen Meals, Carbonated Drinks, Etc.

Officials in Washington continue to assure us that we don’t have anything to be concerned about, but meanwhile the shelves just continue to get even emptier.  On Friday, #BareShelvesBiden was the number one trending topic on Twitter, and I am sure that the Biden administration must have been thrilled by that.  Biden insists that he and his team are on top of things, but so far nothing that they have done has worked.  In fact, this crisis just seems to keep getting worse and worse.  And because we are facing such a “hydra of bottlenecks”, there aren’t going to be any easy solutions… (Read More...)

We Are On The Verge Of Seeing Widespread Institutional Breakdowns Throughout Our Society On A Massive Scale

As a country, we have never been through anything like this before.  In the months ahead, millions upon millions of highly qualified people are going to be forced out of their jobs because of federal, state and local mandates that will soon be implemented.  If you think that this is a good idea, you are crazy.  How will you feel if there is a fire in your neighborhood and your home burns down because there weren’t enough firefighters?  Or how about if you have a heart attack but you have to wait three hours for an ambulance because there aren’t enough first responders?  Those are just two examples of the nightmares that communities all over America will soon be facing as we witness widespread institutional breakdowns on a massive scale.  Many had been hoping that politicians would start backing down once they realized the implications of what they were doing, but that hasn’t happened.  So in the middle of the most epic worker shortage in U.S. history we are about to see millions upon millions of dedicated American workers be ruthlessly terminated.  What our politicians are doing is morally wrong, and it is going to be absolutely disastrous. (Read More...)

An Epic Struggle For Freedom Is Quietly Happening All Across America

In very large numbers, Americans all over the country have chosen to quietly taking a stand at this critical moment in our history.  Rather than comply with tyrannical unconstitutional mandates, they are peacefully showing the entire nation what is going to happen when they are all forced out of their jobs in the not too distant future.  For example, the brave men and women that work for Southwest Airlines that have chosen to call in “sick” in recent days should be greatly applauded.  They have been willing to put their careers on the line to fight for all of our freedoms.  Of course Southwest Airlines is still trying to blame “bad weather” and “air traffic control issues” for the hundreds of canceled flights(Read More...)

The “Year Ending In 1” Curse

What I am going to share with you today is very strange.  Just recently, a friend of mine named “Ben” suggested that I do some research on years ending in the number one.  So I started to do some digging, and I just kept finding more stuff.  In particular, there appears to be a pattern of great tragedies that keeps repeating every 20 years.  I don’t know what it means, but it sure is odd.  I will share what I have found, and you can decide for yourself what to make of it. (Read More...)

The Time To “Get Prepared” Is Almost Over

What I am going to share with you in this article is extraordinarily alarming, but I want my readers to clearly understand what time it is.  It is human nature to procrastinate, and when we aren’t faced with a fixed deadline there is a tendency to assume that there is always “more time” to get something done.  Over the years, I have begged and pleaded with my readers to get prepared, and some took that advice but many others didn’t.  Now I am getting emails from readers that are deeply alarmed by all of the craziness that is erupting all around us, and all of a sudden they want to play catch up.  I am glad that they are starting to wake up, but there is only so much that can be done in a limited amount of time, and in this environment it has become much more difficult to get your hands on certain things. (Read More...)

“It’s A Trap” – They Are Making Frances Haugen Into A Superstar For A Reason

All of a sudden, Frances Haugen is one of the most famous people in America.  But does she deserve to be?  Of course not.  As you will see below, Haugen is a far left activist that has donated money to Democrats dozens of times.  She is being advised by Obama’s former deputy press secretary, and her political views would place here squarely within the radical fringes of the progressive movement.  But now people all over America are talking about her, and many are regarding her as some sort of a hero. (Read More...)

Now That You Have Survived The Facebook “Mini Apocalypse”, Are You Ready For A Real One?

Where were you when Facebook and Instagram went down for six hours?  For many Internet addicts, the trauma of the “mini apocalypse” that Facebook and Instagram experienced on Monday will linger for quite some time to come.  Millions of users suddenly cried out in terror when they tried to log into their accounts and the sites were seemingly gone.  Before too long, the entire world was in an uproar and everyone wanted to know when Facebook and Instagram would finally be restored.  Of course Twitter was still up, and so hordes of social media denizens quickly rushed over there to share what they were feeling(Read More...)