Many have talked about “the next pandemic” in theoretical terms, but could it be possible that it is already here? The mainstream media in the United States is not talking about the outbreak of a very alarming “mystery disease” in India yet, but if it continues to spread they soon will be. Dozens are already dead, and the death toll just continues to rise. Top health authorities in India are insisting that there is no reason to panic, but that is what Chinese authorities told us at the beginning of the COVID pandemic too. There is still so much that we don’t know about this outbreak, but in this article I am going to share with you what I have been able to find out so far. (Read More...)
7 Examples That Show How Completely And Utterly Insane Our Society Has Become
Reading the news has become like going to a freak show. You never know what you are going to see each day, but it is almost certainly going to be nutty. Some of the things that I am going to share with you in this article are weird, others are infuriating, but they all point to the same conclusion. From the very top to the very bottom, America is going crazy. And I mean that in the worst way possible. We truly have become an “idiocracy”, and it seems like those that are the most incompetent of all are often rewarded by being elevated to the top of the food chain. Meanwhile, those of us that still try to approach things rationally are increasingly being pushed to the fringes of society. (Read More...)
An Ominous Sign? Exactly 16 Years Later, A Hurricane That Is Similar To Katrina Threatens To Devastate New Orleans
Is history about to repeat itself? As I write this article, it is being projected that Hurricane Ida could hit New Orleans on Sunday, and that would be exactly 16 years to the day from when Hurricane Katrina absolutely devastated the city in 2005. The levees that were supposed to protect New Orleans spectacularly failed, and almost 2,000 people were killed. It has been estimated that 125 billion dollars in damage was caused by Katrina, and to this day it remains one of the most costly natural disasters in U.S. history. Now Hurricane Ida is coming, and meteorologists are extremely concerned about this storm. (Read More...)
We Are Facing The Worst Water Crisis In U.S. History As Thousands Of Wells In The Southwest Go Dry
We all knew that this day was coming eventually. At first dropping water levels in the Southwest were an annoyance, then they became a problem, and now they have become a crisis. In fact, as you will see below, we are now potentially facing the worst water crisis in all of U.S. history if current trends continue. For years, I have been warning that Dust Bowl conditions would return to the western half of the country, and now it has happened. And for years, I have been warning of a looming water crisis, and now it is materializing right in front of our eyes. Unfortunately, what we have experienced so far is just the tip of the iceberg because this crisis is still only in the very early chapters. (Read More...)
Did They Just Admit That There Is A Major Crisis Happening Inside Our Planet?
This is what can happen when someone says the quiet part out loud. A new study that has just been released is creating quite a bit of controversy, because it calls into question some of the most important scientific narratives that are being pushed all over the world today. No matter what the numbers say, scientists are always supposed to attribute any changes to our planet to the “horrors” of man-made global warming. The global elite have worked very hard to get hundreds of millions of people around the globe to buy into this story, and so much of their political agenda hinges on it. So under no circumstance is any scientist ever supposed to suggest that what is going on under our feet could be the real root cause of our environmental problems. (Read More...)
Under The Taliban, Christians In Afghanistan Are Facing A Future Of Sex Slavery, Forced Conversion And Brutal Persecution
At this hour, Christian families in Afghanistan are hiding in their homes waiting for the inevitable knock on the door. The Taliban is trying very hard to convince the rest of the world that they have become more moderate over the last two decades, but the reports that are coming in from those on the ground tell a completely different story. Large numbers of women are being rounded up to be used as sex slaves, non-Muslims are being forced to go to their local mosques for prayer five times a day, and those that refuse potentially face instant death. It was the most radical Islamic regime on the entire planet when they ruled Afghanistan two decades ago, and it is becoming exceedingly clear that they have not changed their ways at all. (Read More...)
They Have Come Up With Some Ominous New Definitions For What Constitutes “Domestic Terrorism”
Are you a potential domestic terrorist? You may not think so, but the Department of Homeland Security may see things quite differently. A brand new terrorism advisory has just been issued, and some of the things that it identifies as “potential terror threats” should chill us to the core. You see, the truth is that the definition of a “terrorist” is constantly evolving. In the old days, a Middle Eastern male that dresses in traditional Islamic attire, that grows opium in his field and that carries around an AK-47 would have been considered a “potential terrorist” by U.S. authorities. But now we have lost the war in Afghanistan and the Taliban are partying like it is 1999 in the presidential palace in Kabul. As a result, our spooks need a new group of “potential terrorists” to send to Guantanamo Bay, and so they are setting their sights on you. (Read More...)
A Bill Has Been Introduced In Congress That Would Ban Tens Of Millions Of Americans From Flying
Before this pandemic, it would have been unimaginable for Congress to consider a bill that would ban tens of millions of Americans from flying. But now everything has changed. A new bill has been introduced that would specifically ban all unvaccinated individuals from ever flying again. When I first heard about this, I thought that it couldn’t possibly be true. But it is true. The following comes from the description of H.R. 4980 that has been posted on… (Read More...)